
Actually, part of Jinggu belongs to Feng family.

Feng to think like this, pour again raised eyebrow, "since this, that I pour also can go to Crystal Valley to have a look."

Taking other people's remuneration to do things for others is totally different from doing things for one's own family.

Listen to the Phoenix to should come down, situ Yue and cloud leisurely are relieved.

God knows that Jinggu is the most important place of the situ family, and it is also the foundation of the situ family's foothold among the top ten families. If the loss in the Jinggu can't be controlled, the production of kongyaojing will be affected. Even if the Tang family is not mentioned, the situ family will definitely be defeated a little bit soon.

Such a result is also unacceptable to the situ family.

Fortunately, Feng should have come down.

Although the feeling of the situ family for Fengzhi is very complicated, it has to be said that they also have a kind of mysterious trust in Fengzhi's ability. Since Fengzhi became famous on the Xuanwu continent, he has never failed in anything he has done?

The people of the situ family also believe that there will be no exception this time.

Si Tu Yue and Yun leisurely followed, and they invited Feng Zhi three people to situ's house.

Although the heart is very anxious, but two people must also show a not anxious not impatient appearance, Feng to see all feel uncomfortable for them, it is really hard for them.


Will Fengzhi remind them?

Of course not.

How can we have enough time to see the good plays of these people who can be said to be enemies?

So Fengzhi slowed down her speed on the way. She looked here and there from time to time. Even when she met a beautiful wild flower, she had to stop and ask questions. She almost didn't let situ Yue and Yun leisurely feel anxious and eager to carry Feng to situ's house.

And Longyan and Fenglai

They looked at each other and saw a smile in each other's eyes.

Anyway, if Feng is happy, let her play more.

Then they followed Feng Zhi silently. No matter what Feng Zhi did, they would only say "good".

In this case, Feng to a line of speed is almost slow to snail.

It's only forty or fifty miles away, but under the deliberate dallying of Fengzhi, there is no situation of mediocrity among the people. It's a long time to go!

The snail can climb to it, OK?

The people of the situ family didn't feel it at first. Later, they also found out that Fengzhi was deliberately torturing them. They all hated their teeth itching.


What can they do?

Of course, it's a good choice to serve Feng all the way!

I have to say, this is really helpless.

Finally, when it was dark, Feng Zhi and his party finally arrived at the ancestral house of the situ family.

In fact, all the people of the situ family have been waiting in the ancestral house for a long time. At first, they received a letter, and they talked about Fengzhi. They wanted to help Fengzhi. They had to coax Fengzhi into a good mood. So most of them gathered at the door, thinking that when Fengzhi arrived, they would like to express their welcome to her.

How can you think that from noon to afternoon and then to evening, these people's legs are numb, and they have not seen the figure of Feng Zhi and his line.

If it wasn't for Jinggu, it was too important for the situ family. I'm afraid these people would have scolded their mother.

It was at this time that Fengzhi arrived at situ's house.

After walking for a long time, Feng is in a very good mood, so she has a bright smile.

"Hello, everyone of the situ family."

She also danced to say hello to the people of situ's family.

After spending most of the day on the road, Feng to the middle received a letter from the disciples of the five elements sect who had been sent here to guard the desert, and then carefully instructed the work of those people.


The disciples of the five element sect all went back and forth, but Fengzhi didn't even finish the journey of forty or fifty Li.

If you think about it, you can really understand why the people of the situ family hate their teeth itching.

However, no matter how much they hate it, when Fengzhi greets people with such a smile, they still have to put away all their resentment and greet Feng Zhi with a sincere smile.

Feng is more happy to laugh.

Or that sentence, she likes to see others clearly hate her teeth itching, but she can not help small appearance.

Looking at all the people in situ's family one by one, Feng found that there were no situ Hao and Murong Yan in the crowd at the first time, so she was a little surprised and said, "well, why are you not here, young master situ and miss Murong are not here? One carelessness in the daytime makes them suffer some small injuries. I was thinking about seeing them again and how to remedy them I don't think they're not here this time, are you angry with meFeng to say words, eyes still some sad.

Situ Yue's mouth couldn't help but draw.

After more than half a day's hard work, situ Yue also had some understanding of Fengzhi's wilting. He was afraid that if situ Yue and murongyan didn't show up, Feng Zhi would pick out some thorns. He even said, "if Miss Fengzhi is there, Hao'er and Yan'er are temporarily sent to carry out a task. If they are there, they will not deliberately hide from Miss Fengzhi."

Feng nodded at ease.

"That's the case. I also thought about how to remedy the displeasure caused by master situ and miss Murong. Since there is no such thing, it would be better."

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, situ Yue and Yun leisurely are relieved.

They don't want any more twists and turns in this, all right?

The party then quickly invited the three people to the room, "Miss Fengzhi, master Longyan, master Fenglai, please come inside..."

When we get into the house, we have to let Feng Zhi three eat something, right?

Where do you want to ask the horse to run and not feed the horse?

The meal was delayed for another two hours.

When the meal was finished, the people of situ's family who accompanied them felt that it was more tiring than fighting with the strongest enemy. It was the body who was tired to fight with others, and the heart was tired to accompany Fengzhi's side!

Even situ Yue and Yun leiran couldn't hold on at this time.

Finally, when Fengzhi cleaned up the last grain of rice in the bowl, situ Yue tried to say, "Miss Fengzhi, the matter of Jinggu..."

As for Feng, she looked up in surprise, "eh, it's so late. Are you even unwilling to let us have a night's rest?"

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