Brush brush

After the sound of disordered footsteps, the recovered human warriors, with the fastest speed, opened a distance from the surrounding alien animals, and those foreign beasts also stood in line under the command of higher exotic animals.

Humans and other animals, so confrontation.

Judging from this situation, if there is no accident, the two camps are afraid to fight soon.

With so many human warriors and so many exotic animals, it's really hard to say who will win, and how many casualties there will be.

If it is possible, human warriors naturally do not want to be so inexplicably put themselves in danger.

However, humans and other animals are hostile to each other, and all human warriors have stayed in Fengtian city for a long time. It can be said that a large number of them are fed by strange animals in the misty forest.

And what about the exotic animals?

In these long years, countless foreign animals died in the hands of human warriors, and almost all the hatred has been printed in the blood and bones of foreign animals.

How can such two camps collide with each other?

For a while, the human warriors were in danger. They all held their weapons tightly and were ready to attack at any time. The same was true for the other beasts. Under the command of the higher exotic animals, even the weakest ones were panting, red eyes, gouging their own hooves and showing a desperate appearance.

A war between human beings and other animals is about to break out.

At this time, all human warriors and other animals heard a clear and lazy voice.

"What's the matter? You've destroyed the ancestral house of our Feng family, and now you want to fight a battle here and win or lose?"

There is no doubt that the voice belongs to Fengzhi.

Hearing Feng Zhi's sudden words, whether it was a human warrior or a strange beast, they were all shocked.

What surprised them even more was the meaning of Feng Zhi's words.


The place where they are now is actually the ancestral house of the Feng family. What's more, listening to the meaning of Fengzhi, it's all because of them that the ancestral house of the Feng family has become a ruin?

This makes all human warriors and other animals suddenly become frightened.

For human warriors, Fengzhi is a name that everyone dares to look up to.

It has long been rumored on the Xuanwu continent that Fengzhi and Longyan could have broken through the shackles to go to a wider world a thousand years ago, but for some reason, they deliberately suppressed their cultivation.

Naturally, the human warriors don't know whether this rumor is true or false. However, only by the fact that Fengzhi and longyanna, in the war with donglaizong in those years, have made everyone think of their tall figures, which is enough for human warriors to respect them.

How can anyone dare to wear a tiger beard in front of two people who have become legends more than a thousand years ago?

As for the animals

The beasts all live in the misty forest. Naturally, they are not as clear as the human warriors about what kind of fierce characters appear on the Xuanwu continent.

However, the most powerful thing about foreign animals is their instinct, the instinct to worship the strong.

Although Fengzhi only said such a sentence, but it is enough that these many foreign animals instinctively aware of the pressure brought to them by Fengzhi, which is derived from the pressure of strength.

Therefore, even if they only heard the voice of Fengzhi, many other animals immediately lowered their heads and stepped back several steps to express their reverence for Fengzhi, a strong man.

In this regard, the alien beast is more sensitive than the human warrior.

In this way, because of a word from Fengzhi, the whole Fengtian city suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Feng Zhi soon appeared in the air.

Now, the reason why you are going to pay for the loss of the house is that the two of you are standing at the foot of your house

After listening to the last sentence of Feng Zhi, all the human warriors and foreign animals felt that the whole human and the whole beast were not good.

They're confused now, OK?

Clearly they don't remember anything. Why was Feng Zhian so guilty of destroying the ancestral house of Feng family?


After a careful comparison of the surrounding environment, the sensitive human warrior suddenly found that Fengzhi had not been blinded by them this time.

This is the original ancestral house of Feng family.

But what puzzled them was that since Fengzhi was here, it meant that this place should have been the safest place on the whole basaltic continent.

So why did Fengzhi watch the ancestral house of Feng family become ruins?Can't, these people and foreign animals together, even let Feng Zhi feel afraid?

No one takes this idea seriously. They don't think that as long as there are too many people, they will be able to do anything about it.

Think again about Yifeng's peevishness

Some people can't help but murmur in their hearts. Don't this thing be made by Fengzhi, in order to pit them?

But it doesn't make sense. If there are so many human warriors in Fengzhi pit, how can even these strange animals be dug up?

People are puzzled.

Where did they know that it was really an accident. Fengzhi didn't want to pit them at first. Later, she just wanted to pit them by the way.

It was a long time before someone spoke weakly Fengzhi, I don't know what you mean. How should we compensate? "

Don't say it's the human warrior. It's the other animals who are all alert to listen to Feng Zhi's reply.

As for Feng, she said with a smile, "it's natural that you should pay back the money in debt. Since you have destroyed the ancestral house of the Phoenix family, not only the ancestral house of the Phoenix family, but also many buildings in the Fengtian city have been destroyed by your hands, so of course you should take responsibility. The reconstruction of the ancestral house and Fengtian city depends on you..."

The people, as well as all the animals, felt black when they heard this.

The reconstruction of Fengjia ancestral house and Fengtian city?

How could they have been so burdened by Fengzhi for no reason, and the ancestral house of Feng family was nothing more than that. With so many people and animals, one man and one beast, it was not hard to rebuild the ancestral house of Feng family.


How big the Phoenix heaven city is. If it becomes a ruin like the ancestral house of the Phoenix family now, how can it be rebuilt even if there are more people and more animals?

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