
All the animals are suffering from a face, looking at the air, there is no fluctuation of Feng Zhi's expression.

In front of Feng Zhi, is their resistance useful?

Just look at Feng Zhi's fists suddenly pinched up, as well as slightly narrowed eyes, people already know the answer.

Feng Zhi was amused by the crowd. "What expression are you? We practitioners, of course, have to dare to be brave. It's because of you that the ancestral house of the Phoenix family and fengtiancheng have become like this. But I haven't wronged you at all. In this case, is it so difficult for us to take responsibility for what we have done?"

Speaking of later, Fengzhi was almost heartbroken.

Looking at Feng Zhi's performance, people seem to really feel that they and others are not too irresponsible. They are clearly doing things by themselves, and they are unwilling to bear the consequences. It's really wrong for them to let Fengzhi's predecessors feel so sorry for them!


Oh, no!

They don't even know what's going on. Why are they wearing such a big hat?

Almost by the Phoenix to the side of the belt!

All the human warriors could not help but lift their hands and wipe their sweat. Even those strange animals, they all stepped back a few steps.

But Feng Zhi, noticing the reaction of the people and the animals, immediately stopped smiling. She swept her face lightly. Her words made people feel cold all over, "what expression are you looking at? Can't you give up the few gold coins? If it's true, that's OK. I just need a few sandbags of human or animal meat to accompany me to practice. If you really can't get gold coins, I don't mind you taking your own body to pay for the debt... "

All the people and the animals shivered.

They are more willing to give gold coins than accompany Phoenix to practice, OK?

Even if it is destined to bleed, they do not have any hesitation!

As a result, all the human warriors have stated, "master Fengzhi, please don't misunderstand. Since it is our fault, we are naturally willing to bear the responsibility. For the reconstruction of the ancestral house of the Phoenix family and the Phoenix Tiancheng City, we certainly have to contribute money, and we also ask Fengzhi to give us a chance to mend our mistakes!"

Almost did not cry and cry to ask Phoenix to accept their gold coins.

The other people of Feng's family can't help but open their mouths one by one.

Sure enough, it's the old ancestor.

But Fengzhi, seeing all the human warriors, nodded with great satisfaction: "for the sake of your sincerity, I'll accept your gold coins. You can see that the ancestral house of Feng family has been completely destroyed, and the Fengtian city outside is similar. I don't need to tell you how difficult it is to rebuild it In this case, you can leave 200000 gold coins each. I am most willing to be considerate of others. Since you have lost money, I will be more generous and will not let you contribute any more... "

Before the eyes of all the human warriors, there was another darkness.

Well, they did not say gold coins, but also had to be so "forgiven" by the Phoenix family.

How angry!

But keep smiling.

It is not difficult for a warrior who can stay in Fengtian city for a long time to take out 200000 gold coins, which is not a burden for all human warriors.

However, as long as you think about it, there are at least hundreds of thousands of human warriors here, each of whom has taken out 200000 gold coins

Not to mention rebuilding the ancestral house of the Phoenix family. It is enough to expand the scope of Fengtian city by one time!

Someone calculated the account and left his 200000 gold coins while breathing.

Although there are a lot of human warriors here, it doesn't take time to pay money. In addition, Feng Zhizhi asks Feng family to set up many points to pay money. So when all the human warriors pay gold coins and leave, it takes about an hour.

All the human warriors have left, and there are only a lot of strange animals left.

Feng Zhi smiles at the strange animals.

By instinct, the animals knew that the situation seemed to be wrong, so they stepped back in unison without anyone's command.

Tut Tut, just with a smile, you can scare off these strange animals. In the Xuanwu continent, only Phoenix can do it.

At this time, Feng looked at many strange animals, just like seeing piles of Gold Mountains.

Of course, these animals can't have gold coins, but Feng is not disappointed. They have something better than gold coins!

The reason why there are so many warriors gathering in Fengtian city is that there are countless strange animals gathered in the fog forest outside Fengtian city. They are full of treasures. Those weaker ones can catch them to eat meat. The meat of foreign animals contains aura. Long term consumption of foreign animal meat can promote the cultivation of martial arts.

And those more powerful monsters, not to mention the horns, skins, eyes, claws, bones, blood, etc., can sell for a high price as long as they can be separated. If any human warrior can hunt a high-level alien, it means making a fortune!In such a case, Feng even didn't mind that many other beasts took their own bodies to pay for the debts.

Of course, the beasts will not.

Feng Zhi's terrible eyes made him shiver. The most powerful of all the other animals stood in the front. Qi Qi yelled at Feng Zhi in a low voice.

It's not that they are challenging Feng Zhi, but they just want Feng Zhi to explain her plan early, or let them settle down?

Feng Zhi then "hey hey" laughed twice, "you don't worry, I won't do you any harm. If you really want to be disadvantageous to you, I can start as early as you are not clear of your mind. You can probably feel my strength. Even if you have too many beasts, that's not enough for me to kill, isn't it?"

Among the beasts, several nine grade beasts looked at each other.

For Fengzhi, they actually agree.

As Fengzhi said, with her strength, no matter whether the animals are sober or not, even if there are more, it is not enough for Fengzhi to kill.

Fengzhi didn't sell off any more, and went on to say: "the beasts of three grades and below, because of your low strength and difficult survival, I will not investigate with you this time, and return to the misty forest respectively."

The animals were overjoyed.

The original strength is low, there are such advantages!

For a while, those monsters whose strength is above the third grade can hardly wait for themselves. In fact, their strength is low. Who knows what will happen to them?

With Fengzhi's words, the third grade and below the beast are orderly to withdraw, not long after, the number of exotic animals here is less than half.

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