So, on this day, fengzhicai tossed Fengming and other young people out of the strength to blink their eyes. He was very satisfied and prepared to take long Yan for a good stroll in Fengtian city. Then he went out of the door and was walking into the middle of the Lingxiang vine outside the door. He saw a large group of people who were blocked by the plants planted by Fengzhi.

"Oh Feng Zhile, "it's all old friends!"

Isn't that an old friend?

In addition to the dragon clan and the Meizu, which has been named by Fengzhi, one of the other big alien races has come, and the people who have come are those who have known Feng Zhi.

In addition to these alien families, there are ten families, nine families besides the Feng family.

It happened that all the people from the nine families were those who had participated in the dragon through pass battle with Fengzhi.

A group of foreigners, a group of children from the top ten families, looked at each other outside the ancestral house of the Feng family.

It's not that they didn't try to walk inside.


The first step out of that step, by those who look at the most beautiful flowers and vines can not look like corrosion, so that people in a shiver, no longer dare to step over the thunder pool.

That is to say, this plant was only found after Fengzhi came back. I want to know that it must be from Fengzhi.

Since it is from Fengzhi's hand, where can it be anything?

Among these people, the most afraid and afraid to step forward, will leave for several nights.

At the beginning, the reason why Ye Li offended Feng Zhi was that he did not pay attention to shovel a sea of flowers at that time. For this reason, Yeli had been chasing after the ghost hands' buttocks for so many years.

Think of all the tears!

With such a warning, night from now to see this piece of three-layer plants, where dare to make the next?

And it turns out he's right.

Tut, the one who first took a step was Murong Yan of Murong family, one of the top ten families.

A beautiful girl, who was entangled by the vines, was suddenly covered with flesh and blood. It was so miserable that people were sad to hear it and cry when they saw it.


But no one really sympathizes with Murong Yan.

Murong Yan and Murong family suffered so many losses in Fengzhi's hands, but they did not have a long memory. They would always suffer losses every time. Who can blame?

Only situ Hao, who had made a marriage with Murong Yan, frowned tightly and was held tightly by Murong Yan.

"Brother Hao, please help me, Fengzhi, that poisonous woman. She just wants to kill me. Brother Hao, help me..."

Murong Yan only felt pain all over her body. Naturally, the call would not be pleasant to hear. Well, it was better than the voice of a fast wind pig.

For a moment, all the people gathered outside couldn't help looking at murongyan and situ Hao, who was held by her.


Before they went out, they were warned by their elders. This time they came to Fengzhi's house to seek help from Fengzhi, not to shake their prestige in front of Fengzhi.

They can't remember this point firmly.

Think of it, the Murong family is the same.


This Murong Yan, can say such words?

I don't know whether I am dead or alive. I have to gather it in the vine. I say that such a beautiful flower will definitely make her look more delicate than a flower. I must pick one and wear it on my head. Now that I have been taught a lesson, how can she become a Phoenix to kill her?

Obviously, she came to find Feng for help, but she could still say this. People have seen Murong Yan's stupidity.

But it's understandable to think about it.

If it is not stupid, Murong family and Feng family, how can they have a close feud?

The Murong family, which is also in debt, is thick skinned, and they are already in the same situation. This time, they still have the face to send someone to Feng's house. The key is to send Murong Yan, who has always been fighting against Feng.

I don't know what the Murong family think.

People look at Murong Yan who is constantly screaming, and have such questions in their hearts.

Everyone saw that Murong Yan was going to step on the flower vine. So the plan to go to Feng's house naturally had to be cancelled. People thought for a long time. As long as the Phoenix family didn't come out, they really couldn't think of any way to go inside.


A large group of people can only wait outside like this.

It's a coincidence that Fengzhi threw the younger generation of Feng's family into the Dragon pass. After seeing the effect, even the younger generation of Fengzhi was moved. They had to pester Fengzhi to give them a special training.

Even if this special training is hard, but as long as we can improve our strength quickly, what's the matter if we work harder?

As a result, Fengzhi made some changes in longtouguan, and later simply let all the old and small Fengs enter the Dragon pass.Therefore, the Phoenix family these days is an empty house.

In this way, the children of Feng family who went out to the outside world naturally did not have any.

Night from and others in the outside look forward to the eyes are almost staring out, this is not easy to wait until ready to go out for a stroll around fengtiancheng Fengzhi and Longyan.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan just went out and saw such a large group of people outside.

And those people outside, seeing the figures of Fengzhi and Longyan, one by one, just like the separated children who finally found their parents, burst into tears on the spot, but almost did not cry out.

This shows how much they are looking forward to seeing the Phoenix.

Feng blew a whistle.

At the first time when she saw these people, she almost thought that someone would be excited to rush towards her, hold her leg and shout "Niang". She was seriously thinking about whether she and Long Yan would recognize the cheap son or daughter if someone really called them like this.

Well, Feng Zhi admits that she thinks too much.

Under the gaze of the crowd's almost green eyes, Fengzhi seems to have not seen the crowd. Holding hands with Long Yan, Fengzhi walks through the lingteng, pea shooter, and the outermost piece of vine, holding hands with Long Yan.

Then, Feng waved to the crowd in a good mood, "eh, it's you, long time no see..."

People are also exhausted all self-control, just control not to let their own toward the Phoenix to roll white eyes.

"Yes, long time no see..."

They all greet Feng Zhi.

Even Murong Yan, who was still screaming before, took the medicine of Murong's family to treat the trauma as quickly as possible after the appearance of Fengzhi. Even though the trauma was not finished, she forced herself to change her clothes and barely squeezed out a smile to look at Fengzhi who came out of her country like a queen visiting her own country.

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