Compared with the talent of practicing martial arts, the talent of cultivating truth is more difficult.

Therefore, in fact, almost one in a hundred people can enter the second round of test.

Such a rare opportunity, if only because of fear of the danger ahead easily give up, even many people themselves can not forgive themselves.

If they do not take part in this test, they may encounter other dangers on their way back from yumingshan.

This time they can choose to quit the test. Next time, can they pray for mercy from the enemy?

Obviously not.

Therefore, the vast majority of people, of course, will not retreat because of the so-called danger.

Feng Zhizhi nodded with great satisfaction. "Well, since you all choose to go on, let's start your journey. My only test is this. As long as you can finish this road and finally climb to the top of the mountain, you will be a member of the five element sect..."

"Now Let's go

With a call from Fengzhi, more than 10000 people were biting their teeth and stepping on the winding path.

Feng to pour is two hands holding chest, looking at everything in the screen.

The reason why this trail can scare off more than 100 people is that it is extremely dangerous. It can only accommodate one person to step on it, but it is extremely steep. As long as one is not good, it will definitely fall down. If there is no certain strength, I really dare not go up this road.

Even if you have the courage to go this way, it doesn't mean you can really go to the end.

However, in a quarter of an hour, when the steps were broken, hundreds of people fell under the cliff and were eliminated.

These people were scared to death. When they closed their eyes tightly and thought that they were going to die at any time, they suddenly found that everything in front of them had changed as the stars changed. The next moment they appeared at the foot of Yuming mountain.

Everyone looked at each other.

Only then did they understand that what Feng Zhi had said before could be killed at any time, which was to frighten them.

These people have been eliminated, but they have tried.

What about those who choose to quit just because of Feng Zhi's words?

I don't know if they will regret that they didn't insist on it when they saw those who finally entered the five element sect?

With another group out, the rest are still being tested.

After experiencing the danger of one foot missing last time, the rest of the people are more vigilant, and every step up and out must be sure that the steps are real before they dare to step up.

It's a bit slower, but it's more secure, isn't it?

And then there are all kinds of emergencies.

For example, a blade of earth suddenly appears on the mountain wall.

For example, a cloud suddenly floats down in the air, blocking people's sight, making the next two steps can only rely on the previous impression.

For example, the steep steps suddenly become wet and will slide down the cliff.

For example, a rock suddenly falls on the mountain. If you don't listen or move quickly, you will be hit by the cliff


All kinds of unexpected situations, so that those who have not been able to pass a pass are biting their teeth and secretly scolding those who think of these tests.

What kind of perversion can you come up with so many ways to make trouble?

If there are five elements of the people listen to the murmur of the people, will give a consistent answer.

Phoenix, of course!

Feng Zhi didn't know what kind of psychology she was out of. In short, she would design these tests as much as possible. Moreover, most of these accidents were selected when everyone was most unprepared.

In this regard, Feng Zhi felt that he had something to say.

As a practitioner, if he even carefully observes the surrounding environment and nips out all the budding dangers, how can he go for a long time?

Fengzhi is also carefully selecting good seedlings for wuxingzong, isn't he?

Of course, these people, who are being tested now, don't know.

After these accidents, more than 10000 people have lost at least 30000, leaving only 7000 people. On the large screen in front of Fengzhi and Longyan, those small grids are much larger than before, and the number is only 7000.

At this time, Feng Zhi grasped Long Yan's hand.

"Coming!" She said.

Long Yan was also curious.

Based on her understanding of Fengzhi, it should be a test of what is more important.

So I couldn't take my eyes off the big screen.

On the screen, in front of each person about ten steps away, then suddenly appeared a very embarrassed person.

The man's blood was obviously seriously injured. Looking at it, he was even dying. It was very likely that he would close his eyes and stop breathing in the next second.Seeing someone coming from behind, the man's spirit suddenly rose, and his eyes, which were already gray, were a little angry. He tried to keep up his spirits, and with infinite hope in his eyes, he said, "are you also the one who took part in the test this time, I I'm hurt. Can you help me

In fact, although everyone met his companions, they saw different people.

Some people met a young man, some met a young child, some met a weak and boneless woman

In short, they are different.

Feng to see the situation slightly hook lips, "come and see, these people will have what kind of response..."

The companions who appeared in front of them surprised the remaining 7000 people.

They never met anyone along the way, so subconsciously they thought that they were the only ones walking the road, but they met another companion.


The man was still in front of them.

The position of the man who appears suddenly is extremely delicate.

This narrow path could only accommodate one person to step on it. The man in front of him was also trying his best to keep himself from falling. Even so, his legs were hanging in the air.

It can't be more dangerous.

There was such a man in the place where only one person could pass

This also means that if the people behind want to continue to move forward, or they can only take out their own healing pills and other supplies to help the injured person go forward together, or they can only push the person down while the person is dying.

There is no third option.


These people, how will they choose?

This is what makes Feng Zhi interested.

Every choice that everyone makes when they are in trouble can reflect some things in their heart. That's what Fengzhi wants to see.

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