
Although no one doubted Feng Zhi's statement, no one spoke up.

After all, Gongfa is the most important thing for all ethnic groups. It can be said that if the skills of each clan are disclosed, they will be able to form another big clan in the next 200 years at most.

Even if people don't doubt Feng Zhi's words, I believe she does have such ability, but

But such a great thing is not something that they can do the Lord.

The one who talks again is still Fengchi.

He bowed his hand toward Fengzhi. "Miss Fengzhi, it's a matter of great importance. I can't be the master. I have to report to the elders of the family first, and then the elders will make a decision, so..."

Feng to waved, "I know you can't make the Lord, who should ask for help, hurry up, I'll wait for you three days, if you haven't made a decision after three days, then I won't wait on you!"

She's not lying.

With Feng Zhi's current strength and her understanding of cultivation, it is not impossible to improve these skills after knowing the skills of various ethnic groups. However, it is not easy to make them, but it takes a lot of effort of Fengzhi.

If it was not for the threat of donglaizong, Fengzhi would not do such a thankless thing.

Therefore, she said that only waiting for three days was definitely not a threat to the public, but it was exactly what she intended.

They were all a little relieved.

As long as they are allowed to ask the elders of the family for instructions.

As a result, all of them were not polite to Feng any more. One by one, they went out of the meeting hall of Feng's house and went back to inform their elders of the matter as quickly as possible.

When the people are all over, Long Yan gently holds Feng Zhi's hand. "Fengzhi, what do you do with these things? These people have nothing to do with us. If we get to that day, whether we are dead or alive, we have to depend on their own destiny. It's not worthwhile to tire ourselves for these people."

Long Yan is in love with Feng Zhi.

A dozen or so alien races, plus nine families, make up about twenty.

There are more than 20 kinds of skills. Even if it is Fengzhi, it's not easy to make favorable changes one by one. I don't know how much effort Fengzhi has to spend.

Long Yan is naturally not angry.

For Long Yan

No matter what kind of disaster, as long as they can protect each other, and those who care about each other.

As for other people, they have never been put in mind by Long Yan.

Feng Zhi Wen Yan smiles at Long Yan.

It's not that she wants to do these thankless things, but Xiuzhen pays attention to cause and effect. The reason why donglaizong would want to invade the Xuanwu continent is because Fengzhi.

That's why.

This is the result that so many creatures on the Xuanwu continent are about to fall into turmoil because of donglaizong.

Although Fengzhi can not bear the cause and effect, at least she has made efforts for it. As long as she has a clear conscience, no matter what, she will not be surrounded by the cause and effect in the future, and will not let this cause and effect become the heart demon she will break through in the future.

In a word, Feng Zhi never does unnecessary things.

As for Fengzhi's claim for benefits from all ethnic groups

It was just to find a reason. If it was not for donglaizong's priority, or if she really gave Fengzhi more precious things, she would not like to do such laborious things to make herself uncomfortable.

Long Yan probably also wanted to understand this point. After only saying this, he did not say anything else. He just gently kissed Feng Zhi on his forehead.

It's very important to ask Feng Zhi to change his skill.

After the representatives of all ethnic groups left from Fengzhi, they wrote letters to their families as quickly as possible. All ethnic groups also knew the importance of the matter. Within three days, everyone had received a reply from their families.

Many of the ethnic groups have ever had ties with Fengzhi.

For example, Luan people, such as Murong family, Lu family, etc.

There is no mistake in saying that they are enemies of life and death. There are still many people in the Murong family and the Lu family who hate their teeth when they mention Fengzhi's name.

However, this time, the replies from the elders of all ethnic groups were unexpectedly unified.

Give the skill to Feng Zhi and let her change it!

No matter which family or group, the final answer is this one.

After three days, when people gathered again in the meeting hall of Feng's house, Feng Zhi knew the answer, but in fact she was a little surprised.

After all, the skill is too important. Fengzhi thought that, except for those who deal with Fengzhi more often like Fengzu, they would not agree with her.

But I didn't expect

Although some accidents, but since Feng Zhi's words have been said, naturally there will be no change."Since you are not afraid that I will do anything bad with your skills, please copy down your own skills and give them to me. You can rest assured that I have no interest in your skills, and I will not sell them to the outside world..."

Speaking of this, Feng couldn't help laughing.

It suddenly occurred to her that if she really wanted to hold an auction with these 20 kinds of skills, it would be even more popular than the last auction of Meizu.

After all

Even if the Meizu is photographed, it's just to be a thug and a plaything, but these skills are not the same.

No matter how frustrated the family is, as long as they can get these skills, they can develop a super family with the fastest speed. Even if they are ruined, they are afraid that all the families on the Xuanwu continent will capture at least one of them.

What a pity!

Feng to such a smile, people are unable to help but a cold heart.

If they had a choice, they would not choose to hand over the skill to Feng Zhi.

But now

They can only believe the integrity of Feng Zhi, and believe that she will keep her promise.

The people then handed over all the skills they had prepared to Feng Zhi one by one.

Feng Zhi collected all the skills, but did not want to entertain the public any more. She waved her hand at will. "OK, since the skill has been handed over to me, you can go back and wait for the news. It will be no more than four or five days. You can always give the new skill to you."

All of them were choked.

No matter whether they are alien or several big families, since they can have such prestige in the Xuanwu continent, they all boast that their own skills are the best in the world. It takes at least 10 days and a half months for ordinary people to get the skills and understand them thoroughly. Fengzhi even says that they can improve their skills in only four or five days?

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