No matter where you are, whether you are a man or a beast, it is very difficult to practice.

Among the human warriors and other beasts, there are indeed many with high strength, but the more numerous are those at the bottom. Because of this, after Fengzhi's speech, the number of monsters left was only half of that before.

After these weak beasts left, the rest of them were uneasy.

Just because they don't know what will be welcoming them.

Feng to also did not sell off, "well, the rest of you beasts, quickly think about what you have on your body to pay off the debt, as long as the value can reach 200000 gold coins, you can go after handing it in."

As soon as her voice fell, all the beasts were roaring with fury.


At this moment, the whole Fengtian city was shocked.

This shows how angry the beasts are.

For a long time, in the minds of human warriors, the existence of exotic animals is to provide them with various resources continuously. Various parts of strange animals can not only be used to refine pills, but also to refine weapons. Whether it is pills or weapons, it has always been a valuable and marketable good thing in the Xuanwu continent.

In this way, in the eyes of human warriors, these monsters in the misty forest are not life with flesh and blood, but tools for them to live a better life.

For tools, how can anyone pour their feelings into them?

The opposition between human beings and other animals is so bloody.

Previously, if there was no Phoenix to make a sound in time, I was afraid that there would have been a bloody war between humans and other animals.

Now, after listening to Fengzhi's words, all the other animals have decided that Fengzhi is going to kill them. Even if they are afraid of Fengzhi's strength, how can they resist at all?


The roar of these beasts lasted only half of the time, and then stopped abruptly when the Phoenix came to the next.

Then the Phoenix opened her eyes and looked at the animals in surprise. She could not believe it and said, "eh, you animals, don't even have the habit of collecting?"

The habit of collecting?

The animals are confused.

They all thought that the meaning of Fengzhi's words was to let the animals take the initiative to break their horns and claws without using their own hands. But now, it seems that they have some misunderstanding?

“…… Don't you usually cut your nails? "

"Don't you all take off your skin?"

"Don't you all change roles?"

"Don't you lose hair?"

"Don't you know to close up the blood you spit when you are injured?"

Feng to spit out this series of words.

And the animals, listening to Feng Zhi's series of questions, almost no one really spit out a mouthful of blood.

Therefore, Fengzhi means that they can take these useless things in their eyes to pay off debts?

The eyes of all the beasts were fixed on the bell.

They can clap their chest to say a word, so the painting style of human beings, they have never met animals!

However, as long as the Phoenix does not want their lives, let alone want them to harm themselves, then everything is easy to say.

Not to mention, the animals do not really have the habit of collecting, but the life of them is also very long. In such a long time, even if they are not conscious, there are many things left around them. Who can't change their nails several times, who can't take off their skin, who can't change their hair?

As long as you take these things, you can pay off the debt. Where can you find a good thing?


For a moment, the beasts began to search for these things from their own talent space.

With Feng Zhi's warning, all the other animals also instantly opened their orifices. In addition to these things, they used to have a collection of them. What kind of miraculous medicine, what kind of spiritual fruit, can not all be taken out to pay off debts?

Before long, there were all kinds of things in front of the animals.

Feng Zhi was very considerate, and had already drawn many hands from the children of the Phoenix family who were in charge of the Chifeng auction house. What they did was to evaluate how much gold coins the animals could take out.

Although Fengzhi is in the ascendant now, the Feng family did not deliberately bully these animals. The price of the evaluation is based on the market price. Not to mention, there are many valuable collections of exotic animals. Even if the children of the Feng family who are responsible for the evaluation are used to seeing good things in the Chifeng auction shop, they are still surprised to see the piles of materials The feeling of being lost.

Lying in Baoshan is probably how they feel now.

For a while, the children of the Phoenix family were busy, but they felt quite enthusiastic.

The beast, whose value was more than 200000 gold coins, left first with a big wave of Feng Zhi's hand and a mouth.

And those who have gone through the collection and only took out some worthless things, can only droop their heads, a pair of to let the Phoenix to slaughter the poor appearance.If the foreign animals also know how to act coquettishly and cry, they will not hesitate to use all means to let Feng Zhi be merciful to them.

Of course, Fengzhi is not the kind of person who will give up the advantages of being spoiled and cute.

About half an hour later, the children of the Phoenix family had already evaluated all the things that the animals had taken out, and about half of them failed to meet the requirements of Fengzhi.

The animals looked at the animals beside them, then looked at them and then laughed. It seemed that it was very harmless to look at their Phoenix, and they could not help shivering.

Always feel that

They seem to be tragic.

And Feng Zhi, she looked at the number of animals or a lot, smiling way: "you look at you, don't you know that collecting is really a good habit, now it's pit by yourself?"

The animals were silent.

They have already regretted it, OK? If they knew that the things they didn't see at all could be of great use, they would definitely put those things away and never waste anything!


What they want to know more is how Fengzhi will deal with them since they don't have enough of the 200000 gold coins Fengzhi said.

Of course, Fengzhi could see the thoughts of the animals, so she gave up her jade like finger and pointed to the animals waiting to be sentenced As a treasure of the beast, you can not even get two hundred thousand gold coins, and say it is a shame for the beast. Since you are so suck, I can only make you flesh. "


The animals recoiled several steps in awe.


Is Feng Zhi really going to poison them this time?

The hearts of the beasts were full of despair.

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