The people of the situ family were almost vomiting blood.


In the end, they could only swallow the blood they were about to spit out.

With a stiff face, situ said with a forced smile, "of course, it's because I can't serve you well. The rooms of the three of you are already ready. Please have a good rest for Miss Fengzhi..."

Feng just nodded, "I'll tell you, the people of the situ family don't know how to behave."

If the people of the situ family also know what the word "ha ha" means, they will all return to Feng to "ha ha".

Feng Zhi didn't care what these people in situ thought. She came as comfortable as she could. After that, she took Long Yan and Feng together and went back to the room that situ's family had prepared for them for a good night's rest.

The next morning, someone from the situ family came to inquire.

"How did miss Fengzhi have a rest last night? The owner has already ordered people to prepare food for the three. How about having them brought up now?"

Feng to a face of righteousness, "eat what is a small matter, be entrusted to loyal people, of course, is to go to the Crystal Valley to have a look!"

The man who had spoken before was almost kneeling to Feng.

If so, who was the person who had been troubling the situ family for a long time yesterday?

Although he thought so, since Feng Zhi wanted to go to the Crystal Valley to have a look, the people of situ's family certainly agreed with both hands and feet.

So, the man went to report to situ Yue and Yun Youran.

The two men came quickly.

However, no matter how anxious they were in their hearts, situ Yue and Yun Youran learned from yesterday's lesson, and they still looked after Feng Zhi and asked them to use their breakfast again and again. Then they led them to Jinggu.

Jinggu is a secret place, which is equivalent to an independent space. The gate of this space is in the hands of the situ family. Therefore, only the people of the situ family can enter the Crystal Valley since Jinggu came into being.

Because of the importance of Jinggu to the situ family, the entrance of Jinggu was put into the most important ancestral hall of situ family.

There are not only experts guarding the ancestral hall every day, but also only the senior officials of the situ family can be qualified to enter the ancestral hall, which ensures to the maximum extent that no irrelevant personnel will enter the Crystal Valley.

If it was not for the accident in the Crystal Valley, the situ family would never let a few outsiders into the Crystal Valley.

With Sima Yue and Yun leisurely, they entered situ's ancestral hall smoothly.

When the gate of the ancestral hall was opened, the ancestors of the situ family were worshipped.

Then, situ Yue gently pressed on the wall, and a door suddenly appeared on the right side of the ancestral hall. After entering the secret room, Fengzhi saw a group of light with the power of space in the middle of the chamber.

There is no doubt that this is the gateway to Crystal Valley.

Situ Yue sent the three people here, "Miss Fengzhi, the people of our situ family in Jinggu have also been in for many times, but they can only find that the empty Yao crystal seems to have been swallowed up by some unknown thing, and there is nothing else. So we will not go in this time, and please Miss Fengzhi to pay more attention..."

He can hardly be too sincere.

Feng Zhi waved to situ Yue, "since I have all come here, I will try my best."

Then, holding the Dragon Yan in one hand and the Phoenix in the other, they stepped into the group of light.

At first, they were covered by a heavy white fog. After about two or three breaths, the fog seemed to dissipate suddenly. As soon as Feng Zhi's eyes lit up, they came to a valley where people could not see the boundary.

It's a valley, but it's actually a mountain range.

However, compared with ordinary mountains, the Crystal Valley is a little different. All the mountains in the mountain range can see some bright light. If there is sunlight, the whole mountain range will reflect brilliant light.


Is the Crystal Valley has always produced empty Yao crystal.

Feng to see such a scene, the heart is also slightly surprised.

It's no wonder that the situ family, after only a few hundred years of hard work, has been squeezed into the top ten families from an unknown family, and has almost monopolized the Kongyuan crystal in the Xuanwu continent. Only by looking at the scale of the Crystal Valley, even if the situ family makes every effort to mine the Crystal Valley every year, it will not be possible to mine all the Kongyuan crystals in the Crystal Valley.

In the thousands of years, it is hard to imagine how far the situ family would develop through Jinggu.

Feng to the heart and then move.

She thought of those Kongyuan crystals she got in fenghuazong.

Kongyuan crystal is also mined from the vein of Kongyuan crystal, but because Kongyuan crystal is too precious, even hundreds of Kongyuan crystal veins can not produce a piece of Kongyuan crystal.I don't know

Is there any kongyao crystal in the Crystal Valley of situ family?

In fact, the reason why Fengzhi is so happy He agreed to situ Yue's request and came to the Crystal Valley to have a look. He also had the mind to find kongyao crystal in the Crystal Valley.

After all, Crystal Valley is the place where the most kongyao crystals are produced in the Xuanwu continent. If there is really kongyao crystal to be produced, there is obviously a greater possibility in this Crystal Valley.

Therefore, after entering the Crystal Valley, Fengzhi did not explore what happened in the Crystal Valley at first, but without any scruples, put out his divine sense and extended it to all the surrounding kongyao crystal veins.

One meter Ten meters Kilometers

Feng Zhi's divinity strength is no less than that of Mahayana's practitioners. She has no scruples to open up her divine consciousness and look for something. No matter how hidden it is, it is impossible to conceal her divine consciousness.

So, did not use ten breath time, Feng to found what she wanted.

Kongyao crystal!

Feng to open eyes, eyes bright.

She first grasped the hand of Long Yan, "Long Yan, there are empty Yao crystals in it, and there are many!"

Then he turned to Feng to explain, "kongyao crystal is a very magical thing. If used well, it can have the magical effect of crossing space. The reason why Long Yan and I can return from the virtual spirit state to the Xuanwu continent is the contribution of kongyao crystal!"

When Long Yan and Feng came to see Feng Zhi's money fan, they couldn't help laughing.

After that, Fengzhi followed the mark left by her previous divinity, led Longyan and Fenglai to pursue the place where kongyao crystal was.

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