Everyone knows that the lighter the flame, the higher its temperature.

Now Fengzhi's fire has been infinitely close to colorless, you can imagine how the temperature of the fire reached what kind of degree.

In fact, the change is more than that.

In the temperature has a qualitative leap at the same time, Fengzhi's fire seems to have a certain spirit, that kind of feeling

It's like this flame suddenly becomes a naughty child with his own consciousness.

Sensing the pressure of the outside world, after compression, it can be said that the completely new fire suddenly lit up. Then, without the command of Fengzhi, he took the initiative to separate a group of nearly colorless flames from the fire. The flame came out of the elixir field of Fengzhi. Because of the suction from the huge insect, the flame was a little shaky, It's like it's going to go out at any time.

That's just like.

In fact, this fire not only did not extinguish, but also persisted to fall on the big bug.

Almost at the moment when the flame fell, the big bug who looked at its head was very frightening. Suddenly, the whole body writhed violently, and the huge mouth couldn't help shaking. He called Feng here and felt that the suction was much smaller.

Phoenix to great joy.

She did not expect that the fire in her body could break through under such pressure.

For Yu Fengzhi, this is naturally a great good thing.

Fire is very important for Dan master. Now Fengzhi's fire has made a breakthrough, which also means that she can try some pills with higher requirements for flame in the future.

What's more, the flame is much stronger than before, and it can be used as a means to fight the enemy.

Just like just now.

Because the big bug was badly damaged by the fire, Fengzhi could also spare no effort to direct the fire. Her heart moved slightly, and several clusters of colorless flames separated from the fire. While the big bug was still rolling, several groups of flames fell directly on the big bug. Almost instantly, the big bug lit up a big flame Come on.

Although the flame looks colorless, it can not be seen on the surface, but the temperature emitted is absolutely not to be underestimated. If Fengzhi is not the master of the flame, I'm afraid she would not dare to be so close.

But this big bug, although it looks so big, is not even able to resist at all in front of the flame after Fengzhi's breakthrough. With the flame burning, no matter how it makes a shrill roar, it can only be burned into nothingness under the fire.


At least ten to fifty meters high, the Phoenix turns into a big flame, but there is a little time for a big fly to fall.

Fengzhi even heard the sound of some huge thing crashing down.

At this time, Feng Zhi was relieved.

The experience of fighting this big bug may not be the most thrilling and exciting experience of Fengzhi Xiuzhen for so many years, but it is definitely the most tiring one.

Seeing that the big bug had been burned to ashes, Fengzhi felt his hands and feet were sour and soft at the same time. He sat on the ground with a straight butt. He didn't even have the strength to absorb the aura in Lingquan's eyes. It took a long time for Fengzhi to recover.


The Phoenix breathed a breath.

Feel the strength to recover some, Feng to this just stood up again, walked forward two meters, came to the place where the giant insect had stood before.

Now, it's time to take the booty.

This time, Fengzhi got a complete eye.

Previously, those incomplete ones already contain a very strong aura. This time, it is a complete Lingquan eye, and the effect is naturally more gratifying.

As soon as Fengzhi got to the place, the whole person was dwarfed by the surging aura. She sat down with her knees as fast as possible. The aura in her body began to work. The aura in the eyes of the whole spirit spring directly formed a huge whirlpool, and Fengzhi was the center of the whirlpool. Her body was like a bottomless hole, constantly surrounding her The pure aura is all swallowed in, and then quickly transformed into their own strength.

When Feng Zhi's strength increased by one point, her speed of absorbing aura was also faster than that of Fengzhi. Finally, a aura storm directly formed in the palace.

It can be seen how quickly Feng Zhi absorbed the spirit Qi.

This time, because it is a complete spiritual spring eye, the aura contained in it can be said to be hundreds of times as much as that of the previous incomplete ones. Even though Fengzhi's speed of absorbing aura has been extremely fast, it took seven days and seven nights to fully absorb the spoils of this time.

When Feng Zhi absorbed the last wisp of aura into his body, the aura storm in the palace gradually stopped.


Feng to stand up, even as full as a belch.In fact, Feng is really "full" up to now. This absorption of enough aura of satisfaction, can be more comfortable than the simple feeling of satiety.

Since entering the palace, Fengzhi has absorbed more than 1000 incomplete aura springs. In addition to the previous complete aura, there is no bottleneck because her own mental cultivation can keep up with her strength, so there is no bottleneck. This time she has absorbed enough aura, and the strength of the whole person has also increased.

Of course, it's not enough for her to break through to the metaphase.

After all, in the transformation period, each small state of ascension means that it needs a large amount of Reiki to fill in. Although there are many auras absorbed this time, there are still some deficiencies.

Thinking of these, Feng Zhi also sighed.


Donglaizong, who has a virtual spirit state, is threatening her. What she hopes most now is to improve her own strength.

However, the strength of any one person needs to be step by step down-to-earth, and where can it be improved quickly by people?

Even if there are such quick ways to improve our strength, they are mostly ingenious. For a moment, they may have remarkable effects, but in the long run, they are undoubtedly taking their own potential in the future to exchange for the rapid promotion of the moment.

In any case, the gain is not worth the loss.

Feng to nature will not do such things, more impossible to allow themselves to cut off the future of ascension space.


Step by step.

Feng Zhi thought so in her heart.

However, Feng to also not much depressed, since there is a bloody abyss, then there are other places to let her experience, strength can always be a little improved.

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