This is the second half of a month.

The breakthrough of practitioners, especially Fenglai and Fengming, still need to wait a long time. If you think about how many years it took for Fengzhi and Longyan to make a breakthrough, you won't think that Fenglai and Fengming have lasted for one or two months.

For more than a month, Fengzhi did not know about the situation on the Xuanwu continent. However, they all knew that even if those forces were the top forces in the Xuanwu continent, they could not take advantage of it at this time.

In that case, they want to send someone over, just let them come.

Anyway, with the present situation of fengtiancheng, people outside are going to get a discount.

By the way, when Fenglai and Fengming are finished, they can also collect losses from those who come to Fengtian city. Why not?

On this day, there was a new movement on the back mountain.


Feng Zhi looks up at the direction of the backward mountain. Long Yan looks at the past with her almost at the same time.

Then there are three people from fengtianqiong.

At the end of their line of sight, on the back mountain, there was a new movement at last.

Before, there were only a few tentative thunder and lightning flying out of these clouds, and there was no big movement. But this time, it was different. The cloud started to surge at a high speed. When the speed reached a certain level, the cloud suddenly opened a hole like a giant beast. In the next moment, a dark purple ferocious electric light flew out of the gap 。


Even though separated from this distance, Feng to a few people also heard this roar.

The electric light hit the Feng family's secret rooms built on the back of the mountain. Just for a moment, the secret rooms with the mountain as the wall, which were supposed to be extremely strong by the Feng family, became fragmented.

After a series of noise, Fenglai and Fengming appeared in the ruins.

Although the clouds and thunder and lightning were so terrible, Fenglai and Fengming still kept their knees crossed and their expressions on their faces were as peaceful as ever, as if they had never felt their own situation at the moment.

The clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky didn't give the Phoenix any rest time or stay, and the second thunder and lightning split down again.

The first time there was a secret room to pick up the Phoenix and Fengming. The second blow was to chop all of them. There was no flower skill to speak of.

Feng Lai and Feng Ming had a flash of electric light on their bodies, and their clothes suddenly turned into fly ash. Even their long hair at that end also rushed into the sky like a broom.

"Poo Hoo..."

Even if there are some worries in the heart, Feng Zhi can't help laughing.

It's not that she doesn't have brotherhood, but Fenglai and Fengming look so funny now.

With a blink of an eye, Feng Zhi felt that it would be a waste of time if we could not leave a good memorial for such a historic moment.

Besides, when Fenglai and Fengming break through successfully, we should let them have a good look at what they are like at this time?

With such a thought, Feng Zhi did not hesitate to use a dark light technique to record the present appearance of Fenglai and Fengming completely. While recording, she couldn't help laughing.

Fengtianqiong and Fengming were still worried about Fenglai and Fengming, but when they were affected by Fengzhi, how could they worry about it? They were taken askew by Fengzhi, and then they enjoyed the present heroic posture of Fenglai and Fengming.

If Fenglai and Fengming know, they will probably cry

One after another shocking thunder and lightning split on Fenglai and Fengming. After each thunder and lightning, they will add some scars to their bodies. Correspondingly, their bodies also absorb the power from the heaven and earth contained in the thunder and lightning. The level of such power is obviously higher than the aura of the Xuanwu continent Draw more of this strength, the stronger the body of Fenglai and Fengming.

This is the unexpected harvest of the breakthrough.

Feng Zhi smiles and pays attention to Feng Lai and Feng Ming.

Although the power of thunder and lightning is stronger and stronger, Feng Zhi's heart is more and more relaxed.

Compared with the "99 thunder robbery" which she had passed through to break through from the transformation of God to Mahayana period, the thunder robbery faced by Fenglai and Fengming is simply weakened by many times. It is only with such intensity that if Fenglai and Fengming still can't persist, it will be really beeping the dog.

As for the limits of Fenglai and Fengming, Fengzhi is afraid to have a better grasp of it than themselves.

And Feng Tianqiong three people, see Feng to look more and more relaxed, also follow relaxed.

In such a case, I don't know how many times the thunder and lightning struck. Although Fenglai and Fengming are scarred, they don't look like they are going to be defeated. On the contrary, the thunder and lightning seem to know that they can't do anything about Feng Lai and Feng Ming. After a few counter attacks, they can only reluctantly gather all their strength.And then the clouds cleared.

After being shrouded by the clouds for such a long time, Feng's family finally saw the sun again.

Fenglai and Fengming, this is a successful breakthrough!

At the moment when the clouds dissipated, the fragrance that originally covered the whole Phoenix City and the fog forest began to disappear from the air. However, for a moment and a half, the original temptation that almost drove people crazy was completely gone.

After that, many human warriors and other animals who had been affected by the fragrance began to recover their senses.


Awakened human warriors and other animals, are full of faces and eyes of blankness.

They and they looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't figure out why they were here, because the ancestral house of Feng family has now become a ruin, and no one can recognize where it is.

After the human warriors looked at each other, they couldn't help communicating with the people around them. The final result was that they were all in the same situation. It seemed that they didn't know anything after smelling a smell. When they woke up, they found themselves in this place.

So, what's going on here?

What surprised most human warriors was that there were so many people around them, and there were so many strange animals that they doubted that all the strange animals in the misty forest had gathered here.

In fact, it is.

When all the people and other animals wake up, the natural hostile relationship between human warriors and alien beasts makes them immediately divided into two camps.

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