Having made such a decision in her heart, Feng Zhi felt more relaxed at the same time, just like

It's like breaking some kind of shackle.

Feng to can't help but light "Yi".

For a cultivator, the improvement of strength may not be the most difficult, but the most difficult is the improvement of mood cultivation, because the improvement of mood can not be measured by something. This is the experience, experience and view of the world formed by a cultivator after many things. If it is not good luck to be able to get insight through something, this is the improvement of mood cultivation It can only be accumulated by the cultivator bit by bit, which is not clever at all.

And Fengzhi

She was just pacifying herself who was eager to improve her strength before. Could this state of mind cultivation be improved?

I really want to plant flowers, but I don't want to plant willows.

Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing.

In any case, the improvement of mood and strength is a good thing to be happy about.

Feng to stand up again, to confirm that their state has been adjusted to the best, this again to step forward a step.

In fact, Feng Zhi's heart is not as calm as she showed.

The huge insect, which was more than 50 meters high, almost killed her half of her life. If there were two insects as big as that in the next level


Feng Zhi felt a little sour teeth.

One had already made her tired to deal with it. If two of them were the same, she was not sure whether she would be swallowed directly by the worm.

It's just

This time it was a little different.

She had already walked forward several steps. According to the previous practice, the next level should appear at this time. She had to deal with insects, but this time she did not see the two insects that should appear.


Feng to the heart moved.

Is it possible that

She's cleared the game?

Go forward a few steps, Feng Zhi confirmed this.

Since she entered the palace, no matter how she went forward, the distance between her and the throne at the end of the palace had not been any closer, just like a phoenix in the middle of which could not be felt.

But now, as she went further, she could clearly feel the distance between her and the great throne was drawing closer.

It seems that the 50 meter high insect is really the last hurdle.

Feng Zhi also breathed out a breath.

She passed the 1111 level in one breath. Although it didn't take much time for each previous level, she would stop to absorb the aura of reward after closing so many levels. Therefore, she hasn't had a rest for at least half a year.

Even if Feng Zhi is made of iron, she will feel tired.

Now these levels have come to an end, Feng to nature is also to relax.


Now I think of it, there are 1111 levels in total, four ones

I'm a bachelor.

Before going to the throne, Fengzhi decided to have a good rest.

Even if the practitioners can use meditation instead of sleeping, but in terms of relieving fatigue, of course, sleeping is the best.

Therefore, Feng Zhi had a good sleep in this empty palace.

Because she hadn't had a good sleep for a long time, Feng Zhi had enough sleep for a day and a night. When she woke up, she felt comfortable everywhere and had a clear mind.

This kind of feeling can not be brought by meditation.

After having a good rest, Fengzhi took out the spiritual food that had not been eaten before in the space, and had a beautiful meal to adjust his state to the best. Then he took a deep breath and went to the magnificent and majestic throne at the end of the palace.

The throne looks very large. It is at least 10 meters high and 4-5 meters wide. If you sit in this throne, it will not be conspicuous at all.

The throne is not only large, but also very gorgeous. The whole body is made of stone which is similar to spirit stone. It is very crystal and rare. The edge of the throne is also inlaid with various kinds of precious stones.

Precious stones.

Feng Zhi thought it was a gem at first, but after looking at it carefully, she found out that it was one by one. It can be said that it is extremely precious material in the cultivation world. These materials can be used to refine utensils, and some can also be used to refine alchemy. Just like that, they can also explode the gems in the secular world.

Such a chair

Feng to in the heart secretly estimated a bit, only this chair, enough to let a large number of mendists grab the head.

Fortunately, there are no other practitioners to see this chair. If Feng wants to, she can directly move the whole throne into the space.But

Although Feng Zhi has a queen's temperament, she has no interest in sitting on the throne as a queen, so she has no idea of this chair at all.

In fact, the bloody abyss was in the hands of the five elements sect, and now it is even more in the hands of Feng Zhi. Now, she is the only one who practices the spirit transforming period of the five elements sect. It is said that no one can come here except Fengzhi, and no one can make the idea of this chair.

With such an idea, Feng Zhi approached the throne a little bit.

If others see such a throne here, their first reaction is to sit on it and feel it, but Fengzhi doesn't rush to sit up, but reaches out and caresses the throne first.

Most of the material of the throne is similar to the spirit stone, but it is not the spirit stone. This material has never been seen before.

At the moment when Fengzhi's hand fell on the throne, there was a very calm aura coming from the throne towards Fengzhi. In such a moment, Fengzhi's hand was bounced away from the throne.


Feng to suddenly have some interest.

I thought that even if the throne was made more ornate, it was actually just a chair for people to sit on. Feng Zhi didn't pay much attention to it, but now she found that this chair had other ways, so she naturally became more interested in exploring.

Fengzhi stepped back a little.

The throne was too big for Feng to sit on when she stood up straight, so she had to step back a little, and then make a strong jump. It was as if a spring had been installed under her feet, and then she jumped directly onto the throne and sat down.

In fact, it can't be said to be sitting down, because Feng to just get to the chair, the chair suddenly produced a rebound.

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