In the dim red light, Phoenix to step by step to the palace deep.

The palace is extremely magnificent, and there is also a very open space inside. The top of the palace is at least 20 meters away from the ground. On the top and the surrounding walls, there are many beads like night pearls.

However, these beads will also only emit red light.

Hazy, Feng to see her on the way, then suddenly more than one

Big bug?

Feng to first eyebrows slightly twist, and then carefully look forward to the past.

If she's not mistaken, the insect in front of her should be a magnified version of those insects that she had seen forming red fog before?

About a meter long insect, in addition to one-third of its length is the body, the remaining two-thirds is a big mouth. This big mouth not only has a sticky sucker, but also can see very sharp teeth.

This is strange.

When the insect was very young, Feng didn't have time to see it clearly. She only knew that the insect had a sucking cup like mouth. Until now, when she saw the enlarged version of the insect, she could see that there were still fangs in this mouth.

With suction cups and fangs?

Does that mean that these insects can not only use suction cups to absorb aura, but also eat food with their teeth, even meat?

This is a strange thing.

If Feng Zhi wasn't a science geek with a hobby for this kind of thing, she would have to take the big bug back to study it.

Thinking like this, Feng stepped forward a step.

Originally, this big bug was just blocking Fengzhi's only way. Although it looked strange and terrible, there was no radical action. But Fengzhi just took a step. The big bug seemed to have been occupied. The sucking disc covered with mucus wriggled, and the fangs in his mouth showed up.

This is obviously a warning.

Feng raised her eyebrows.

If she had stopped so easily because of the worm's warning, she would not have come to experience in this bloody abyss.

Not only did she stop walking towards the big bug.


The whole chicken didn't pay attention to the sound of the insect, and the whole body would writhe.

Feng to see this situation, thought that this big bug would not say a word, and then rushed towards her.

I didn't expect that, after making a sound like this, the big bug did not. It still stood in place, but the big mouth began to wriggle constantly. Originally, it looked at a mouth about the size of a washbasin, but after a while, it became at least as big as one meter. The mouth was so big that the fangs could not be hidden It looks very ferocious.

Feng Zhi couldn't help but "tut" twice.

It's not clear how effective the worm is now, but with its appearance, it can certainly frighten many people.

Think about it. If a timid person sees this big bug and is afraid that he has not started to fight, he will be scared to be weak. Isn't this another kind of war that subdues people without fighting?

Thinking of these, Feng could not help laughing.

And Feng to the reaction, obviously let that big bug feel angry.

He roared at Fengzhi again. The big bug opened his mouth and leaned back. It turned out that


Feng to some surprise.

Previously, she had thought about many of the unique skills of this insect, and had guessed whether this enlarged version of the insect would have extremely evil skills. However, she never thought that the big bug could only lift it

That's sucking!

Yes, it's sucking!

As the big bug's mouth wriggles, the sucker on its mouth becomes bigger and bigger. As the sucker gets bigger and bigger, the suction from the sucker also increases.

Feng to now and the big bug between the distance of almost three meters, at the beginning she did not feel too much, but with the increase of the suction cup, Feng Zhi can also clearly feel the suction force that wants to pull her into the big bug's big mouth.

Well, think about it, if Feng Zhi is really pulled by this suction, she will probably be swallowed by the big bug's big mouth, and then crushed by its full mouth of fangs.

Tut, it's bloody to think about it.


Can this force make the Phoenix move to his feet?

Of course not!

As a matter of fact, the attraction brought by this big bug is about the same as that of an ordinary person pulling a person forward with great effort. That is to say, people with stable chassis will not be dragged along, not to mention a monk like Fengzhi?After finding out the bottom of this big bug, Feng Zhi sneered, "is that all? Then don't blame my people for being ruthless... "

Feng Zhi said, the middle finger and thumb bent up toward the big bug, a light from the hand of Feng to the big bug's mouth.

The big bug's mouth was wriggling, but after the light in Feng Zhi's hand didn't enter its mouth, the sucker suddenly seemed to be convulsed because of too much force. It was so twisted that it couldn't even see the original appearance.

This big bug also seemed to feel some extreme pain. The whole body of the insect about one meter jumped up, and it kept making a "hissing" sound.

Tut Tut, although I can't understand what the insect is calling, it makes people feel miserable.

Fengzhi is a person who can't bear to see others. No, it's other insects who suffer. Therefore, when he sees such a scene, Feng Zhi's sympathy immediately prevails.

She shook her head, full of compassion: "Oh, I am just too kind-hearted. Since you are so miserable, I will let you free..."

If the insect can speak, he will return to Feng and say "ha ha".

Of course, this insect can't talk, only "hiss" a howl, Feng to nature can do whatever she wants. She rings her finger again, and a cluster of pale flame flies away from her fingertip, and finally falls on the big insect who has been suffering so much.

In exchange for another shrill cry of the big bug.

Then, just two breaths of Kung Fu, that one meter of the size of the bug, in the Phoenix to the real fire under the ashes.

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