In this regard, Feng Zhihui said "ha ha".

She made up her mind and didn't know what kind of fun it was.


Even God can't change her determination. Those people from donglaizong, if they don't go to the Xuanwu land, it's OK. If they have to refuse, Fengzhi will definitely try her best to beat those people back!

This is Fengzhi's determination.

With such determination, Feng to also did not see the "warning" of the old God in the eyes.

In addition to breaking through the great realm of robbery, she will have some fear of thunder robbery from heaven. At other times, where does she care about God?

If she really thinks about God, how can she come to this day?

Thinking of these, Feng to the heart is more enlightened.

It's a good thing for her, too.

The cultivation of truth is not only about the body, but also the heart.

Only the continuous improvement of mood can support her strength.

This inexplicably had these gains, Fengzhi of course is also some happy.

Because she was happy in her heart, Feng Zhi's attitude was better when she saw the people of the situ family again.

Fengzhi's attitude improved, but the people who called situ's family were flattered. They couldn't help it. Who called Fengzhi was too cold at ordinary times. If she didn't care about her, she didn't want her good attitude.

Don't say it's a good attitude. Don't be caught by her. It's a good thing to be cynical about life.

After the people of the situ family came out from Fengzhi, they immediately went into the Crystal Valley to explore.

Of course, the result of the exploration is good. The unknown ghost in the Crystal Valley which was swallowing the empty Yao crystal in the Crystal Valley several days ago has indeed disappeared after Fengzhi and others came out.

There is no need to say how important Jinggu is to the people of the situ family. Therefore, in the face of Fengzhi, who solved the crisis of Jinggu for the situ family, the situ family did not have any stinginess as they said. They took out the good things of the situ family and sent them to Fengzhi.

Look at that

It seems that Fengzhi was offered up as the Empress Dowager.

Without any hesitation, Feng collected the benefits from the situ family.

It's not that she took advantage of the situ family, but that she solved their urgent problems for them. What's the matter with taking advantage of them?

After receiving the benefits, Fengzhi didn't stay in situ's house much, so he took Long Yan and Feng to leave the house together.

With a general understanding of the future disaster, Feng Zhisu will go back to plan again.

She didn't have so much time to delay.

First, I went back to the secret place I found earlier. Then I asked some disciples of the five element sect to guard here. The three Fengzhi went back to the five element sect.

In Fengzhi's plan, if she wants to confront the enemies from donglaizong, the first thing she should do is to develop the wuxingzong.

How to develop?

The first is, of course, to recruit more disciples.

In the past, Fengzhi didn't mean to accept more disciples at all. She thought that she would have a long time to go. There were already some disciples from Fengyun sect in the five element sect, so there was no need to rush for them for a while.


Now that the enemy is already thinking about how to attack her, if she still has such a mind, she will not be able to do so.

Mirage was killed by her, which would certainly slow down the invasion of donglaizong into the basaltic continent.

After all, it is extremely difficult to travel through space, even for the cultivation of great powers. Not everyone has the talent of mirage, nor does everyone have the means to fly to the immortal.

Without mirage, donglaizong had to spend more time trying to get through the two spaces.

This also gives Feng Zhi more time to carry out her plan.


After returning to wuxingzong, Fengzhi was stopped by Fenglai before she could do anything.

"Fengzhi." Feng came to see Feng Zhi and said in a deep voice, "the fire cloud state you mentioned last time I want to have a try. "

Feng to slightly a meal.

The fire cloud realm is indeed an excellent place for people who practice fire skills. As long as you can stay in it, you can definitely get more than you can imagine.

However, in direct proportion to the harvest, it is the danger level in the fire cloud environment.

In the classics of the five element sect, there are not few people in the former five element sect who go to the fire cloud realm to practice, and the final result is always a life of death.

Because of this, Fengzhi didn't want Feng to take such risks.

During this period of time when he was out, Fenglai never mentioned fire cloud state to Fengzhi. Fengzhi thought that Fenglai had forgotten, but he didn't think he had forgotten. He was waiting for Fengzhi here.Feng is in a bit of a dilemma.

Of course, she would like to see Fenglai improve her strength as much as possible. After all, it is not clear how many years later, the basaltic mainland will usher in such a catastrophe. With stronger strength, she can more likely protect herself.


To let Feng come into such a dangerous fire cloud, Fengzhi really can't make up her mind.

Seeing Feng Zhi hesitating, Feng Lai looked at Feng Zhi seriously. "Feng Zhi, you know, even if you can protect me for a while, you can't protect me all my life. Why don't you let me go and make a breakthrough?"

The Phoenix was silent.

Feng Lai's eyes softened. "Fengzhi, for so many years, although I have never said it, you should know that you are the greatest pride in my heart, and you are also the target I have been trying to catch up with for so many years. What I want most is to stand with you and fight shoulder to shoulder, not to be protected by you and protected by my sister like a weak one However, that kind of feeling is very kind, but it also makes me feel that it is my brother who is useless... "

Feng to hear some sour heart.

"Fengzhi, how you have come all the way, most of which I have seen in my eyes. It can be said that there is no fluke in your success. All your strength is also the result of your unyielding faith and even your life!" Feng came to the eyes flashing light, "you can be cruel to their own heart, how come to us here, can't make up your mind?"

Feng came to finish speaking, then only looked at Feng to smile.

Feng to have to admit that she was really moved by Feng.

Probably because she has always been very strong, so for those who are cherished in her heart, Fengzhi's first reaction is to protect them and not to let them suffer any harm.

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