On hearing this, the burly man was stunned, and then he could not help asking, "what is the deal that Miss Fengzhi refers to?"

Feng Zhi's delicate chin raised to those silkworm babies. "Well, there are several disciples of the golden elixir of Donglai sect, who are in the later stage of the golden elixir. Their foundation is very solid. If you feed one of these people a Peiying pill, how many% of them may break through to the Yuan infant period?"

All evil cults were stunned at first.

After reflecting the meaning of Fengzhi, these evil cults who boast that they are also in calculation are speechless for a moment.

What a matter of calculation

Who else can compare with this miss Fengzhi?

Bareheaded and burly men instantly understood the meaning of Fengzhi.

For these evil cults, there is a great difference between the Jindan period and the Yuanying period. Everyone knows that the effect of the menders in the Yuanying period is better.


In the virtual spirit state, there are not many practitioners above Yuanying, and few of them can be captured by these evil practices. Therefore, the entry of these evil cults after Yuanying period becomes extremely slow.

Although for the evil cultivation, the breakthrough from the primordial stage to the out of body stage is like a life of death, but as long as there is this opportunity, why don't these evil practices want to rush to the out of body stage?

If Fengzhi said that these disciples of donglaizong in the later stage of the golden elixir could really break through to yuanyingqi, and then recruit them, maybe

Some fanaticism flashed in the eyes of bald heads and big men.

They know that Fengzhi drew a big cake in front of them, but they really couldn't help biting the bait given by Fengzhi.


The bald man and the burly man looked at each other and then said, "Miss Fengzhi, Peiying pill is not a pill that can be seen everywhere. What's more, we should take out several pills at once..."

With these words, they both looked forward to Feng.

Feng Zhi praised them with a white eye. "Since I've said everything, you don't have to worry about where the Peiying pill comes from. It's just the Peiying pill. I can refine it as much as I want. Now you should think about the gold elixir disciples and the Peiying pill. What price do you want to offer..."

The bald heads and the big men were puffing at the corners of their mouths.

Even if you look at the empty spirit state, Peiying pill is absolutely the rarest pill.

In this world, there are very few people who can make babies by their own strength and do not need pills.

However, if the breakthrough will affect the future development of Yuanying, who knows what will happen to the development of Yuanying?

Therefore, in every auction house in the virtual spirit realm, whenever there is a Peiying pill, it will definitely be sold for a sky high price as soon as possible.

Among the evil cultivation, there are few who are good at alchemy. Even those who are good at alchemy have a very low rate of elixir at the level of Peiying pill. Therefore, there are very few Peiying pills in the hands of these evil practitioners.

Just because of this, when listening to Fengzhi's saying "you can have as much as you want", bald and burly men will feel more because of this sharp contrast.

They probably made a fake!

However, they also know that there are always so few people in the world. Their existence is a great blow to others. Fengzhi and Longyan undoubtedly belong to this category.

What a blow

It's easy to get used to it.

The two of them could only have fun in this way.

Finally, as the host, the burly man said, "Miss Fengzhi, these people, and Peiying pill, we all want it, and the price will not disappoint Miss Fengzhi..."

The two sides then haggled over the price for a long time, and finally reached a deal.

Finally, Fengzhi left six Peiying pills and those donglaizong disciples like silkworm babies, and then they left with shashaxiao and shajizhu.

Before leaving, she blinked at her bald head and said, "the next stop is nanxiu city..."

There was a thrill in the bald man's heart.

There is always a kind of illusion to follow Phoenix to the end of the world from now on?

He threw Wei Ya into the cave and let the shark family take it to vent their anger. Fengzhi and Longyan did not leave Nanye city in a hurry, but stayed in Nanye city for a few days.

In the past ten years in Xuling state, although Fengzhi and Longyan also went to every place in xulingjing, they had never been to Nanye city before.

Since it is my first time here, of course, I have to feel the local conditions and customs here.

After staying in Nanye city for three or four days, Feng Zhi finally left the neighborhood.

Seeing her appearance, Long Yan couldn't help patting her on the head, "if you want to come, we'll come again next time."There is no need to make such a reluctant appearance.

Feng then nodded.

Finally, she gently leaned on the shoulder of Long Yan, and her words seemed to be sweet to the dead, "as long as you accompany me, you can go anywhere."

The silk and beads shake off goose bumps in the back.

And Long Yan, got the words of Feng Zhi, he did not hesitate to copy Feng Zhi in his arms, a bow, it is a warm kiss.

Followed by the shark gauze quickly covered the eyes of the Pearl.

"These two people don't care whether they are seen by others at all..." The shark gauze moves the line of sight, murmurs in the heart.

After a long time, the shark gauze loosened the eyes that covered the bead.

It was also at this time that he suddenly found that Fengzhi and Longyan had already gone far away. If they didn't catch up quickly, Fengzhi and Longyan would get rid of them. The brothers and sisters quickly got rid of all the things they had and quickly chased them up.


Nanxiu city is close to Nanye City, which is about a thousand miles away.

The distance of thousands of miles is far, but there are the flying swords of the practitioners. Although such a distance can't be said to be instantaneous, it can't be regarded as far.

Fengzhi and his party were not in a hurry to make their way. It took five days to get to nanxiucheng.

As for what Fengzhi is doing along the way

She is busy taking "video" for Wei Ya with Xuanguang technique.

As the old father-in-law of Jiangzhen, the leader of donglaizong, Weiya usually has a very detached position in donglaizong. If it hadn't been for donglaizong's lack of manpower, Weiya would not have been sent out to carry out tasks.

If he had known that Wei Ya would have an accident, Jiang Zhen would have preferred that no one in Nanye City presided over the overall situation, and would never have sent Wei Ya out.

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