Fengzhi always does what he says.

The ancestral house of the Phoenix family and Fengtian city have indeed been destroyed beyond recognition. The ancestral house of the Phoenix family has been trampled on by so many human warriors and other animals, and has been completely destroyed for a long time. Although the situation of Fengtian city is better, it is also seriously damaged.

It is also true that reconstruction needs to be carried out immediately.

The next day after Feng Zhi's negotiation with the animals, the reconstruction work began.


The human warriors who participated in the reconstruction work were extremely surprised to find that in addition to the human warriors, there were many other animals among the reconstruction workers shuttling through the ancestral house of the Phoenix family and the Phoenix heaven city.

These strange animals or people stand up, with two powerful forepaws to pick up the materials needed to send to the hands of human warriors, or carry a lot of things on their backs and transport them to the distance

All in all, the animals are not good enough.

To the surprise of human warriors who were worried about whether these exotic animals would go mad at first.

People and other animals stay together so harmoniously, and even divide and cooperate. Maybe the whole basaltic continent can only be seen here.

As a matter of fact, it is not unreasonable to worry about other animals.

The reconstruction of the ancestral house of the Phoenix family and the reconstruction of Fengtian city really need a lot of manpower, and it is not enough for these people to rely on the children of the Phoenix family. Therefore, they have to be paid to recruit outsiders.

Most of these human warriors who were called to stay in Fengtian city for a long time.

The warriors who can stay in Fengtian city for a long time, of course, are trying to earn more gold coins in Fengtian city. In such a case, a strange beast full of treasure can't stop swinging in front of their eyes. If these human warriors are not moved, it's certainly deceiving.

Greed, this is the instinct of many people.

Although these human Warriors also know that the decision to let all kinds of animals participate in the reconstruction of Feng's ancestral home and Fengtian city was made by Fengzhi himself, but once their hearts were greedy, how could they still have any reason?

Of course, the reason why these people dare to commit crimes against the wind is that they naturally think that even if Fengzhi uses these strange animals as coolies, they can not always pay attention to these strange animals.

Besides, how can Fengzhi pay attention to so many strange animals?

One or two of them are missing, and ten are eight. Is it hard for them to notice?

In such a fluke mind, naturally, many people have stretched out their claws at the strange beast.

As for their results


A shrill cry came out.

A powerful human warrior was about to shoot at a five grade exotic beast not far from the front. His hand holding the sword tightly flew up suddenly, and then there was a violent wind of blood, and the smell of blood suddenly spread to all directions.

The pain of being cut off all of a sudden made the human warrior cry out.

And the situation here was quickly noticed by other warriors and other beasts around.

Looking at the hand still holding the sword on the ground, and the five grade exotic beast which is not far away from this warrior, there is no way for people and animals to guess what happened.


The human warrior had a bad intention on the five grade beast. He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak attack, but he didn't want to be chopped off first?

Only for a short time, the human warrior and the beast quickly divided into two camps.

At this time, all the people and animals heard the voice of Feng Zhi.

"I have said for a long time that before the reconstruction of the ancestral house of the Phoenix family and Fengtian city is completed, no matter whether it is a human warrior or a strange beast, do not have any other ideas. Otherwise, I don't mind letting these unruly people or exotic animals taste what is called regret..."

Fengzhi's voice is very indifferent to the sound of the previous unruly human warrior's scream, which makes people feel cold at the bottom of my heart for no reason.

"That's what happens when you don't obey the rules. If you think you have too many hands or feet, I don't mind cutting them off for you..."

The whole Fengtian city was in a dead silence.

Therefore, it is better to say than to do.

As early as the reconstruction of the ancestral house of the Phoenix family and Fengtian City, Fengzhi had already emphasized the rules with all the people and animals, but because there was no example, people could not get attention.

If not, how could the former human warrior break the Fengzhi rule so easily?

Now, with this example, I think that as long as they are human warriors or exotic animals who do not want to break their hands and feet, they will not be able to do so easily.

After this incident, the reconstruction of the ancestral house of the Phoenix family and the Phoenix Tiancheng was back on track.

You Feng Zhi, such a great God, pressed on it. In the later time, no one dared to raise any demon moths. They just did their own things and got their own rewards.Human warriors and other animals, so also can get along in such harmony.

Not to mention, after this experience, the warriors of fengtiancheng really walked out a road of peace and tranquility with other beasts. Human warriors and foreign beasts no longer have to fight each other. Most of the time, those human warriors who don't want to fight with each other even start to trade with other beasts.

I have to say, this painting style is really quite strange.

Of course, these are afterwords.

After a light cut, Feng Zhi looks at Feng Lai and Feng Ming sitting opposite her and Longyan, with a smile on her face.

"It seems that you have not wasted a thousand years." Feng Zhi Dao.

Feng Lai and Feng Ming, who are opposite her and Longyan, have not changed much in appearance compared with that of a thousand years ago, but their momentum is quite different from that of a thousand years ago.

This is not surprising. Although Fenglai and Fengming were already at the top of the basaltic continent, they were only mortals.

But after a thousand years, they have successfully stepped out of the other step of Xianfan, and really entered the road with martial arts.

How can mortals and immortals be the same?

As long as Xu Longfeng is willing to break the shackles of heaven and earth, they are willing to break the shackles of themselves, as long as they are willing to break the shackles of themselves.

Hearing this, Fengming couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"What waste time, you may not remember what you said. In order not to ask you to clean us up, we have been practicing all day and night for a thousand years, and we have finally achieved our cultivation. You'd better say something cold and windy!" Fengming is very dissatisfied.

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