Whether it is a relative or a feud, Feng Zhi and these people present have been together for a period of time.

It is also because of getting along with each other, people have a certain understanding of Feng Zhi's temperament and how she is a person who never shows fear to any danger and enemy.

Such a person

Now, it is said with certainty that the disaster will affect the whole continent.

How can we not frighten people?

As a result, people have a clearer understanding of the disaster that originally existed only in speculation.

Feng Zhi's words obviously haven't finished, so they don't disturb her, just wait for Feng Zhi to continue talking next.

Feng stopped and said, "because you know that there is such a disaster, whether it is the dragon family, our Phoenix family, and my five element sect, you probably all see the actions of this period of time. The reason why the five element sect will recruit disciples at this time is to try to improve the strength as much as possible before the disaster comes In the future, we will be able to preserve more of our ancestors.... "

The people's hearts became more and more heavy.

Feng Zhi is not a person who is afraid of things. Even she made such a response after she knew about it. From this, we can see how terrible the disaster is.

The five element sect with Fengzhi as the patriarch is still like this. Then they

They all shivered.

Feng Zhi's words have not finished yet, "not only the five elements sect, but also the dragon family and the Phoenix family. All the changes in this period of time are due to this disaster."

After Feng Zhi's words, there was a silence in the chamber.

People actually have a lot of questions to ask, but when they get to the mouth, they don't know what to ask.

After a long time, the Phoenix blazing just uses a little bit of stagnant voice way: "Phoenix to, this disaster, unexpectedly so terrible?"

Feng Zhi nodded without hesitation.

If it's just donglaizong, with her and Longyan's strength of transforming gods, Fengzhi really doesn't worry too much. After all, most of the results of the battle between the practitioners are decided by the few people standing at the top.

Donglaizong is no more than a period of Zhou Yan, and Zhou Yan was defeated by Feng Zhi and Long Yan.

Today's Fengzhi has broken through the period of transforming spirit. When Zhou Yan meets Zhou Yan, Feng Zhi is confident that he will be able to clean him up in minutes.


This time, it was not Zhou Yan who led donglaizong's people to invade the Xuanwu continent, but some of donglaizong's immortals who had already soared to the fairyland and broke through the barriers of the plane and lowered their own power by using other secret methods.


There is no way to make up for the difference between immortals and ordinary people. That is, those immortals are limited by the plane, and their strength is likely to be suppressed to the point of transforming gods. At most, it is the Mahayana period. However, if the strength is suppressed, it is also the immortal.

The means of the immortal family

Feng to now can not be careless to say that she does not care.

In this way, the winning face of Fengzhi is not high.

If it is not clear that this point, Phoenix to this period of time and how to do everything to enhance the strength of all around it.

Of course, these specific reasons, Feng to still did not say with the public to listen.

Even if she said so, these people can not understand what is a cultivator, let alone immortal, or how terrible the means of the immortal family.

If so, why should Fengzhi say so much?

In fact, the reason why Fengzhi wanted to talk about it with the public this time was because she was very clear that this disaster, which would make the whole Xuanwu continent restless, was actually brought by her.

Because of this, Feng Zhi, who has always been the most revengeful person, didn't care about her enemies in the crowd this time. Instead, she brought all the people into Feng's house and said something like this.

The people of donglaizong would like to invade the basaltic continent, which is not what Fengzhi wanted.


Anyway, it's because of her.

In this case, if you can remind me one more, maybe you can live a few more people in the future?

Feng can be cruel to her enemies, but she has never been a person who can regard human life as nothing.

"To tell you all this is to ask you to go back to inform your respective clans. Although there is still 50 to 100 years to go, this time can not be described in the eyes of practitioners. However, it is still too short for the development of a clan's strength. Take advantage of this time, you can improve as much as you can How much... " Phoenix to deep voice.

There was another silence.

Feng Zhi's caution in his words can be heard no matter how stupid they are.

What's more, who can sit here is really stupid?

People looked at each other, and finally Longze said, "Fengzhi, the reason why we are here is not only to ask you about the disaster, but also to ask you for a move. After all, it only takes 50 to 100 years. How to improve our strength as much as possible needs Fengzhi's advice..."Fifty to one hundred years, it's a long time to listen, but in fact, the average life span of the warriors on the basaltic continent has reached two or three hundred years, not to mention the more powerful warriors.

In this way, the decades are really nothing.

How many generations of efforts are needed for a family or race to achieve obvious development? How many decades is enough?

However, in Fengzhi, everyone saw some hope.


In everyone's heart, this is a man who can constantly create miracles.

She can achieve the strength that almost no one on the mainland can rival in her thirties. So

Maybe, what's her way to improve her strength quickly?

So they all looked at Feng Zhi with some eagerness, for fear that Feng Zhi would say "no".

As a matter of fact, those people who have a close relationship with Fengzhi are convinced that Fengzhi must have some way to quickly improve their strength. First, the dragon family, and now the Fengjia family. Isn't this obvious?

The difference is that Feng Zhile is not willing to help them.

For a while, those who had a grudge against Feng, such as murongyan and qingluan, were deeply upset.

They are all very clear. Feng Zhi has never been a generous person. A little bit of hatred can be recorded by her for a long time. Who knows if they can remember clearly their former gratitude and resentment, and they have also found this opportunity to revenge them?

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