All of them couldn't help but turn their eyes at Feng.

Although they don't know much about the entrance fee, they can guess something about it.

Feng Zhi is such a person, clearly she has done a good deed, but the words from her mouth, she is able to destroy all feelings, let people can only remember that this is a transaction.

In fact, it was a deal.

I don't know how many skills are better than before. I wonder what kind of development this will bring to the family, and where do people want to pay what kind of price?

It's worth the price!

Feng Chi then again took the lead in saying, "Phoenix to, as long as you open a price, the Phoenix family absolutely does not have any two words!"

Feng Zhi smiles.

She can still remember that when they left from the Feng clan, they were robbed of too many things by Feng Zhi. The head of the Feng clan was so distressed that he almost pulled off several beards. Now Fengchi has made a package ticket like this. Who knows if the head of Feng clan will feel so sad again?

It's interesting to think about it.

Thinking of these in mind, Feng Zhi did not have any hesitation. She directly passed on her voice and quoted her quotation to everyone.

Although people have been prepared for a long time, Fengzhi will never give up this opportunity to kill fat sheep, but when they really hear Fengzhi's offer, they can't help but gasp.

There is nothing wrong with saying that Feng Zhi is "Feng shaopi".

As long as call Feng to seize the opportunity, she will not hesitate to pick off a layer of skin from the person!

Now, those who have been skinned are Feng Chi and others, and even several big families of different nationalities.


Even if it is how distressed, everyone represents their own family, without hesitation will be Phoenix to the price should be down.

The skill, especially the one improved by Fengzhi, is absolutely priceless.

Even if other families hold so many things, they can't buy such a skill. So, what reason do they think Fengzhi's offer is too expensive?

See everybody so discerning interest, the smile on Feng Zhi's face has never been down.

Yes, she likes to talk to these simple people.

Thinking that there were so many gold coins and treasures in the account, Feng Zhi laughed so much that her eyes were bent into two crescent moon teeth. She called the Dragon Yan on the other side to pat her head and put a handful of dog food in front of everyone.

People should be under the conditions of Feng to, also did not want to stay in Feng's house.

The most important thing for them now is to send the new skills back to their families.

Why don't you send the skill back first?

Ah, this is the most important skill for them to settle down in the future. Of course, they are more confident that they will take it with them. How dare they use the way of sending letters back?

If someone else intercepts the letter, they will be making a wedding dress for others?

People are not so stupid.

Seeing that everyone was about to go out, Feng Zhi suddenly said, "well, since you all have new skills, are the old ones useless, or do you give me another favor? I can hold another super auction with these skills and make a lot of money..."

After listening to the beginning, they quickened their pace one by one and left the meeting hall of Feng's house without looking back.

Look, look

This is Fengzhi!

It's really true that they have started to think about the skills of all their ethnic groups!

If it was not for the gold coins in Xuanwu, they would have thought that Fengzhi had got into the money.

Did not get public response, Feng to shrug in the back.

A little disappointed.


Think about the next will receive their own reward from all ethnic groups, Fengzhi's mood is finally better, so lost.

Seeing this, Long Yan couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

Attracted by Long Yan's laughter, Feng first pounced on Long Yan's body. The whole person hung around Long Yan's neck and bit Longyan's lip severely to show punishment, "how dare you laugh at me!"

Being teased by her, Long Yan can't help it. He immediately hugs Feng Zhi in his arms. With a strong lip, he deepens the kiss.

After a long time, the two ended the kiss.

They are now a couple with a decent reputation. After such a kiss, their breath is a little unstable, especially Long Yan's eyes have deepened a lot. Looking at that, I can't wait to swallow Fengzhi.

Feng Zhi was so naked by Long Yan's naked eyes that he was followed by heat. He took his hand and blocked Longyan's eyes. He said in a vicious voice: "what are you looking at?"

Long Yan doesn't resist. He lets Feng Zhi cover his eyes. His eyelashes are still in the palm of Feng Zhi's hand, which makes Feng Zhi feel a little itchy."Of course..." Long Yan chuckled and said, "of course, it's my daughter-in-law..."

My daughter-in-law.

Long Yan gently bit such a few words, heart is full of satisfaction.

Since he married Fengzhi and became a real couple, every time he said the word "daughter-in-law" to Fengzhi, Long Yan always felt that there was always no place to rely on, so he also had a home.

Feng to the heart is also a soft.

Long Yan has such a feeling, why is she not?

Once upon a time, she thought that she was a lonely soul from another world. Although she lived again, she probably would not meet a person who could make her willing to go down the road with her heart.

But I didn't expect to meet Long Yan.


They should have belonged to each other.

Thinking like this, Feng to the heart of a soft.

She took down the hand that covered Longyan's eyes and chewed on Longyan's lips.

They hugged each other quietly for a while, and Feng Zhi gently crossed Longyan's sword eyebrows and stars with one hand and said, "Long Yan, speaking of it, I changed the skills for other alien or family members, but they all received a sky high reward. They changed the skills for the dragon clan. They didn't get any money. Don't you think about how to compensate me?"

Speaking, Feng to also feel funny, can not help but smile a few.

Long Yan grabs the hand that Feng Zhi is making trouble on his face. First he gets close to his lip and kisses it gently. Then he holds it in his hand and plays with it carefully.

After a while, he raised his eyebrows with a little evil spirit and laughed, "madam, look, I'll make up for you, how about that?"

Feng Zhi was stunned.

Long Yan's appearance is not inferior to that of Fengzhi. Especially when he smiles with such evil spirit, his smile seems to be like a hook, which makes people's heart go away in an instant.

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