Of course, by the time Jiang Zhen knew this, it was already late.

The reason why Feng Zhi held Wei Ya in his hand was because of his identity. Otherwise, with Wei Ya's strength in the out of body period, he would definitely be able to sell for a good price in the bald and big men.

Since the loss of such a spirit stone, Feng to of course will borrow Wei Ya back to this.

How to get back to the original?

Oh, it's easy.

In Wei Ya's identity, if people who call donglaizong know that their patriarch's father-in-law has been captured by the enemy, in order not to ask the practitioners of the virtual spiritual realm to stab their spine, they will really go out of their lives. Even if they know that there are traps ahead, these donglaizong people will definitely come to save Wei Ya like moths to the fire.


Can't Fengzhi sit and wait for the prey to come?

In this way, it can be much easier than Feng Zhi's initiative to find the door.

As for how to make donglaizong's people know that their patriarch's father-in-law has been captured and tortured by people, it depends on these spirit stones bearing the Xuanguang technique in Fengzhi's hands.


I'd like to come here. The faces of donglaizong people will be very good.

From this day on, Feng Zhi's behavior suddenly became high-profile.

After arriving at nanxiu City, Fengzhi didn't find a place to live in. Instead, she threw out a spirit stone bearing the Xuanguang technique. As a result, many practitioners in nanxiu city found that a golden light curtain suddenly appeared in the sky.

Such a thing, of course, soon aroused the surprise of many practitioners in the city.

Then, the whole city became quiet.


On that light screen, I was beaten so miserable that I couldn't bear to see the injuries on my body. Only one person with no scars on his face was actually Wei Ya of donglaizong, the old father-in-law of donglaizong?

Looking at Xuan Guang Shu, Wei Ya looks desperate and allows others to draw turtles on his face

Nanxiu city suddenly sounded a very neat "gudu" sound.

This is the voice of many practitioners who can't help swallowing.

What's wrong with donglaizong recently?

Over the past few years, donglaizong's strength has suddenly increased. As a result, donglaizong has become a super sect that nobody dares to provoke in the virtual spirit realm. Therefore, donglaizong's disciples are extremely overbearing and arrogant.

However, in the recent period, as if back to the time when Fengzhi first came out of the lake more than ten years ago, donglaizong suddenly attracted two unknown enemies.

The unknown enemy seemed to have a life and death feud with donglaizong. He destroyed so many Yuanying masters in Donglai city and Dongyi city with one move.

And then

It was the donglaizong disciples in Nanyun city and Nanye city that had accidents one after another.

Now, is it nanxiu's turn?

Many practitioners have such awareness in their hearts.


Anyway, these things have nothing to do with them. They just look at it as if they had watched a good play.

As for what will happen to donglaizong and whether they will eventually find their enemies and have a life and death war with them, that is the matter of donglaizong, which has nothing to do with them.

In this way, when the practitioners looked at the screen of light in the sky, they were more interested.

These people who had nothing to do with donglaizong could naturally have such a leisurely time. However, the donglaizong disciples in nanxiu city were so angry that they jumped.


This is absolutely provocative!

Who doesn't know Wei Ya's identity?

The man in the dark deliberately captured Wei Ya and recorded such images. Is this not a provocation to the whole Donglai sect?

Who in the end dare to have such courage!

For a while, the disciples of donglaizong in nanxiu city were all angry. Without any means of Fengzhi, they all gathered at the bottom of the light curtain.


The Phoenix, hidden in the crowd, sneered.

These disciples of donglaizong, even though they had suffered a lot, did not seem to know how to learn a lesson. They knew that there were enemies. One by one, they gathered together in such a big way, as if they were afraid that the enemy would not kill them all.

Of course, the opponent is so stupid, Feng Zhi is absolutely happy to see it become.

And then

Looking at the bustling practitioners, I saw the donglaizong disciples gathered together. All of a sudden, they were bound into silkworm babies by filaments. But in a short time, these silkworms, which looked like some silly and cute, disappeared under the eyes of the practitioners

Just disappear?

The practitioners who saw this scene felt cold at the bottom of their hearts.

So many living people were taken away in front of so many people. People couldn't see any trace of it. What kind of strength is needed?If the target of the secret man is not the donglaizong, but any of them, can they escape?

Thinking of this, the practitioners were not in the mood to watch the fun and laugh, for fear that they would become the next target of the man in the dark. However, after a short time, they were all gone.

This night, the whole city was quiet, and even a sound could not be heard.

Therefore, the Phoenix to several people actually had a good sleep.

A night without a dream.

The next day in the daytime, Fengzhi and several other people strolled around nanxiu city. When it was getting dark, they went to the place where the evil monks lived in the city again.

After being instructed by Fengzhi, the bald head arrived in nanxiu city early, and reached a cooperation with the evil cults of nanxiu city. At this time, Fengzhi and Longyan came to the door and looked at the silkworm babies who were thrown to the ground by Fengzhi. The bald face was almost rotten with laughter.

Taking these donglaizong disciples for a good price, Fengzhi and his party soon left nanxiu city to continue their journey.

The next day

Wei Ya has become a baits that Feng Zhi has never been satisfied with. As long as the bait is put out, those people in donglaizong will not bite the hook, and one by one still cry and take the initiative to pounce.

Really, Feng to later are a little embarrassed.

In this way, after passing through several cities, Fengzhi would treat the donglaizong disciples as goods to the local evil cults, and there would always be bald heads among them.

In short, the appointment of bald head is a big profit.

Several times later, when Feng Zhi and his party arrived at nanduo City, there were some accidents this time.

Donglaizong's disciple in nanduo city didn't rush up immediately after seeing the bait from Fengzhi. Instead, he restrained the impulse in his heart and sent a letter to the elder master of donglaizong who left the sect to deal with the recent troubles.

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