What's more, she didn't mean to improve one skill in four or five days, but all of them!


People have a feeling that they are not Phoenix to the pit.

If they repent now, can they take the skill back from Feng Zhi's hand?

More than 20 people have a bitter face.

But all the skills have been handed over to Feng Zhi. No matter how worried they are, they can only do so. They stand up one by one and prepare to leave here.

Did not wait for people to leave, Feng to pat forehead again.

"Look at my memory, I forgot to tell you about the reward. As you all know, my status is very high. I don't want to mention how much I need to help you improve your skills. Let's talk about it when you see the new skills. If you are satisfied with the new skills, my price will not be low. You'd better prepare yourself and talk to you first The elders of the family are very happy... " Feng Zhi glanced at the crowd and said, "if anyone wants to default, ha ha..."

Listening to Feng Zhi's "ha ha", the cold hairs all over the body stood up.

They all want to turn their eyes.

Who dares to think about Lai Fengzhi's account when the name of Fengzhi's "fengshaopi" resounds across the mainland?

Speaking of default, Murong Yan's face can not help but a stiff.

The lesson of Lai Fengzhi's account is unforgettable to the Murong family. If Murong Yan hadn't paid Fengzhi the reward in longtouguan first, and then left longtouguan and thought about laizhang, how could the Murong family lose so much later?

There is such a lesson in the past, where do people dare to pay back?

Even said "dare not", after the public also did not dare to disturb Feng to, all lightly left the meeting hall.

From that day on, Feng Zhi released all the Feng's family that she had thrown into longtouguan.

Previously, when Feng Chi and others came to Feng's house, the biggest question was how the Feng family could not see anyone except Fengzhi and Longyan. The answer, of course, was that Fengzhi threw all the others into the Dragon pass.

Not only Fenglai, Fengming, their younger generation, but also fengtianqiong, an old man, did not escape from Fengzhi's claws.

However, it has to be said that Fengzhi's special training is challenging people's limits all the time. After such a period of special training, the progress can be regarded as flying in general, up to the Phoenix Sky and down to the little doll who learned to practice.

However, before the improvement of the skills of various nationalities, Feng Zhi was the first to improve the skills of Feng family and dragon clan.

In fact, Feng has already improved the skills of Feng family and the dragon clan. All the skills of the dragon clan have been passed back to the Dragon Valley. In this period of time, I heard that the human body began to produce effects.

And the skill of the Phoenix family, when Feng Tianqiong and others came out of the Dragon pass, Fengzhi handed it over to Feng Tianqiong.

When Feng Tianqiong took over the skill, his hands were shaking.

The importance of Kung Fu is known to all three-year-old children.

Feng Tianqiong thought that the Feng family's martial arts had been changed, but after seeing the improved skills, he couldn't even maintain the dignity of the master. He immediately looked up and laughed three times. Then he could not care about anything else. After grabbing the skill, he went back to the close first, closed, closed

Feng Zhi is helpless.

She did not expect that her granddad, who had always been dignified in her family, would be so disrespectful after she got this skill.


If you think about the importance of martial arts in Xuanwu, Fengzhi can understand it.

Later, Feng Zhi copied the improved method again and handed it to Feng Lai.

Fenglai was calm. Although she was excited after she got the skill, she was still patient and didn't behave like Feng Tianqiong.

"Fengzhi..." Feng Lai couldn't speak for a long time.

Feng gave him a look.

"Come on, you don't have to say anything more. You should familiarize yourself with this skill in the past two days, and then pass it on to other members of the family when you can practice it skillfully." Feng Zhi Dao.

Although this skill was modified on the basis of Feng family's current skill, there were many loopholes in Feng Zhi's eyes, just like the sieve, so she made some changes.

In this way

In fact, it's a brand-new skill.

Naturally, it needs Feng to get familiar with it again and pass it on to others.

In any case, this is also the Feng family's own skill. Fengzhi will certainly be more serious in changing it. If we practice according to this new skill, we can conservatively estimate that the training speed of the children of the Feng family will increase by more than 50% in the future.

It's a terrible bonus.

Of course, after the Feng family's skill changes, it has such an effect, which does not mean that Fengzhi will also change the skills of other ethnic groups so much.

Fengzhi is selfish, of course. Even if she believes that the quality of the next generation will be much better than that of other families, even if she believes that under her pills and various secret methods, the quality of the next generation will be better than that of other families. Even if she is against different races, she will not hope that other races will catch up with the Feng family after taking her modified skills.Naturally, she will change the skills for others, but the effect is

As she said, it can increase the training speed by 30%.

Those who practice truth are also human beings and have selfish intentions.

At this point, Feng Zhi was not guilty at all.

After handing over the skill to Feng Lai, Fengzhi did not take care of this matter any more. Instead, she took Long Yan into the space and closed the door. She wanted to improve more than 20 skills in the four or five days.

In fact, it is not a difficult problem for Fengzhi to improve his skills.

The martial arts and the cultivation of truth are the same goal by different ways. With the strength of Phoenix up to now, it is just to change the skill. This is the simplest thing.


It's about how much to change, and how much you can improve your training speed by about 30%.

Fortunately, for Feng Zhi, all this is just to make her spend more time, but it is not a problem.

After four or five days, Fengzhi really changed all the skills.

When she and Long Yan went out of space again, they came to the meeting hall. They saw Feng Chi and others had been waiting for it.

At the sight of Fengzhi, people's eyes were like a small light bulb. So many small light bulbs were shining on Feng Zhi's face. Feng Zhi almost did not raise her hand to block her eyes.

She was really dazzled by people's eyes.

She took Long Yan and sat down together. Feng Zhi looked at the people angrily. "Look at you now, you are all elites of all ethnic groups. Do you know what is calm and reserved?"

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