Feng Lai has no determination to be a bachelor.

He heard from Fengzhi that it is very common for men and women to form double monastic partners in the fairyland. In fact, it is a warm thing to have such a person accompany him all the way along the long road of practice.


Having seen the support of Fengzhi and Longyan, and the tacit understanding of Fengming and Fengyue, Fenglai has no intention of finding a partner in Xuanwu.

In the future, in the fairyland

If he meets the right person, he will probably consider it.

This is Feng Lai's idea.

There is also a tacit understanding between Fengming and Fenglai. Only by looking at Fenglai's expression, he also guessed Fenglai's mind, so he did not continue to tease.

Time, also in the fengjiazu house and fengtiancheng in the bustle of the past day by day.

The ancestral house of the Phoenix family and Fengtian city have been destroyed so seriously. Under normal circumstances, the reconstruction work will take more than three or five years. However, there are a large number of human warriors recruited by Fengzhi, as well as a large number of exotic animals doing coolie to pay off debts. The whole process of reconstruction is almost at a speed of one day at a time.

However, in three months' time, the original Fengjia ancestral house, which was completely in ruins, has been rebuilt.

After the reconstruction, the fengjiazu house not only expanded the scope, but also made the buildings much stronger and more beautiful than before. No one would object to the fact that it was a work of art.

In this brand-new ancestral house of the Phoenix family, all the children of the Phoenix family are both novel and happy.

After the reconstruction of the ancestral house of the Phoenix family, fengtiancheng is also recovering rapidly.

Another year later, the whole Fengtian city was completed.

After the completion of the reconstruction of Fengtian City, the human warriors who participated in it naturally got a lot of rewards from the Phoenix family. Those exotic animals who had been working hard for more than a year were also relieved. After getting Fengzhi's consent, they left Fengtian city as quickly as possible and went back to their old nest in the misty forest.

Because the noise is too big, it seems like a great migration of exotic animals.

It can be seen that these animals are so afraid of Fengzhi.

During this year, Feng Zhi first gathered the high-level officials of the five element sect together, carefully explained what happened after he left, and then passed on the position of the patriarch to Mo Li, who has been handling the affairs of the clan alone for many years.

After more than 1000 years of experience, the little girl who was brought into the family by Fengzhi has also grown into a person who can protect the whole five element sect behind her. She can't rest assured that she will be handed over to Mo Li.

After arranging the five element sect, Fengzhi went back to the dragon clan with Long Yan.

Today's dragon clan, compared to the first time Phoenix came, there are many changes.

Although the number of dragon people in Dragon Valley has not changed greatly due to the lack of reproduction ability, those dragon spirits in the Dragon tomb have been able to practice again, which is equivalent to that there are so many members of the dragon clan, which naturally shows the prosperity of the school.

The overall strength of the dragon clan has at least doubled compared with the original strength.

Looking at the development of the Dragon nationality, Longyan and Fengzhi are naturally very happy.

After all

Longyan and Fengzhi are the Dragon Kings and imperial concubines of the dragon clan.

Because of their identity as Dragon King and dragon concubine, Fengzhi and Longyan were in a bit of a dilemma when they were fighting with the dragon and Shiyan, as well as the people in the Dragon Valley.

The Dragon King of the dragon clan has always been taken over by the Golden Dragon royal family. Unlike other dragon families, there is only one person in each generation. However, Fengzhi and Longyan have not yet had offspring. If Fengzhi and Longyan have gone to the dragon clan, it means that there is no Dragon King in the next generation of the dragon clan.

How to solve this problem?

Whether it's dragon war or Shiyan, or even all the dragon people in Dragon Valley, they are at a loss.

Of course, they can't drag Fengzhi and Longyan behind. Everyone knows that the fairyland is a broader and more magnificent world. There, Fengzhi and Longyan can also grow faster. Only there can Fengzhi and Longyan not be bound and achieve higher achievements.


The future of the dragon is just as important.

After Fengzhi and Longyan left, what should be the inheritance of the Dragon nationality?

Among all the longzu's worries, Fengzhi later offered a solution.

"Father, mother and concubine, there is only one generation of Golden Dragon royal family. However, after Long Yan and I went to the fairyland, there will be no golden dragon royal family in this generation?" Feng Zhi winked at the Dragon battle and Shiyan. "Father and mother are still in the prime of spring and autumn. As long as you work harder, you can give me and the dragon a younger brother or younger sister. In this way, will there be a new Dragon King candidate?"

Long Zhan Shi Yan

Zhonglong nationality

They did not expect that Feng Zhi would give such a suggestion.But

It seems that this proposal is not feasible.

The Golden Dragon royal family has only one person in a generation. This is because the power of the Golden Dragon royal family is too strong, so it has been suppressed to some extent. However, after Long Yan left the Xuanwu continent, there will be no golden dragon royal family in this generation. Long Zhan and Shi Yan can really give the dragon a younger brother or younger sister. The selection of the Dragon King is naturally solved.

The words are like this, but long Zhan and Shi Yan are already living for tens of thousands of years old. Fengzhi is joking in front of so many people. Even if he is so thick, he can't help being embarrassed for a while, and almost make a big red face.

Of course, longzhan and Shiyan are the love of husband and wife, and they are never reluctant to show them to others. Therefore, they are only a little embarrassed for a while, but they also readily accept Fengzhi's advice.

The matter of the dragon clan has been settled in this way.

Fengzhi and Longyan stayed in Longgu for a period of time, and then went back to Feng's home together.

At this time, the ancestral house of Fengjia and fengtiancheng were just completed. Fenglai and Fengming were waiting for the return of Fengzhi and Longyan.

After the return of Fengzhi and Longyan, the whole family of Fengzhi is filled with sorrow of separation.

Everyone knows that the return of Fengzhi and Longyan means that they are about to leave.

Meet and leave, so together.

For all the Feng family members, Fengzhi is undoubtedly the one who changed the fate of the Feng family. Everyone knows that if it had not been for Fengzhi, the Feng family would never have been in a detached position in the Xuanwu continent. The strength of the Fengs and the overall strength of the Fengs would never have been as strong as they are now. Maybe, the Feng family still has to worry about whether it will be caught up by the later generations.

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