Who doesn't like the idea that you can rebuild your ancestral home without spending a gold coin?

Feng's family is certainly not unable to afford to rebuild the ancestral home, but can take advantage of peace of mind, who is willing to own bleeding?

What's more, the reason why the ancestral house of the Phoenix family was destroyed was because the people below asked them to pay for the maintenance. How could Feng Tianqiong three feel embarrassed?

As for

The reason why these people gathered together and even destroyed the ancestral house of Feng family was because of the breakthrough of Fenglai and Fengming. However, the past was selectively ignored by several people in fengtianqiong.

Of course, there's no need to worry about it!

It has to be said that as long as you stay with Feng for a period of time at most, anyone's skin will become thick.

Since everyone's idea of destroying the house, even if they don't want to pay the price of our family, why don't we even pay the price

Even if this man is his father, Feng Liancheng and the light language of the dragon can't help but roll their eyes.

If it had been for someone else, they would have said, "what's going on, don't you have a point in your mind?".

However, Feng Liancheng and the Dragon light language immediately couldn't help laughing, which was their own mind, and now they have the same idea as Feng Tianqiong?

So, let's not talk about anyone.

Seeing Feng Tianqiong, the three people all turned angry and happy. Feng Zhi again hooked his lips and pointed to the groups of strange animals below Not only these human warriors, but also these exotic animals, we can't make them feel better

Phoenix Sky Dome three people one Leng.

Can't we make these monsters feel better?

The destruction of the ancestral house of the Phoenix family also contributed to these exotic animals. Judging from their heart, of course, they didn't want to make them better, but they couldn't kill all of them, could they?

In addition, Fengtian city is close to misty forest. The reason why Fengtian city is so prosperous is because there are countless exotic animals and many natural materials and treasures in the misty forest, and the prosperity of Fengtian city also makes the Phoenix family.

If you really kill all these strange animals, who knows how many years it will take for misty forest to regain its vitality?

During this period of time, I was afraid that the prosperity of Fengtian city would also be greatly affected.

No matter how you look at it, it's no doubt killing the chicken and laying the eggs.


Fengtianqiong three people also don't think that Fengzhi is such a short-sighted person, so they just look at Fengzhi with some doubts, waiting for the next explanation of Fengzhi.

Feng Zhi didn't let Feng Tianqiong wait for a long time. She had a slightly malicious smile on her face. "Grandfather, father, mother, many strange animals in the misty forest have the strength and wisdom, but they are not inferior to human beings. They have destroyed our ancestral house of Feng family. Can't we have to pay any price? Those low-level monsters will be ignored, but if you want to go out after entering our Feng's house, you will have to take out something valuable to exchange, otherwise Then stay at Feng's house and pay off the debt with your body! "

Feng Tianqiong's eyes are more and more bright.

Feng Zhi's words undoubtedly opened a brand-new door for them.

It turns out that

Not only human warriors can pit, but even exotic animals can pit like this.

For Feng Tianqiong three people, this is what they never thought before.

Well, now they've learned something.

Feng Zhi could not help but feel a little funny. With her inspiration, the following human warriors and other animals who are still in a state of unconsciousness may not have a good life.

But, anyway, these are not our own people. Who do not pit them?

Feng to is not a bit embarrassed.

Such a day, once passed, is more than half a month.

For most of the past half a month, Fengtian City, which used to be so prosperous, has become an empty city. Even those who have just arrived in Fengtian city are affected by the smell that has not yet dispersed. They join the army and rush to the ancestral house of the Phoenix family. However, the strength of Fengzhi's layout can stand the test completely, which does not make these people go further.

However, such a long time in Fengtian city has gradually attracted the attention of other cities and even other big families on the Xuanwu continent.

There are so many human warriors in Fengtian City, and no one left for half a month. Even if people outside Fengtian city are slow, they should always be aware of something wrong.

Because Fengzhi, fengtiancheng has always been the gathering place of the warriors of the Xuanwu mainland. Now that fengtiancheng has such a change, other forces will find ways to find out the reason, which is also normal.

This investigation made all the major forces in the whole basaltic continent become ready to move.

Feng family is obviously in trouble, otherwise Fengtian city will not become an empty city.At this time, if they attack fengtiancheng, they may get a piece of delicious cake from it

So tempting, there are few forces on the basaltic continent that can not be affected.

For more than a thousand years, the Phoenix family has been firmly occupying the position of the largest force in the Xuanwu continent. However, how the big families and forces behind them catch up has never changed this point, which makes all the big families and forces feel extremely helpless.


They also know that as long as there is a phoenix in the Phoenix family, it is absolutely impossible to be trampled on by any force.

Even if leaving aside the influence of Feng Zhi, the strength of the Phoenix family, which is just like the sun, is not something that the major forces can challenge at will.

Of course, that was the past.

Now the situation is, the Phoenix family is obviously something unexpected, it depends on whether they dare to seize this great opportunity to tear a piece of meat from the Feng family.

For a moment, it seems that the whole Xuanwu continent has become popular.

However, the major forces soon calmed down again.

Just because, no matter how many people they sent to Fengtian City, as soon as they entered the gate of Fengtian City, they immediately looked like a kite with a broken line and could not be contacted again.

It's like there's no such person at all.

This is certainly impossible.

If one person loses contact, he can send a second person in the past, but when one person after another loses contact, the leaders of the major forces begin to lose their hearts.

Is there any fraud?

Because of this consideration, all the major forces stopped in unison. They did not dare to send any personnel to fengtiancheng any more. They had to wait passively to see if there would be any new news coming out of fengtiancheng.

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