The crowd was stunned at first, then they were all embarrassed.

As Fengzhi said, the best way for them not to be caught up with those who are behind them is to work harder and put themselves in a position where others can only look up to forever, instead of thinking that the people behind them will not make any progress.

This is the right way.

Fengming and others all slightly lowered their heads.

Seeing that all the people had the appearance of introspection, Feng Zhi didn't say anything in particular. She just said in a light way: "you are much better than those people in terms of your talent and various cultivation resources. The only possibility is that they will have a chance to catch up with you, that is to say, you will step in the original place, but will you?"

Will you?

Feng Zhi's question is actually not loud.

But listening to the ears of Fengming and others, it is no doubt that it has been shaking to their hearts, so that they are followed by a zero.

"Of course not!"

All of them agreed.

And as they gave the answer, people's spirits were much better than at first.

Feng Zhi was very satisfied.

Then she glanced at Fengming and others Besides, do you think I'll be the kind of person who can carry stones and hit my feet? To improve the Feng family's skills, it's natural to follow the perfect standard. As for the skills of other families, at most, they can only improve their cultivation speed by 30%, so you don't have to worry about it... "

Although Fengming and others had done some introspection, they still couldn't help laughing when they heard Feng Zhi say so.

Let's just say that Fengzhi doesn't hold grudges.

Even if she had revenge on the spot, it doesn't mean that she can think that nothing has happened.


It is not unusual for her to keep such a hand in improving her skills.

Feng Ming immediately said: "Feng to, you can rest assured, no matter how, we Feng family children, will not be caught up by other people!"

Everyone else nodded.

Speaking of this, people think that Fenglai will not know when to go out of the pass, and then teach them new skills. They go back to prepare for practice. At least they should adjust their state to the best before Fenglai goes out of the pass, isn't it?

The chamber was empty again.

In the next few days, Feng Zhi and Long Yan relaxed for a few days.

After five days, Feng Chi and other 20 people seemed to have made an appointment, and a lot of them appeared outside the ancestral house of Feng family.

Long before they came in, Fengzhi had already known.

After all, the three plants outside the ancestral house of the Phoenix family did not regard Fengchi and others as their own people. If it was not for the command of Fengzhi, how could they have come to the ancestral house of the Feng family safely?

After indicating that they would sit down, Feng Zhi said with a smile, "how about these days' Kung Fu? Have you personally verified the new skill? Is the effect still satisfactory?"

Everyone was excited.

More than satisfaction?

They can't describe the excitement now.

Although people previously believed that Feng Zhi was not a person who could speak freely, since she had opened her mouth, she could really improve her skills.

But after all, I didn't see it with my own eyes, and I didn't try it myself, so I was still in suspense.

Now it's different!

These days, they are all practicing according to the improved skill of Fengzhi. Compared with the former training speed, the cultivation speed of this new skill is just

Let them can't help but rush to Feng's house at the first time.

Miracle, Fengzhi is just a miracle!

At this moment, in the hearts of the people, Feng was afraid that it was no worse than the fairy in the legend.

No matter whether it is a different race or several big families, it has been inherited for many generations. Since so many generations, all ethnic groups have not been able to produce talents, and their skills have been improved from generation to generation, and now it is almost impossible to change.

However, under such a premise, Fengzhi not only really changed her skills, but also improved her training speed so much.

Thirty percent!

How much time does this mean for them to save in the future?

Especially when the disaster is about to take place in the past few decades, it can save 30% of the time, which means that when the disaster comes, they can upgrade to a stronger strength, and naturally they will be more likely to protect themselves.

The significance is great.

Because Feng Chi and Feng Zhi and Long Yan are familiar with each other, Feng Chi was the first to speak this time.

Feng Chi's eyes seem to have a small flame beating in general, which is enough to show how excited he is now. "Fengzhi, anyway, the Phoenix family owes you a great favor. This improved skill is really too important for the Feng clan. Even if you exchange more treasures, it is also the Feng family who has taken advantage of it!"Feng Chi's voice trembled.

He didn't actually say something.

Fengzhi has improved more than 20 skills. Before seeing Feng Zhi, Feng Chi has communicated with other people. After the improvement of other clan's skills, the speed of cultivation has increased by 30%, only the skill of Feng clan has increased by 40%!

Although it is only 10% of the gap, but the accumulation over the years is enough to open a gap between Feng nationality and other ethnic groups.

After realizing this, Fengchi knew that it was Fengzhi's care for the Feng nationality.

As a result, he was extremely clever to hide this matter. What he told others was that after the improvement of Feng clan's skill, the cultivation speed could be increased by 30%.

Although we can't say it clearly, Feng Chi always wants to express his gratitude and the whole family's thanks to Fengzhi.

Feng Zhi smiles at Feng.

Her impression of the feng people is not bad at all.

At the beginning, she led such a large group of people to the Feng clan. Although there were some reasons why the Feng clan wanted to take advantage of Feng Zhi to break the game, the Feng family was delicious and delicious. She had been waiting for Feng Zhi and others for such a long time without any neglect.

In addition, later, in the battle on Qixia mountain, Fengzhi and all the feng people fought side by side.


In the matter of Kung Fu, giving a favor to the Feng clan is nothing to Fengzhi.

After Feng Chi, others also expressed their gratitude to Feng Zhi.

Feng Zhi nodded, "if you are satisfied, you don't have to thank me too much. After all, I didn't improve the skills for you in vain. As I said earlier, my appearance fee is very high. You'd better make some psychological preparations early."

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