Feng Zhi nodded.

"How is it?" She asked.

As the elder of the five element sect, Feng Zhenren naturally responded: "back to the patriarch, there were 486 people who completely passed the test, and more than 230 people stopped at the last step. Those who have passed the test have been arranged to have a rest first. After they have recovered, they will start to let them join the sect and become masters. The other 230 people... "

Feng Zhenren thinks that it's very good that these 2300 people can walk 100000 steps. If they don't have some luck, they won't be defeated.

Yes, just a little bit of luck.

Among those who have completely passed the test, most of them have been counting how many steps they have taken in the whole ten days. Many of them have taken the last step only with the intention of gambling.

If more than 230 people have such luck

That's another result.

Therefore, Feng Zhenren felt that it was a pity.

Feng Zhi originally wanted to eliminate the 230 odd people directly. After all, the test is a test. If she fails to meet the standard she wants, she will not be able to join the five element sect.


Seeing the face of Feng Zhenren, she was moved slightly.

These people could not formally join the five element sect according to her standard, but there were still some disciples of other sects.

The treatment of the outer disciples is much worse than that of the inner ones, the elites and the core disciples. Moreover, they have to do a lot of work assigned by the sect. It can be said that it is very hard. At the same time, they also have the opportunity to prove themselves and eventually become the inner disciples, even the elite and core disciples.

As long as they can endure loneliness.

Although the 230 odd people are not as good as Fengzhi's standard, they can be good if they are outside disciples.


In these 200 odd people, can we polish out a few more good seedlings?

Feng Zhi changed her mind. "It's a pity that more than 230 people talk about it. In this way, you can give them a choice. They can be eliminated and sent back, or they can become the children of the five elements sect."

Feng Zhenren was relieved and nodded repeatedly.

This is the end of all the trials.

There are Fengzhi, a highly skilled Dan master, and those who have been trained over the years. There is no lack of elixir in the five elements sect. Therefore, although all the 700 people were injured, one pill of pills would make the trauma almost better.

This makes many people eager to join the five element sect.

In the Xuanwu continent, pills are very precious. If it wasn't for their rich family background, ordinary martial arts people would use some medicine to cure their injuries. How could they be willing to take pills?

But now, these disciples of the five elements sect didn't take the pills seriously at all. They took them directly, which naturally made people feel the strength of the five elements sect unconsciously.

Because of the pills, the trauma of more than 700 people was nothing. When they all recovered, Feng Zhen led some middle and high-level officials of the five element sect to show up.

First, the more than 400 people who passed the test were placed down, and then Feng Zhenren looked at the other 200 people.

"Strictly speaking, you didn't pass the final test, but the Lord specially gave you a chance. If you want to stay as a disciple of other schools, you can still stay in the five element sect. If you don't want to, someone will send you away."

After that, Feng Zhenren stopped talking and waited for these people to make their choice.

Then someone asked the question, "what is the difference between the disciples of other schools and those who have passed the test?"

Immortal Feng thought for a moment, "those who have passed the test will see their talent after they enter the school. At least, they are inner disciples. A few of them are elite disciples. Three others are appointed as core disciples by the patriarch. Naturally, these people have the master of the sect to lead them to practice, and they only need to practice. If you are willing to be an outside disciple, you should not only do some rough work, but also rely on yourself in your practice. "

As a result, many people became cold hearted, and immediately some people said that they were not willing to be outside disciples.

But there are also about half of the people, extremely determined to do this outside disciple.

Feng Zhenren didn't force anyone to send those who didn't want to be outside disciples back, and then asked them to arrange these new disciples.

After that, Feng Zhenren looked at the back of these people and shook his head gently.

Having spiritual roots to practice is a gift from God. However, these people have gone through the 100000 steps. No one lacks perseverance. If they enter the sect and become a disciple in a down-to-earth manner, they will be able to make a breakthrough.


These are the choices of each person, and they are not at all from the people.Feng Zhenren cherishes his talent. He doesn't want to see such talented people miss Xiuzhen, so he talks about it in Fengzhi. But some people don't have such a fate with wuxingzong. Why should we force them?

Since this day, more than 400 formal disciples and more than 100 disciples of the outer gate have taken root in the five element sect.

Yuming mountain, also known as Yuming mountain, covers an extremely large area and can't hold more than 500 or 600 people.

Fortunately, there are so many more people. The Yuming mountain, which originally seemed a little empty, suddenly became more angry.

Because there are so few friars above Yuanying in the five element sect, Fengzhi's original idea that only those above Yuanying could accept apprentices and teach Taoism could only be shelved. Instead, he drew Yunxia and other golden elites to accept disciples.

Fortunately, there are more than 20 golden elixir monks in the five element sect. One of them has more than ten disciples. In addition, the elite disciples are led by elder Yuanying. The three core disciples are watched by Fengzhi personally. More than 400 people have been divided in this way.

As for those outside disciples

They were not qualified to learn from their teachers before they came out.

After ten days of their introduction, they had already got familiar with the situation of the five element sect, and Fengzhi showed up in front of these new disciples for the first time.

Early that morning, all the new disciples, more than 600 people, were told to gather on the square outside the hall of wuxingzong.

The main hall of the five elements sect is the face of the whole clan. Therefore, it is built with great momentum. It is only suspected that this hall is like a fairy palace. It is very easy to shock these earth bumpers who have never seen the world.

More than 600 people in the hall, that is the face of awe, not a bit disrespectful.

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