Mr. long.

Miss Feng.

Both of them laughed because of the special address.

After that, Fengzhi also began to be busy as she said.

As a matter of fact, she should have been busy several days ago, but because Feng Lai had to go to huoyunjing to accept the experience, she was delayed for a few days.

Now that the matter of Feng's coming there is settled, Feng Zhi of course is ready to continue her previous plan.

Fengzhi's plan

That is, the five element sect has a wide range of disciples.

Of course, it means to recruit disciples widely, but in fact, it does not mean that everyone can enter the five element sect.

The five elements sect is a sect of cultivation. Even if the disciples are accepted, they will only accept those who have the talent of cultivation.

There are a large population in the Xuanwu land. Fengzhi wants to come here. Since there are many things in the Xuanwu continent that are not different from the practice world, there are also people like Mo Li who have excellent cultivation talents. Then, it is designated that there will be other people with cultivation talents.

And Fengzhi

She only needs to receive this part of the people to the five element sect.

Even if there are few people with spiritual roots and the population base of the Xuanwu continent, it is very easy to fill in the five element sect.

Fengzhi has calculated that she has about 50 to 100 years.

During this period, as long as there are ten outstanding talents among the newly recruited disciples, it will be enough to train them to the stage of primordial infant.

The monks in the yuan infant period have been able to form a good fighting power.

Donglaizong is going to invade the basaltic continent. However, it is also an expedition. It is impossible to bring out all the fighting power in donglaizong. According to Fengzhi's estimation, the most likely way is to send out some of the most top-notch combat forces, that is, those who have accepted the power of immortals, plus some friars in Yuanying period.

After all, donglaizong's base camp is still in the virtual spirit state.

If Emperor Xuanzong comes to the east to invade the Mainland

Then donglaizong is not worth the loss.

Feng to think like this, but in the brain is a flash of light.

This is also a direction.

If she could get in touch with the people in the virtual spirit state, she would be able to use it to persuade the people of the virtual spirit state to give Dong laizong a head-on attack.


Feng to later some diarrhea.

When she was in the virtual spirit state, she always thought that she would go back to the Xuanwu land one day, so she was not soft hearted at all. She had a lot of hatred. If she was really a friend, it was only Fenghua sect.

Now think about it, just want to find someone together, Yin east to Zong, do not know who to look for.

As for Fenghua sect

The strength is still weak.

Think of these, Feng Zhi is also a little hard to say about his popularity.

However, those can be considered later.


It's better to think about how to spread the news that the five elements sect wants to recruit disciples all over the Xuanwu continent.

Let the whole continent listen to its own voice?

Feng to such a thought, pour really have some interest.

In fact, it is not difficult to let the whole Xuanwu continent hear her voice. Who called Fengzhi has the ability to be called abnormal God consciousness and transform God?

Before speaking to the whole mainland, Fengzhi first called Feng Zhenren and made a thorough investigation of the matter with him.

"In the virtual spirit realm, donglaizong people still want to find a place. This time, they are afraid that they have not let go of donglaizong's predecessors, so the Wuxing sect is in urgent need of development. I plan to recruit more disciples in Xuanwu land and improve the strength of Wuxing sect as much as possible before donglaizong's people are found!" Feng Zhi Dao.

When Feng Zhenren heard the word "immortal", he was also awed.

The difference between the immortal and the ordinary is simply a gap that people can't cross.

However, Feng Zhenren also knew that it was absolutely impossible to accommodate a real immortal, whether it was the Xuanwu land or the virtual spirit realm, so he was relieved.

Looking at Feng Zhina's expression without any fear, and thinking about what kind of person his patriarch is, Feng Zhenren is full of confidence.

"Master, don't worry, my subordinates will arrange the affairs in the clan well. No matter how many disciples are admitted to the gate, we will make sure that the lines in our clan will not be disordered!" Feng Zhenren is holding a ticket.

Feng Zhi smiles at him.

After that, Fengzhi took Longyan with one hand and flew directly to the highest peak of Yuming mountain range.

First, she closed her eyes slightly, and then opened them again. Feng Zhi took a look at Longyan and looked forward to her eyes.

"I'm Fengzhi!"

At the moment she spoke, such a voice suddenly rang out in the ears of everyone in the whole basaltic continent.

Everyone looked left and right, trying to find the source of the sound they heard in their ears, but no one could find anyone who might be related to Feng Zhi.Fengzhi's name is now known to all on the Xuanwu continent. It is precisely because of this that everyone's response is so loud when they hear the voice of Fengzhi.

I didn't find the figure of Fengzhi, but I thought that since the voice had appeared inexplicably, I would not just say such a sentence.

As a result, many people put down the things in their hands and waited for the Phoenix to come down.

Feng Zhi followed and said: "my sect of five elements wants to recruit more disciples now. Anyone under 30 years old in Xuanwu mainland, regardless of gender, origin, race, or talent in martial arts, as long as you come to the foot of Yuming mountain, you will have the opportunity to accept the test of the five element sect and become a disciple of the five element sect..."

At this moment, the whole Xuanwu continent was boiling with the words of Fengzhi.

If the person who said this is any other person, I'm afraid that the people in the whole basaltic land will make a roar of laughter from heaven and earth.


Her name is Feng Zhi.

Over the past ten years, Fengzhi's name has already become a legend that people can only look up to in the Xuanwu continent, and even her experience has been recognized by all that it can not be copied.

It can't be copied.

As a teenager, he has been able to defeat Wu Sheng, bringing disgrace to all his contemporaries and most of his predecessors on the mainland. It is even more dazzling to come back after missing for more than ten years

To one person, defeat a clan, and still all of them are masters of martial arts.

Who in this world can achieve such achievements?

Therefore, as long as this is said by Fengzhi, the natural will make people more convinced.


Many people's hearts then became hot.

If Fengzhi's remarks are not meant to be a joke, it means that Fengzhi's five element sect really wants to recruit more disciples, and there are no restrictions on birth, talent, race, gender, age, etc!

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