They all thought that as long as they had gone through the last step, what appeared before them would be the top of the mountain, which symbolized their victory. Many people even thought that they must have a close look at the top of the mountain and try to see the heroic features of the small mountains.


Who can tell them what's going on?

It is clear that they have already stepped on the last step, but there is no peak in front of them. There is only a blank, no steps, no roads, no mountains, just empty high places. As long as they dare to step forward, they will definitely fall to pieces.

This is not the same as what was said!

Many people feel cheated.

They should have welcomed the joy of victory, but now everything is like this. Does this mean that the so-called test of the five elements sect is basically teasing them?

In this case, people have to have this idea.

I can't stand the stimulation like this. I've come to the end, but I'm so excited that I yell that the five elements Zong and Feng are all liars and want to give up the test.

Some felt cheated and even jumped off the cliff.

There are many who stay in the same place and jump to scold wuxingzong and Fengzhi

Those who want to quit, and those who jump off the cliff, are naturally eliminated.

Those who insisted that Fengzhi and wuxingzong couldn't make such a big joke, and there must be fraud in it. After being excited for a while, they began to think carefully and look for any loopholes in it.

Feng Zhi's mind moved, and now there are only more than 500 small lattices left. According to her ideas, they are arranged in order.

And at the top, there are three people.

One is that they are resolute and resolute. Even though the goodness is extremely bad now, they still don't like to be angry. It seems that there are about 278 men.

One is to look at young people up to 15 years old.

One is a woman of about sixteen or seventeen years old who seems extremely weak on the surface, but is extremely resilient. Even though she has been in a mess all over her body, her red dress has turned into rags, and her hands and feet have been worn to pieces, and she still refuses to give up.

Feng Zhi's eyes were more interesting, "this time I've found a few good ones. "

The man's age is almost reaching the limit given by Fengzhi. Fengzhi can also see that this man has made certain achievements in martial arts practice before. He can count all the people who have persisted in this step and looked at the best situation.

That young man probably came from a famous family. Although his strength was poor, he had a lot of good things on him. Fengzhi didn't see him take pills from the space equipment to supplement his physical strength. Although so, it was very difficult for such a young man to survive so many tests and come to the last step.

And the woman

Her strength is weaker than that of a teenager. There is no pill to take. The second half of her body is full of hands and feet. If it is not, her hands and feet will not be worn to the bone.

These three people are the best seedlings among the remaining hundreds in Feng Zhi's eyes.

Now, it's up to them to see through the final test.

The first one to act was the woman.

As if she couldn't feel the pain from her hands and feet, she continued to climb up with a wooden face and murmured in her mouth, "one hundred thousand and one steps, I counted them step by step, and now I have only gone one hundred thousand steps, and there is still one last step left..."

With these words, he climbed forward to the space with a determined attitude.

Although the heart has their own will not be wrong belief, but women in the body center of gravity deviation, still subconsciously close their eyes.

And then

She did not fall to the cliff below, but climbed to the ground.

When she finished this last step, everything in front of her had another change as at the beginning. The woman found that she was now on a very beautiful mountain, on which she had never seen all kinds of flowers. The fragrance of flowers floated gently with the breeze, which made people only suspect that she was in the fairy land in the legend.

Then the woman saw a pair of feet in front of her.

Someone came up to her and held out a hand at her. "The five element sect welcomes you."

The woman could not hold on any longer and fainted.

The people who own the five element sect will take her down to heal her wound and put her in place.

At this time, the man and the young man, also with a gesture of being bold, resolutely stepped forward

To meet them, of course, is a new world.

After that, more and more of the remaining hundreds of people, no matter what kind of psychology, tried to take a step towards the blank.

In the end, less than 500 people passed the test of Fengzhi.Seeing that all the people who passed the test had been taken by the disciples of the five element sect, Feng Zhi snapped his finger, and the large screen in front of him became dark, and the figures displayed in the small squares above disappeared.

She looked at Long Yan, "you see, there are so many people who have already finished 100000 steps, but they are defeated in this last step."

After hearing the speech, Long Yan gently stroked the green silk of Fengzhi.

He's so beautiful

I can think of so many tricks.

There was no one else here. Feng Zhi didn't suppress her rarity to her husband, so she threw him down on the ground and gave him a hard kiss.

"Long Yan, do you know how much I miss you?" Feng Zhi Dao.

The smile on Long Yan's face was so gentle that it seemed that he could drip water. He let Feng Zhi press it down and only kissed Feng Zhi's lips. "Feng Zhi, I also miss you."

The two were tired of holding each other.

For a long time, the two men waited until they were tired of it, and then they stood up again.

Long Yan carefully arranges her skirt for Feng Zhi, as if she is looking at something unparalleled in the world.

In fact, in Longyan's eyes, Phoenix is 100 times more precious than any treasure in the world.

Feng Zhi stood still and let Long Yan arrange for her.

From the beginning to the end, the eyes of the two people were always intertwined, as if they could not be separated at all.

If you call Fengming to see it, you must stab them again.

When Long Yan finished arranging Feng Zhi's clothes, it took a long time.

Fortunately, Fengzhi is not in a hurry.

Later, they came down from the floating island together. The Feng Zhenren and others waiting for him immediately said respectfully: "Lord!"

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