It's not that the old man is so easy to cheat, but that even if the treasures appear in front of them, they can't be subdued and collected by them for a while.

Previously, the light was so strong that it can be imagined that the unsealed treasure was at least a medium-sized immortal tool, and it was very likely that it was still a top-grade immortal tool.

This kind of treasure is based on the strength of the old man. It will take a long time to subdue it. How can a human immortal such as Feng Zhi Si be able to touch it?

Because of this, the old man believed in Feng Zhi's words.

Since the old man had brought a pair of disciples to come here, he was naturally attracted by the treasure and wanted to put it into his pocket. Therefore, when he saw the four people of Fengzhi, he might know about the treasure. Of course, he couldn't let it go easily.

"Well..." The old man pondered for a moment, and then said, "have you ever noticed the characteristics of those people who have been there first?"

Feng Zhi thought about it carefully. After a long time, she was a little uncertain and said, "master, the four younger generation are not strong enough. After seeing those people, they know that they have no relationship with the treasure. In particular, they are afraid that they will take us as opponents to seize the treasures. They only dare to look at them quietly. They don't even see what they look like, just remember, Their clothes are red with blood, but their hems are pure black. Few of them leave the school, but they are ignorant. I don't know what kind of school they come from... "

Hearing Feng Zhi's description, the three people of Longyan knew that she was cheating again.

What Fengzhi described was described according to the clothes of Taoist priest Baishi of the di Ming sect outside the Shengxian pool?

Tut Tut, is a black pot to give to the di Ming Zong, Fengzhi's destructive power is not covered.

Sure enough, just heard the description of Feng Zhi, the old man and a couple of men and women behind him suddenly realized.

"Di Ming Zong!"

The fairy blurted out.

Compared with the humble donglaizong, there is no doubt that the sense of existence of the netherworld sect is much stronger. At least with the description of Fengzhi, it is enough to make people guess that the "people" in her mouth are from the di Ming sect.

The old man's eyes narrowed slightly again.

The strength of the di Ming sect and his clan are probably between Bozhong. There are three people on their side. If the number of each other is not much different from them, they may also snatch the treasures from the people of the di Ming sect.


If there are too many people on the other side, the result is hard to predict.

The old man then asked Feng Zhi again, "can you see how many disciples of the di Ming sect are, and how old are they?"

Feng Zhi then thought about it for a while, and then said with great certainty: "back to the elder, there are five people in total. Their age is about the same as those of you, but they are not as generous as the elder."

She flattered the old man a little.

I have to say that everyone loves to hear good words, even immortals.

When Fengzhi was praised by Fengzhi, his expression was suddenly slowed down. He gently grasped his goatee and said: "little girl, I and two disciples are from Langya sect. I listen to Fengdao people, and I am not afraid of those people from the earth hell sect..."

Wolf tooth sect?

Feng almost laughed.

Zong's name is Langya. Can she guess that the weapons used by the disciples of this sect are all wolf toothed sticks?

Think of a famous fairy in the fight with people constantly waving the mace scene, Fengzhi a little bit can not help laughing.

However, in order not to let the wind Taoist be so angry that she killed her four people with a mace, Feng Zhi still kept calm. Not only that, she also looked at Taoist Feng respectfully: "please forgive me for your ignorance. I haven't heard of your name before. However, your name is so overbearing that you can know it It must be a wonderful sect... "

It has to be said that Feng Zhi's acting talent is really amazing.

If you flatter someone in this way, you will feel too flattered to look at. Not only will you not get the favor of the flattered person, but you will also get a beating and scolding.

However, Feng to say this, but let people subconsciously believe that she really feel so.

Who will not be in a good mood to be praised so sincerely?

Not only listen to the wind Taoist, is a pair of disciples behind her, at this time to see the Phoenix, the eyes are soft.

Feng Zhi blinked again, "listen to master Feng, some of the people in the di Ming clan are very fierce. If they were not in a hurry to get the treasure, they would bully them. They all said that the treasure should only be occupied by the virtuous. However, those people in the di Ming clan don't look like virtuous ones. However, hearing from you, you make people feel friendly when they see you. The younger generation thinks that if there is If you can get that treasure, you must be the one who listens to the wind! "

It's a good time to listen to the wind Taoist.As a matter of fact, he thought so in his own mind.

Since the people of the netherworld sect are all young people, of course he wants to fight for the treasure, but his own plan is one thing. It is another to say this by an unrelated outsider.

For a while, listening to the wind Taoist just felt that all the pores of his body were full of freshness.

When he looked at Feng Zhi again, his eyes were so soft that he could hardly miss his favorite disciple.

He nodded and listened to the wind saying: "this treasure, of course, I still want to explore it..."

Hearing the wind Taoist take such eyes, Feng to can't help shaking off the goose bumps on the ground.

She tried to resist the impulse to vomit, and Feng Zhi raised a sincere smile on her face: "in this case, the younger generation would like to wish the elder listening to the wind succeed in advance."

The Taoist priest nodded again.

However, although Fengzhi's senses are very good and he doesn't doubt Fengzhi's words, Taoist Feng didn't mean to let them go. Instead, he said, "since all four of you have met those people of the di Ming sect, you should go and have a look with us first. Don't worry. If I can get the treasure, I won't forget you four Human... "

At the end of the day, the hearers did not completely put down their guard.

Feng to smell speech slightly a meal.

As the saying goes, as long as you open your mouth and say a lie, you have to use countless lies to round up the lie.

Now, isn't it?

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