Phoenix to ponder for a long time, until everyone's eyes are staring pain, this slowly leisurely way: "faster to enhance the strength of the way ah I do have it

Then everyone was relieved, and then one by one looked at Feng Zhi with bright eyes and only expected Feng to tell them the method at the next moment.


Feng to squint at all one eye, a word will be in the eyes of all the expectations to fight back, "I have a way, but why should I tell you? What's the good for me? "

Everyone was choked to the point of speechlessness.

But they can't say where Feng went, what was wrong.

If you think about it carefully, in the Xuanwu continent, no matter whether it is the martial arts of human beings or those powerful alien clans, who have made great moves and obtained any good inheritance? Who is not hiding to learn by themselves, and then teach them a little bit, hoping to develop a big family through inheritance?

Only a fool will tell others about his hard won inheritance!

And now

There is no doubt that people's expectation of Fengzhi is that they regard Fengzhi as such a fool.

Yes, Fengzhi is right. Even if she has such a way to improve her strength quickly, why should she tell them?

It's not good for her!

Well, the benefits

There are those who are very familiar with Feng Zhi's temperament and have a faster brain. At this time, they are finally getting better.

Yes, I told them how to improve their strength in vain. It's not good for Fengzhi. How can she do something like Fengzhi who doesn't see rabbits or scatter Eagles?


What if it's good?

Then, can Fengzhi do it?

Phoenix blazing eyes flash a little hot.

He is one of the people who know the most about Fengzhi's ability, that is, the whole Feng clan. If Feng Zhi hadn't reached out more than ten years ago, he would not have been able to return to its vigorous appearance.


If he remembers correctly, Fengzhi's Apprentice Doudou, who was taken away from the Feng clan at the beginning, was not gifted when he was in the Feng clan. He was playing with all his peers three meals a day, but now it is said that his strength can not be underestimated.

Fengzhi has such a way to turn decadent into magic. It's just to instruct them to speed up their cultivation. What's this?

Therefore, Fengchi did not hesitate to say: "Miss Fengzhi, as long as you are willing to point out the practice of the feng people, we feng people have nothing to say about anything that you can look up to."

Feng Zhi then looked at Feng Chi with some satisfaction.

Feng Chi is really a smart person. Feng Zhi likes to deal with smart people. If she meets someone who can't understand her real meaning for a long time, it's hard for her.

And by Feng Chi such a reminder, other people who were originally distressed also came back to God.

I have to say it here, because Feng Zhina never suffers losses. If she provokes her a little bit, she will be able to peel off the skin from others. Over the years, there is a nickname of "Feng Pao Pi" in Xuanwu mainland.

It is said that this nickname is derived from a story called "Zhou shaopi" that Fengzhi once told with people around him. It is also appropriate to use it to describe Fengzhi.


Obviously, Fengzhi is not unwilling to come up with a way to quickly improve her strength. She just wants to take a layer of skin from different races and other families of the top ten families.

But everyone was only happy when they heard the words.

Property is foreign. In the Xuanwu land, except for Fengzhi here, no matter how many treasures you take, you can't get such a method.

What's more, there is the disaster that will come in decades at most.

Under such circumstances, Fengzhi just wants money, that is, whose life she wants. For the sake of the family's interests, I'm afraid that person can only take the initiative to send Fengzhi to be killed.

As a result, after Feng Chi, other families also began to take a stand.

"Yes, yes, yes, Miss Fengzhi has taken out such a precious thing, and we have to show it..."

"That is, as long as Phoenix wants to, even if the family treasure house is empty, the family will never have any dissatisfaction!"

"Miss Fengzhi, don't worry, my family is not mean people, especially those who have shown kindness to our family..."

There are about 20 people here. Although each person only says one sentence, it seems quite noisy when they gather together.

Feng Zhi raised her eyebrows, stretched out her hand and gently pressed down, "OK, you don't have to squeeze together. I'll explain to you first. I really have a way to ask you and your people to improve their strength as soon as possible, but it's not that I have any unique skills or other methods in my hand. I just can change the skills of all your nationalities Furthermore, after improvement, under conservative estimation, your speed of practice can be increased by at least 30% "The crowd was suddenly quiet.

Just like what Fengzhi said, they thought at first that Fengzhi had some unique skills or other methods to say such confident words.


Can Feng Zhi improve their skills?

For any family, the skills are so important that they can't be spread out. Although their strength comes from blood and special talent, it doesn't mean that their skills are not important.

Those who are here are not only foreigners, but also people from the top ten families on the top of the Xuanwu continent. Their skills are not only the top ones on the Xuanwu continent, but also the secret that all ethnic groups do not pass on.


How to improve the skill?

It is absolutely impossible for such a thing to be done without a man who studies nature and has great strength.

In short, if another person opened his mouth to say this sentence, I am afraid that the people would have been very angry and attacked.

However, the person who said this sentence is Fengzhi.

Even if some people here have a grudge against Fengzhi, I don't know why. No one will doubt Fengzhi's words.


She has such magic power. If anything comes out of her mouth, people will take it for granted. If you believe it, don't say that Fengzhi can help all ethnic groups to improve their skills. That is, Fengzhi said that she was an immortal in the sky. People would only be frightened for a while, and then they believed it immediately.

This is the unique ability of Fengzhi.

Therefore, at this time, people looked at each other for a while, but no one showed a suspicious look.

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