Who is the person that Murong Yan hated most and envied most in her life.

No doubt, the answer must be Feng Zhi.

Feng Zhi is more beautiful than she is, and her strength is higher than her. Her level of alchemy is more than a thousand miles away. Most importantly, Fengzhi is still the person that situ Hao has always been concerned about for years. What's more, Fengzhi easily has a husband who is better than situ Hao and has no idea how much. It can be said that he is a proper winner in life.

Compared with Fengzhi, even if Murong Yan refused to admit it, she felt that she was at most a fire girl.

What is more irritating to a woman who has looked up to herself since she was a child?

If Murong Yan had the strength to step on the Phoenix and rub it under her feet, it would be just that she could always say that she was not, but she did not have the strength at all and could only watch the scenery of Phoenix again and again.

This is simply to make Murong Yan feel that life is difficult.


No matter how hard it was, she still had to obey the orders of her family and come to Fengtian city with situ Hao and ask for help from Fengzhi.

Murong Yan felt that his life may not be able to face up in front of Feng Zhi.

It's a sad story.

When Murong Yan thinks so much in her heart, Feng Zhi and Long Yan have come to the front of everyone.

"Hello, everyone." Feng to smile with the public to say hello.

Although it was Yu Fengzhi who had come here, all of them were young people of different races and top ten families. In the end, they still had some jumping off. Several people couldn't help but turn their eyes at Feng.

But it's just a white eye. Feng Zhi is a person who can't be magnanimous. Of course, he won't dispute with them.


I don't know why the vine, which was planted on the periphery, suddenly jumped up a large part, as if it had been hit with a lot of auxin. Then, taking advantage of the fact that the public did not pay attention to it, they started to pester the people.

The people were white with fear.

However, they are also the most outstanding people among the younger generation of alien and human beings. Although they are frightened, they still retreat from the attack range of Huateng in time before they are entangled by Huateng. This is how they finally escape a disaster.

Among them, the most frightening is Murong Yan, who has suffered a loss.

Unable to entangle the public, those vines in the wind flying for a while, and then retracted back, as if nothing had happened in general, and quietly changed back to a more beautiful and peaceful flowers.

Feng Zhi looked at the faces of the people who were scared to the ground and laughed at them placidly. "Oh, I'm really sorry. These flowers and plants I planted are the most versatile. What I can't see most is that someone disrespects their master, that is, I'm disrespectful. Then I'll try to get justice for me. This is not because I'm careful and I have to deal with you ……”

People wanted to roll their eyes again.

However, the previous shock has not passed, even if their eyes cramped, they did not dare to turn their eyes at Feng again.

One more time

Who knows whether these "humanity" Huateng will give them such a sudden.

They all looked at each other for a while. Finally, the relationship between Fengzhi and Fengzhi was the closest. Fengzhi had to call Longze, a "cousin", to open his mouth.

"Fengzhi cousin, cough, I haven't seen you for many years, but you still have your style." Long Ze Dao.

For the people of the dragon family, Fengzhi's attitude is much better. Wen Yan smiles at Longze. "Big cousin is polite. If my mother knows that big cousin is coming, she will be very happy."

Long Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing how Feng talks like this, he still recognizes his cousin.

Longze then in the Phoenix to the sign, to the other side of the Phoenix stood in the past.

The rest of us have acid teeth.

If they can, they also hope that they have some blood relationship with Fengzhi, then they can easily get on with Fengzhi, and where can they still use this? They always think about what methods they can take to please Fengzhi?

After that, Feng Chi spoke.

He said hello to Fengzhi and Longyan, but there were few other redundant expressions on his face. He said, "Fengzhi, Longyan, you're OK."

Feng Chi was also present in the battle on Qixia mountain.

He saw the disappearance of Fengzhi and Longyan with his own eyes. Later, he led the feng people to search for the whereabouts of Fengzhi and Longyan. He had been searching for the whereabouts of Fengzhi and Longyan for almost half a month before returning to the Fengzu.

These, Feng to later is to listen to the Feng family all talked about.

For those who are kind to themselves, Feng never comes back with malice, so she also nods to Feng Chi, "thank you for your concern. I'll see you again after a long time. I'll have to drink more later..."

Feng Chi nods.

And then also to the Phoenix to this side of the past.In the following period of time, it has become the reminiscence of Fengzhi.

It's really hard for everyone. Although they have been together with Fengzhi for a while, they are not good memories. They have to hold those memories and get close to Fengzhi

Everyone felt a little shameless.

But compared with the family's confession, what is a face without a face?

So the people really put down all the airs and tried their best to make Feng more likable, at least not to sweep them out of the house.

The most difficult are murongyan and qingluan.

Other people, such as situ Hao, can also get close to the fact that they asked Fengzhi to help last time, but murongyan and qingluan have nothing to do with Fengzhi.

In terms of relationship, they and Feng Zhi can only be enemies.

No one in the Xuanwu mainland did not know about the grudges between the Murong family and Fengzhi. Even after all these years, Fengzhi not only made a big fuss about the Murong family, but also published the most important prescriptions of the Murong family, which directly led to a sharp drop in the prices of pills produced by Murong family and lost its monopoly on various kinds of pills in the past years.

Loss that's a real sea.

With this alone, the Murong family will hate Phoenix for decades to come.

It is said that the most common game played by Murong family is to paste the portrait of Fengzhi on the wall, and then take a dart to shoot.

So much hatred and resentment

Murong Yan can still speak with Feng Zhi in a good voice. To be honest, it is not easy.

As for qingluan

More than ten years ago, the Luan and the Meizu joined forces to fight against the Feng clan in the Qixia mountain war.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Fengzhi and Longyan, but who told them that they happened to be guests in the dragon clan at that time?

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