Once a person's character is formed, it is very difficult to change it without special reasons.

Like Fengming.

Although he is more than 1000 years old, he has taken off his fetus and can fly to the fairyland at any time, but his character is still no big change compared with before. Especially in front of Fengzhi, he is just like a child who hasn't grown up.

In fact, after practicing hard for 1000 years, it is enough for Fengming to fight with her in front of Fengzhi, which is enough to make Fengming feel warm in her heart.

After thousands of years of practice, there is also the pressure brought by Fengzhi and Longyan. Only Fenglai and Fengming know what they have experienced.

Now we have finally achieved our goal. In fact, both of them are very relieved.

After 1000 years of practice, they all knew what Fengzhi and Longyan had sacrificed in order to wait for them.

If we didn't have to wait for them, the amazing talent of yifengzhi and Longyan would have been enough for them to take a big step forward.

Under such circumstances, if they want to continue to delay Fengzhi and Longyan, this is absolutely something they can't accept.

Fortunately, they did.

Fenglai and Fengming looked at each other and saw the meaning of relaxation from each other's eyes.

Feng to see the light smile.

She raised her hand and knocked on Fengming's head as many years ago. "All said that stupid birds fly first. Since you are not smart enough for me and Long Yan, of course, you can only make time together. Don't be unconvinced!"

After that, all the four dragons laughed.

After laughing, Feng came to see Xiang Fengzhi and said, "Fengzhi, since we have successfully broken through, when are we going to leave?"


Flying to the fairyland, of course.

Since they have decided to make some achievements in the fairyland for a long time, of course, it would be better as soon as possible. With them, the members of the Feng family, the five elements sect and the dragon clan will fly to the fairyland, so that they can have a foothold in the first place.

When Feng Zhi heard the speech, he also said, "now the ancestral house of the Phoenix family and Fengtian city are being rebuilt. It will take some time for the reconstruction work to be completed. Take advantage of this period of time, what do you need to deal with? The people who need to be appeased should make arrangements as soon as possible. Only when the reconstruction of the ancestral home and Fengtian city is completed, and the Phoenix family and the five elements sect are arranged, we will go to the fairyland!"

Go to fairyland!

The spirit of Fenglai and Fengming was greatly improved.

To this place which they have heard many times in Fengzhi's mouth, they have yearning and some uneasiness in their hearts.


After all, it is not the basaltic continent they are familiar with. More conceivably, it will face many unknown risks.

However, Fenglai and Fengming also have the spirit of exploration. Those worries only existed in their hearts for a short time, and they were suppressed by those yearning.

As practitioners, risks mean opportunities for their growth, and how can they stay at a risk?

Fairyland, it won't be long before they go there to make a break!

As long as the thought of this, Fenglai and Fengming just feel the blood boiling.

With the words of Feng Zhi, Feng Lai and Feng Ming are busy preparing to go to the fairyland.

They didn't have a space bound with their soul like Fengzhi. Naturally, they didn't need to take anything to the fairyland. The main reason was that they couldn't take it, so they didn't have anything to prepare for it at all. Tian'er was scurrying around Feng's house, busy saying goodbye to all the people he knew.

This time, they can not easily return to the basaltic continent. In this case, those who should say goodbye will naturally say goodbye.

Relatives, friends, lovers

Well, the last lover, Fenglai and Fengming, are not.

At least, when Fengming goes to say goodbye to Fengyue, she brings two tears to Fengyue.

Since Fengyue was handed over to Fengming by Feng Zhizhi, she spent most of her time with Fengming. Although the two people are always bickering, their feelings gradually accumulate in the process of fighting.

Although it has never been said clearly, whether it is other people or Fengyue and Fengming themselves, in fact, they all know it.

They will be together in the future.

But now

Before breaking the window paper, Fengming will go to the fairyland, and there will be less chance to come back. No wonder Fengyue, a god of killing the five elements sect, will be so sad that his tears are full of tears.

Seeing this kind of Fengyue, Fengming was in a hurry for a long time, and it was to coax and tease, which finally made Fengyue smile again.

In fact, Fengyue was just a little reluctant to give up for a while, but it was not always true that she wanted to be sad.

Of course, this is not because Fengyue doesn't have enough affection for Fengming, but because Fengyue's talent is not vulgar, and she has been instructed by Fengzhi since she was a child. She is still in a world where the laws of heaven and earth are perfect. As long as she practices upward, she will not worry about flying to the fairyland.In that case

Even if she was separated from Fengming at this time, she was just waiting for several thousand years at most to meet again.

And a thousand years or thousands of years, for the immortal who has been flying, what is it?

If not, how can Fengming easily coax Fengyue?

After coaxing Feng Yue into joy, Fengming saw that Feng Lai had nothing to do except to say goodbye to her relatives and friends. However, she could not help saying, "Fenglai, you don't have anyone else to see?"

Feng Lai looks at Feng Ming from the side of his head, but he is puzzled.

He really has no one else to see.

Feng Ming then a suffocation.

He suddenly remembered that the girl named Yuetang, whom they met on the road for the first time when they went on a tour with Fengzhi. At that time, Fenglai received the hydrangea thrown down by Yuetang, and Yuetang did have different feelings for Fenglai.

At the beginning, they all thought that maybe Fenglai and Yue Tang could develop a relationship.

But unexpectedly, this blink of an eye is more than a thousand years later, they have never seen the girl named Yuetang.

Feng Ming then took this to make fun of Feng At that time, you didn't seem to be completely unmoved. How come you look as if your heart is still? "

The Phoenix came white and the Phoenix Ming.

It has been 1500 or 600 years since then. Yuetang, who was still a young girl, may be what he is now. However, they are about to leave the Xuanwu land and fly to the fairyland. What is the need to re mention the past events of those years and those who did not have much intersection?

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