Fengzhi appeared at this time.

She and Long Yan came so fast that no one could notice any sign. By the time people found out their existence, Fengzhi and Longyan had been sitting on the jade seat at the top of the hall for a long time.

"I'm Fengzhi." Feng Zhi stood up, "also the leader of the five elements sect."

The crowd was stunned.

Then, they all lowered their heads, "I have seen the Lord."

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

"Now you are the disciples of the five elements sect, and you will also embark on the road of cultivating truth. I will only tell you once today that those who practice truth should not be afraid of any difficulties and obstacles..."

"Now that you have passed the previous tests, you are all very determined people, which surely does not need anyone to remind you."

After saying something special, Feng said at the end: "practice is to go against the heaven. Even if it is to heaven, you don't need to show any respect. This day, it's used to go against the heaven!"

At this time, many of the new disciples of Xiuzhen were looking at Fengzhi with twinkling eyes.

They think that there is probably no other person in the world who can have such elegant demeanor.

And Fengzhi

It's their Lord!

Every time I think about it, people will feel more proud from the bottom of their hearts.

After hearing her words, Feng did not say any more, "the only purpose of gathering you together today is to teach you the skills of the five elements sect and tell you what it is to practice truth..."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

They worked so hard that they even gave up everything before and came to the five element sect, and passed that test in order to get more powerful strength from the five element sect.

This kind of cultivation is called cultivation

How strong can they be?

Will it be as strong as Fengzhi?

All of us have such expectations in their hearts.

Feng Zhi understood what they were thinking, and didn't care. She bent her finger directly to the many Meng Xin people below, and saw the broken light falling into the hearts of the people.

Then, everyone felt that they had realized something. Without anyone saying, they sat on their knees outside the hall and carefully understood the skill passed on to them by Qifeng and explained the practice of practicing truth.

In fact, there are five or six hundred people here. Not everyone is suitable for the same step.

There are not many skills in the five elements sect, so Fengzhi contained all the skills in the light of her pop-up finger. These skills will naturally be selected according to each person's characteristics, so as to ensure that everyone can get the most suitable skills for them to practice.

Feng Zhi looked at more than 600 people below and felt that she was sowing seeds.

Isn't it sowing?

Today, she sprinkles the spiritual light of cultivation into everyone's heart. In the future, she will be able to harvest a crop of outstanding practitioners.


Apart from the crisis from the empty spirit state, Feng Zhi felt that she was carrying forward the five elements sect.

In this way, as long as she passes the five element sect to the next successor, she will not feel guilty even if she flies to the fairyland and meets the elders of the five element sect.

She got a great chance from the five element sect, but she also developed it, didn't she?

Thinking like this, Feng Zhi is also a little happy.

In Fengzhi's thought, those Meng Xins who are understanding fengzhigei's skills and feelings on the square opened their eyes one after another.

The first person to wake up is the one who is most favored by Feng.

Mu Xiu is the young man of 278.

Ye Yang, that young man.

And Hongfu, the woman.

The three opened their eyes almost at the same time.

Feng Zhi was somewhat satisfied.

They can wake up so quickly, which means that their talent is much better than other people. If there is no accident, they will naturally go further on the road of cultivating truth.

Feng Zhi waved freely to the crowd below, and the three people were forced to fly into the sky, and followed Feng Zhi and Long Yan to fly to the floating island.

Generally speaking, the floating island is the secret base of Fengzhi and Longyan, and few people can come up to the island. When these three people can follow, Fengzhi does not regard them as outsiders.

After they arrived at the floating island, they looked around curiously no matter how calm they were.

I've heard that the auction held before Fengzhi was on an island floating in the air. I didn't expect that they had just entered the five element sect and arrived on the floating island within a few days.

All this made the three people feel very strange.

Feng Zhi still sat down with Long Yan. She waved her sleeve at will, and there were three cups of hot spirit tea on the table in front of her. "This is Lingcha. It's good for you to drink it."Then the three people did not hesitate to pick up the spirit tea in front of them and drank it.

These three people can become the best among the more than 10000 people who have been tested this time. Naturally, they will not miss any opportunity to let them.

Now there is such a cup of spirit tea which is very good for them, or is it from Fengzhi? Where would they be willing to give up?

Feng came here to take out the spirit of tea can not be bad, three people drink the spirit of tea, immediately feel a heat flow from their abdomen, the whole person also followed a lot of refreshing.


All three eyes widened slightly.

The aura that Feng Zhi transmitted to them was enough for them to have a rudimentary understanding of Xiuzhen. Therefore, they recognized that what is constantly circulating in their bodies should be


Feng to seem to see through what they are thinking, smell speech nodded, "yes, this is aura."

All three were excited when they heard the speech.

The first step for the practitioners when they first started is to feel the aura, and then lead the Qi into the body, which officially enters the Qi refining period. Now they skip the process of feeling the aura directly under this cup of spirit tea. They will have the aura directly in their bodies, and naturally they will save some time.

Fengzhi also knew that the three people's qualifications were not vulgar, even if this part of time was saved, it would not have any impact on their foundation, which would have done so.

You may as well accept more than ten thousand of you in this trial, and there are more than three of you who have come to the test

Hearing this, they were all awed.

In fact, these three people's qualifications can be regarded as excellent, but compared with Fengzhi such abnormal or not much worse, at most, that is, the same level as Mo Li.

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