Just for a moment, the Phoenix to the surrounding space, became those insects absolutely dare not cross the thunder pool one step vacuum.

Feng raised her eyebrows.

It was just a try, but I didn't expect that the bell would really have such a magical effect on these insects.

After the insects have retreated, Fengzhi can see the scene within five meters around, and can also see the situation of the mountain walls on both sides.

The two mountain walls are about 10 meters apart, almost vertically upward. Looking up from the place where Phoenix is, you can see the blood like fog that blocks the sky from the sun. In addition to the mist, there is only a little shape of the mountain wall.

How long did Feng Zhi fly down to the bottom of the valley? She could not understand that such a deep abyss can only see such a vague outline now. It is also possible to imagine the number of these insects.


It should be a figure that Feng can't even imagine.

Fengzhi then went to the side of the mountain wall and observed it carefully.

When he was standing five meters away, the mountain wall was very normal in Fengzhi's eyes. At that time, Fengzhi was still secretly guessing what kind of wall it was made of, which could resist these strange insects. However, after a closer look, it was found that there were extremely fine holes on the seemingly flat wall.

Feng to even can see, some small holes are also crowded with a small bug.

Are these insects bred from this mountain wall, or are they even stones?

Feng to a moment also can't judge.

However, this mountain wall is not ordinary, which can be confirmed.

Feng didn't want to get to the bottom of the matter. After seeing the mountain wall, she didn't get close to the two sides of the mountain wall. Instead, she chose to walk in the middle of the abyss, and then follow the continuous downward road a little bit forward.

Although the slope of this road is not high, if it is not sensitive people, they would not find that the road actually leads to the underground, but no matter how small the slope is, when the road is long enough, it can also go deep into the ground.

Fengzhi seems to have repeated the process of flying down from above.

I used to fly all the way to the bottom of the abyss with my flying sword, but now I use my feet to go deep into the earth. I don't know where the end of the road is, and I don't know how long it will take to finish the road.

It's just that this time it's going to take longer.

Although she walked with both legs, Feng Zhi's feet did not actually step on the ground at all. She almost stuck to the ground and flew forward all the way. In fact, it took her about half a month to reach the end of the abyss road.

This is

Feng to see in front of the eyes, can not help but slightly raised eyebrows.

She had thought in advance what she would see when she finished the road, the nest of those worms, or another place too dangerous for the greedy ones to get close to?

But she didn't expect that she would see

A palace?

That's right. It's a palace.

In the depths of the earth, suddenly appeared such a palace with blood like color. Even though these palace like buildings can be regarded as extremely magnificent, the color that makes people feel more oppressive than blood color, and the dark interior exposed in the open door are subconsciously depressing.

It's repression.

It is as if there is no hope at all, and it may sink into the depression of this blood color at any time.

Feng Zhi's heart is very firm, but when she first saw this bloody palace, her heart was still covered with a layer of gloom for the first time.

That feeling

It was as if her enlightened heart was suddenly covered with dust.

Fengzhi immediately found something wrong. With a gentle flow of powerful divine consciousness, the dusty heart of Tao was restored to its previous crystal clear, and Fengzhi also gently breathed out a breath.

Although Feng to did not eat what loss here, but her eyes are some fear.

That is to say, she is quick to react. Her divine consciousness will work at the first time when she is in the dust. If she is later, who knows if there will be any more accidents?

Daoxin is very important to the cultivator. If Fengzhi's Daoxin is really covered in dust here, even if she has a way to recover, she doesn't know how much more time she will spend on it.

For Fengzhi, this is obviously unacceptable.

This is Fengzhi, whose divine consciousness is far more powerful than his own, if he is a different person

I'm afraid that if I only stay outside the palace for such a short time, I will suffer a great loss.

Feng to the heart and a little more alert.

Now, she had no doubt that the bloody abyss was a danger for the practitioners of transforming gods.Feng took a deep breath.

She took hold of the bell that hung around her waist and shook it again.

Ding Ling

After the crisp sound, Feng to the surrounding five meters of vacuum zone, and suddenly expanded outward by twice.

After only a few eyes of the palace, Feng almost suffered a loss. Feng is now naturally careful and careful, and must ensure a safe range.

After all this, Feng Zhi did not rush into the palace, but sat on the ground and began to breathe. Until she adjusted her state to the best, she got up again. With a very cautious attitude, she went to the palace with a huge mouth open step by step.

Almost at the moment when Fengzhi stepped into the palace, Fengzhi only heard a roar behind him. Then the palace gate, which had been looked very heavy and made people wonder whether it had been decayed, closed behind Fengzhi.

The moment the gate closed, the palace suddenly lit up a bloody light.

Although it's light, it's all blood color. How can it be bright? It's just like those light bulbs on earth used to decorate the atmosphere. In addition to bringing a little light, it can only make people see a piece of red.

If I had been a less timid person and had been in such an environment alone, I would have been afraid that I would have been unable to walk.

But Feng Zhi is not the same.

After realizing the danger here, Feng Zhi was very interested in the palace.

She wanted to see what she could see in the end when she lifted the veil of the bloody abyss and the palace.

I just hope

Don't let her down.

Thinking in this way, Phoenix to the lip even more than a few wipe smile.

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