Like human warriors, alien beasts enhance their strength by absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth. Even for physical reasons, foreign beasts are more likely to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth than human warriors. However, most of them have no cultivation methods. Even if they can easily absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, they can only strengthen their bodies by instinct.

After so many years, the animal's body was full of aura.

The body with aura is undoubtedly a great tonic for human martial arts. If you can eat it frequently, especially the meat of high Lu level, it will greatly promote the cultivation.

Because of this, in the basaltic land, all kinds of grade of exotic animal meat has always been in short supply.

The animals were glad that Fengzhi didn't want their lives. Now when they heard Fengzhi's "meat compensation", they only thought that Fengzhi was going to poison them. How could they be afraid?

For a moment, the previously extremely gentle and even amusing atmosphere suddenly disappeared. All the strange animals were watching Fengzhi with great vigilance, waiting for anything wrong, they would immediately try their best to ensure their own safety.

Although they also know that with the strength of Fengzhi, even if they twist into a rope and fight for their lives, they may not be able to escape from the hands of Fengzhi, but they can't be caught like this?

As a strange beast, he has never sent his neck to the enemy.

And Fengzhi

Again, she looked at the strange animals in great surprise.

"Eh?" Feng Zhi seems to know why the animals are so ignorant. A pair of Phoenix eyes are full of surprise, "what are you doing? Don't you want me to loosen the bones for you? In that case, I can actually meet your requirements


If they could speak, they would say, "why do we do this? Don't you have a point in mind?".

It is obvious that Fengzhi wants to kill them. They are just protecting themselves. Are they willing to surrender?

After a long time, Fengzhi suddenly realized: "Oh, you don't think I'm going to kill you, do you?"

Beasts: isn't it?

"How can I be so bloodthirsty?" Feng to a face of innocence, "or that old saying, did not kill you before, now how can again to you?"

The animals relaxed a little.

Feng Zhi is right. If he wanted to kill them, he would have done it long ago. Where would he wait until now?

Moreover, with the strength of Fengzhi, if you want to kill them, how can you say so much to them?


Feng Zhi really didn't want to kill them?

What does she mean by "meat compensation"?

The animals all think that the human brain circuit is too difficult to guess, can't they say it all at once, so that they will be afraid to guess?

Feng to this time slightly sighed a sigh, "well, look at you are not very clever, I also forgive you this time."

All the animals were covered with lasagna tears.

Fengzhi really didn't say anything wrong about them. All the exotic animals that still stay here are not very powerful, and their grades are concentrated in three to six grades. Those powerful ones can gather together anything they like, and they can make up enough of 200000 gold coins. How can they be reduced to stay here?

And the higher the level of a strange animal, the higher the intelligence, and naturally the more intelligent.

The animals that are still here are not so clever.

Fengzhi laughed a few times, amused the animals for so long, and she became addicted to it. Yu Shi said, "OK, the meat compensation I said is not really for your meat. If you can't take out what you can pay for, of course, you will have to pay something else. It happens that I'm going to rebuild the ancestral house of the Phoenix family and Fengtian city. There is a shortage of manpower Stay and help to carry some bricks and hand things. When the reconstruction of the ancestral house of the Phoenix family and Fengtian city is completed, you can leave at any time. "

After hearing Feng Zhi's words, the animals were stunned again.

Again, they have never seen such a picturesque human!

Strange beasts are full of treasures. In the eyes of those human warriors, nature is also a moving treasure house. Every human warrior meets a foreign beast, but any human warrior with enough strength will never give up to get benefits from foreign beasts.

But now

Feng at first let them take out their own collection in exchange for freedom, but now they even allow them to pay off their debts by labor?

By labor!

Think about it. During the reconstruction of the ancestral house of the Phoenix family and the Phoenix heaven City, monstrous beasts appeared among the human warriors. Not only did they not fight with each other, they also handed bricks and other things to the human warriors

This scene, people can not help but think about the tooth acid.

ButFor the animals, this is just great news.

As long as they can save their lives and return to the misty forest safely, let alone let them do some hard work, they are willing to pay more!

However, the animals are also worried.

Although they are not too smart, they are also very clear about the natural opposition relationship between human warriors and other animals. Of course, they accept the solution given by Fengzhi, but even if they can carry bricks honestly, what about those human warriors?

How greedy humans are, the beasts have known for a long time.

Can they suppress their brutality, and can those human warriors control their greed?

Can't, they saved their lives from the hands of Fengzhi, but also lost their lives in the hands of those human warriors who are far less powerful than Fengzhi?

Then all the animals looked at the Phoenix.

Fengzhi can't see what the beasts are thinking about. In fact, the worries of the animals are not unreasonable. If no one is holding them down, no one can guarantee that those human warriors will have the idea of these exotic animals.

After all

These animals are extremely valuable.

However, Feng Zhi is not worried about this.

She waved her hand, extremely overbearing way: "you may rest assured, as long as I am in one day, no one dares to make your idea!"

Although this can not be said to be definitive, it can make all the other animals feel an unquestionable power.

So the animals were relieved.

If there is Fengzhi, there is no need to consider any safety issues here, at least until the reconstruction of the ancestral house of Fengjia and Fengtian city is completed.

If you think about whether you want to be a coolie in fengtiancheng after waiting for animals, or with human warriors, the hearts of all the beasts are very wonderful.

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