Although after half a year, Yuming mountain has begun to quiet down again, but for those who have entered the second round of test, everything is just the beginning.

The time for these people to enter the test is different. Some people come in from the day of Feng to the day they speak, while others come in nearly two days. The time span is about half a year, but their tests start at the same time.

In this regard, it is not that there is no doubt about the five elements sect's disciples, but Fengzhi said so.

"There has never been absolute fairness in this world. It is unfair for those who have passed the first round of test at the same time when they pass the first test at the same time, because it means that they have to stay in the array for more than half a year. There is no companion or any other person in this period. If you have a bad heart, you will have to stay in the array for more than half a year Some may even go crazy, but on the one hand, this is another test for them. On the other hand, luck is sometimes a kind of strength, isn't it? "

The words left everyone speechless.

Indeed, as Fengzhi said, luck is also a kind of strength.

In fact, the earlier people enter the second round of the test array, the better their performance is.

It can be said that the first group of people to enter is the most determined to throw everything aside and make every effort to gamble on the opportunity of wuxingzong. As a result, they finally got this opportunity, and they would not allow themselves to give up so easily.

Therefore, even after entering the array, they experienced unprecedented loneliness, but in the end, most of them survived.

In fact, Fengzhi had anticipated this situation.

In fact, although there are only two rounds of tests set by her, the real tests are always there.

This is the need to endure loneliness. Otherwise, it will take more than a few years to shut up at a time. Without this kind of tolerance for loneliness, how can we go on the road of cultivating truth for a long time?

As for those who have just entered the array later and have not experienced or only experienced a little bit of loneliness test, this does not mean that they have really taken advantage of much.

Under the test of Fengzhi, no one can go to the end only by luck.

Feng was sitting side by side on her floating island with Long Yan.

On the floating island in the Yuming mountains, however, they only felt extra balance. In the void in front of them, there was a huge screen.

Because it is directly floating in the void, this large screen looks down on the sky in front of both of them.

On the big screen, it is divided into tens of thousands of small grids with flashing images. Each grid shows those who are being tested in the array.

Among them were men and women, adults and children, all of whom were at the moment.

Looking at these people on the big screen, Feng first laughed.

Then she said, "now, the test officially begins..."

When Feng Zhi spoke, everyone found that the surrounding environment changed suddenly. Then they felt as if they were under a cliff. There was only a very steep ladder on the top of which only one person could walk up.

Because the long ladder is too long, and it has been circling around the mountain wall. From a distance, it looks like there are more lines on the cliff.

Anyone can see at a glance how dangerous this road is.

These people will come here to be tested for their own future, not to seek death.

Therefore, the first time, there are many people on the face of timidity.

And these, by Feng Zhi and Long Yan see in the eye.

In fact, in addition to Fengzhi and Longyan, some other high-level officials in the five element sect also watched their every move through similar screens.

Each person's merits and demerits are clearly displayed in front of the five elements sect.

Fengzhi is not surprised that so many people are afraid.

No matter how to figure out the head and the ground, people's instinct is always afraid of death. How many people can completely ignore such visible danger?

Although know, but Fengzhi did not have any intention to change the test way.

"This road has a total of 1001 steps. Your task is to finish all the way to the top of the mountain. There will be many dangers in the process. You may die at any time, and I will not help anyone. You should know that I will not cheat you on this kind of thing. All, if there are those who are timid and afraid of death, you can stand up now …” Fengzhi understates the tunnel.

When he heard this, he changed his face.

Previously, although people were afraid, they could still persuade themselves to stand in front of the cliff.

Only because they are sure that since this is the test of Fengzhi's five element sect, at least Fengzhi will ensure their safety and will not let them lose their lives in the test.But

Feng Zhi said such a thing.

Many of them stepped back.

No matter what time, survival is the most human instinct that can not be abandoned. Therefore, people who know that as long as they take part in this test, they may lose their lives at any time. Those who cherish their lives say: "I don't want to continue to participate in the test. I quit, I quit!"

The people who called out the word "quit" found that they had been sent to the foot of Yuming mountain at the next moment.

That means they're out.

Fengzhi ignored those who were about to quit before the test started. In a short time, there were more than 100 people out of the game. On the big screen in front of Fengzhi and Longyan, the number of small squares with pictures decreased by more than 100, and the remaining grids became larger.

There are more than 10000 people in total. It is not obvious that there are more than 100 people missing.

Feng Zhi said, "there are more than 100 people who have chosen to quit. I will give you another chance to choose. There will be many dangers in this test, and you may die at any time. It's too late for you to quit now. Once the test is started, the five element sect will not help anyone. Is there anyone else who wants to quit?"

As a result, about twenty or thirty people withdrew.

Feng to the screen in front of the small grid, so less.

The rest of these people have probably made up their minds not to quit anyway, but to put on a resolute appearance of ignoring life and death.

In fact, this is the norm.

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