
As Feng Lai said, even if she can protect them for a while, how can she protect them for the whole life?

They are brothers and sisters, but they are also the most important relatives of each other, but they will also have their own lives and their own future. Their road still has to be walked by themselves step by step.

Feng even thought of this, but suddenly looked up at Feng. "If you hadn't been with us all this time, I would have thought that if you had a girl you like, I would have thought you would have jumped away..."

A few words said Feng to some of the crying and laughing.

Feng finally relaxed.

She said, "Fenglai, since you have made up your mind, then I will not stop you. You are right. If you stop because you are worried about the danger, then I don't need to practice Buddhism any more, and you don't have to practice martial arts any more..."

Strength has never been easy to get.

This truth, Feng Zhi is actually no more clear, she used to be such a step-by-step step step by step to come to the danger.

She's just, subconsciously, trying to protect the people she cares about.

Although he had already relaxed his mouth, Feng Zhi still took Feng and emphasized the situation in huoyun state with Feng Lai one by one Huoyun realm is a pure world of fire. The high temperature in it is very intolerable. If it is not for those who practice fire skills, it is absolutely impossible for them to survive for more than one day. Even if they practice fire skills, they need to run the skills all the time in order to resist the extremely high temperature inside... "

This is why Feng Zhi didn't want to call Feng in before.

"However, although huoyun is dangerous, there are also good things to produce. In the places with the highest temperature, there is a kind of peculiar fruit named" huoyunzi ". This kind of fruit seems to be bred by fire. It contains abundant and pure aura, which can be easily absorbed by people who practice fire skills to enhance themselves The strength of... "

The fire cloud, in fact, is very similar to the spirit stone to some extent.

However, there is no other aura in the spirit stone. No matter what kind of skill you practice, you can absorb it, but only those who practice fire skill can absorb it.

Feng Lai has no spirit root, can't practice truth, and can't draw aura from spirit stone. This fire cloud son is especially suitable for him.

I've figured out that I don't want to protect Feng all the time. Feng has even started to think about it now. When Fengming's strength goes further, maybe they can all be thrown into the fire cloud. To feel what is life and death experience, we can make them grow up at the fastest speed

When Feng Zhi thought about this, he was trying to improve his Fengming and others in the Dragon pass. They all shivered in unison.

It's ok if one person is like this, but it's hard for so many people to think it's strange.

Fenglin said weakly I always think, is Fengzhi thinking about us

Everyone thought it was possible.

Feng Ming raised her hand and wiped the sweat on her forehead. "I don't know what's wrong with Feng Zhi."

The group did not dare to think about it any more and just continued to practice.

In the five element sect, Feng Zhi and Feng talked about the situation in huoyun state, "this fire cloud is very good for your cultivation, but it's really not easy to get it. Every fire cloud is wrapped in the fire. If you want to get it, you have to go through the test of fire. You can do it according to your ability when you can, but don't let your body just because you ask for it What irreversible harm... "

Feng Lai nodded repeatedly.

Feng Zhi then looked serious. "You want to go in and practice this time, and you want to improve yourself. Therefore, I won't give you too much self-defense. In addition to some essential heart medicine, you can take this jade slip with you."

This jade slip

It's the last means for Feng to prepare for Feng.

If Fenglai thinks she can't hold on any longer, she can get the information and bring her out immediately as long as the jade slips are crushed.

Feng Lai collected the bamboo slips carefully and said to Feng with a smile: "don't worry, I'll keep this jade bamboo well. I'm sure I won't be brave when it comes to life and death. After all, I'll save my life to fight with you and Longyan together."

Feng Zhi heard some emotion.

After two days of careful rest, Fenglai adjusted his state to the best. After that, Fengzhi sent him to huoyun.

When Feng Zhi was doing these things, Long Yan was always with her.

After seeing Feng Zhi send Feng away, Long Yan held Feng Zhi's hand in his hand and gently kissed him, "Fengzhi, I've always been there."

I'm with you. I've been there all the time.

Such simple and simple words, even can not be regarded as love words, but always the first time to let Phoenix heart warm.

Long Yan is always like this.In many cases, he is just quietly with Fengzhi. He doesn't talk much and never bothers Fengzhi. Sometimes, he even makes outsiders feel that his sense of existence is a little low.


As long as Feng Zhi needs it, he is always the fastest person to appear around Feng Zhi.

Feng took a deep breath and nodded to the Dragon Yan.

She knows, she always knows.

It is also because she knows that no matter when she is accompanied by Long Yan, Feng Zhi appears so fearless when she does many things.

She and Long Yan have always been in this way.

Fengzhi also believes that she and Longyan will continue to go on like this, until the end of time, until the end of their lives

The two of them nestled together quietly.

In fact, no one in the five element sect saw this scene, but I don't know why, when people are about to pass by them, they will subconsciously lighten their steps, for fear that they will be startled.

Just because

In this way, the scene of the two of them clinging to each other between heaven and earth seems to be the most heartwarming scene in the world. As long as it is seen in the eyes, it always makes people can't bear to break this beautiful picture.

After a long time, Feng Zhi and Long Yan came back from this mutual dependence.

Feng Zhi tiptoed on the lips of Long Yan and said with a smile, "Mr. long, I'm going to be busy next."

Long Yan smiles.

He put his arm around Feng Zhi's slender waist to let Feng Zhi accept him more. Then he gave a deep kiss. After that, he said in a low voice: "Miss Feng, you just have to be busy with you. No matter what time, I will always accompany you."

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