This is enough to make many people feel crazy!

You know, in the basaltic continent, although everyone can be said to be a warrior, but the family also limits the development of too many talented people.

No matter how talented you are, if you can't learn good skills, and if you don't have enough training resources, don't you just waste your time and your talent, and finally be trampled into the mud by those people who have good origins but are not as talented as themselves?

There are too many such people on the basaltic continent.

Not everyone can be lucky, born in a big family that has everything in common, and not everyone can be like those legends, just go to the mountains and forests and get a great inheritance.


In the eyes of many people, Feng's proposal that the five element sect should recruit disciples is no different than giving them a chance to leap over the dragon's gate.

Under the age of 30, regardless of gender, origin, talent, race

There are almost no restrictions.

Just walk to the foot of Yuming mountain, you will have the opportunity to be Feng to the income gate wall.

How can anyone not be happy with such a big good thing?

Therefore, after a long period of noise, all the people who met the requirements but were not satisfied with their current situation began to arrange the things in their hands, and then headed for yumingshan.

Among these people, there are men and women, young children led by their parents, young people approaching the age of 30, weak women, strong men, human beings and other races

Even some of them are children of big families.

From this we can see how strong the appeal of Fengzhi is.


Feng to finish the words, then turn back to look at Long Yan.

Long Yan gently imprinted a kiss in her eyebrow, "Feng Zhi, I'm proud of you."

Let the world listen to her voice alone.

It's easy to say, but the difficulty can be imagined. In the Xuanwu continent, only Fengzhi can do this.

Thanks to this, the area of Xuanwu land is much smaller than that of virtual spirit state. Even if Fengzhi's divine consciousness is so strong, it is impossible to transmit his voice to everyone's ears.

Fengzhi also turned around and held Longyan's waist gently.

She is also satisfied with the company of Long Yan.

No matter how far ahead, but

If she has been accompanied by people around her, Feng Zhi feels that she will not feel lonely in any case.

The two people then hugged each other at the top of Yuming mountain.

There is a wind blowing, blowing the two people's clothes.

The gold and white clothes are so intertwined, as if their people are generally integrated together, and then they are inseparable from each other.

Feng Zhi thought that after her speech, it would be a day or two before the first group of people arrived at yumingshan.

However, she underestimated how much the people on the Xuanwu continent valued this opportunity to change their own destiny.

Fengzhi was sent in the morning, but before two hours, someone had already arrived at the foot of Yuming mountain.

This is the nearest group.

Yumingshan is not far away from Fengtian city. There are such a group of people who, after hearing the voice of Fengzhi, have nothing to do with it. They just drop everything and go to yumingshan. Only in one or two hours can they come here.

At the foot of Yuming mountain, Fengzhi had already made some arrangements.

On a archway made entirely of white marble and refined by the craftsmen in the five element sect, there are three elegant characters written by Fengzhi himself.

However, all the handwriting left by the cultivator always brings some feelings of the cultivator. Therefore, these three words seem to have a special charm in the eyes of outsiders, just as if someone is trying to tell them something about heaven and earth through these three words.

The first group of people who arrived at yumingshan were lost for a long time before they finally came to their senses.

This makes many people have a cold sweat in their hearts.

It's the same for all the people. Otherwise, if someone nearby had any evil intention, they would have been caught by others' way?

All of them were on guard for a moment.

With a look at each other with caution, the group of people gathered together again according to their own groups, and then formally entered the Yuming mountain, which is also the scope of the five elements sect, through the archway.

When they entered the archway, they saw the sign.

The sign is made by Fengzhi, and it doesn't make any patterns, but it seems very simple and easy to understand.

At the end of the square in front, there are ten special stones side by side. Everyone who comes here only needs to choose one of them and click on it.Just one click.

And then

Those who meet the requirements will naturally pass the first test and successfully enter the five element sect to participate in the second test.

Those who do not meet the requirements can go back home.

Such demands did not make people angry.

Fengzhi provides everyone with an opportunity to change their fate. But I want to know how many people there are on the Xuanwu continent. If there is no test, no matter how powerful the five elements sect is, it is absolutely impossible to support so many people.

So they all put their hands on the ten stones according to the instructions.

There were about one hundred people in the first group of people, and only two of them could make the stone give off a faint light. These two people disappeared from everyone's sight, as if they had never existed before.

Needless to say, these two people are going to accept the second test of the five element sect.

As for others

Go back wherever you come from.

Although most people are disappointed in their hearts, they never lose their sense, so they can quickly adjust their mood and go back to their own lives.

But there are also some people who are not willing to go back to the old days.

"What five element sect, what Phoenix to!" Some people pointed to the hidden peak of Yuming mountain and swore, "the big words are out of my mouth. This is to play a trick on everyone. We have been here for such a long time, but we only took a broken stone to send us away?"

This person's words, however, have been recognized by some people.


Not all people are so stupid. Even if they think so, they will not speak out like this. They just hope that there will be such a gun battle to poke things out and see if they can ask wuxingzong to make concessions.

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