Even so, Feng Zhi had nothing to be afraid of.

She said that the people who had the di Ming sect first went to the source of the Baoguang. She also said that after these people had gone, Baoguang suddenly disappeared. But if the wind Taoist could not find the person of the di Ming sect, she could not blame her.

Who can't worry about being cut off when he gets the treasure. Of course, he left early. Is it difficult to wait for other people who see the treasure to fight for it?

Anyway, it's not her fault.

Therefore, Fengzhi didn't refuse to listen to the Taoist priest's words, but also said with a happy face: "that's great. I'm worried that I can't open my eyes. Since there's master Tingfeng here, I'll be able to learn more about it this time. If master Tingfeng can take back the treasure at one stroke, I'll go back to zongmen in the future, and I can take this matter to Zong I went to Haosheng to boast about it... "

This happy tone is absolutely fantastic.

Hearing this, Taoist Feng nodded again.

Indeed, he did not completely put down his guard against the four people of Fengzhi. If Fengzhi had just refused to go with him, he would have doubted that everything Fengzhi had said was false. It was obvious that the treasure was given by Fengzhi four people.

But Feng Zhi, without a little guilty, readily agreed, and asked Taoist Feng to put down his last suspicion.

Thus, the four people of Fengzhi followed the three of them to the direction of Fengzhi.

Fengzhi refers to the small valley where they came out before.

Not long before they left the small valley, Fengzhi remembered to release the blossoms, which triggered the self release of the sword of killing immortals, which released a shining light, and attracted several people listening to the wind.

It won't take long to go back to the small valley now.

Feng Zhi originally thought that they had stayed in the small valley for some time, and how could they have left some traces of someone who had been there. Even if the wind Taoist could not see the people of the earth hell sect and saw those traces, he would not suspect that she was lying.

It's just

Feng to also did not expect that he will have such adverse luck.

It didn't take long for a group of seven people to return to the small valley where Fengzhi four talents left.

In fact, looking at the valley from afar, the Phoenix to four people who followed him almost did not stare out their eyes.

Before they left, the small valley was empty, but now, far away, Fengzhi four people can see that there are several people standing here in the valley.

If it's just like this, Fengzhi four need not be so surprised.

What really shocked them was that the number of the people who appeared in the valley was exactly the five people mentioned by Fengzhi and Taoist Fengfeng. Moreover, they were all dressed in blood red clothes, only their hems were pure black.

Looking at the past from afar, it's just like a few blood red column pestle there.


Feng to can't help but wonder whether he has some kind of special function similar to "staring who is pregnant".

Who are you talking about?

This idea just flashed in Feng Zhi's brain, and was thrown out by her repeatedly "bah".

What say who is unlucky? Isn't this crow's mouth?

She's not that black crow!

Feng can only believe that she is the illegitimate daughter of God.

Think about it. If they had left a little later, they would have met with the people of the netherworld sect. These people are more powerful than them, and the number of them is more than them. They may want to take them for operation?

After all, we can infer from the white stone Taoist priest who was seen outside the Shengxian pool that the people of the netherworld sect were notorious, and they were definitely not good tempered.

If so, it's hard to say whether they can escape from these people of the netherworld.


For a while, Feng Zhi can only sigh in his heart.

Now, since Taoist Fengfeng really saw the five disciples of the di Ming sect, they also believed in her earlier words and confirmed that the treasure was given by the people of the di Ming sect.

And then

Feng to feel that he just need to move a small bench, eat melon seeds beside watching the fun.

She won't feel embarrassed because all these things can be said to have been caused by her. In such a cruel place as fairyland, Fengzhi is her own. In today's lack of strength, every step is like walking on thin ice.

What we believe in here is strength. If the people of the netherworld sect are defeated, we can only blame them for their poor strength.

If Taoist Fengfeng failed here, they could only blame themselves for not only their poor strength, but also their desire to kill and seize treasure.

How can Feng Zhi feel embarrassed?

And when Feng Zhi thought of these things in his heart, the five people of the underground sect also noticed the arrival of the Fengdao people and his party in the small valley.The five members of the di Ming sect are all young. The oldest one is about 30, and the youngest one is about the same as Feng Zhi Si. However, the strength of these five people is much stronger than that of Feng Zhi Si. At least, the fluctuation of their body is enough to make Feng Zhi four feel a little frightened.

Want to come

The strength of these five people is at least in the realm of Dixian.

And the older one, looking better than the other four, even if not to the realm of celestial beings, I think it is not far away.

Noticing that the wind Taoist seems to be coming from a bad way, the five people of the di Ming sect immediately put on a defensive posture, squinting for the man and whispering, "the wolf tooth clan?"

Although some fear, but there is no fear of the appearance.

It can be seen that the man is extremely confident in his own strength.

Speaking Kung Fu, listen to the wind Taoist has led Fengzhi and others fell into the valley.

He was recognized by the five people of the earth hell sect, and the wind Taoist didn't care. He didn't say anything to them. Anyway, he came here to take the treasure back from their hands. No matter how softly he spoke, he still had to speak with his fist?

Therefore, Taoist Feng snorted coldly: "if you are wise, you will hand over the treasures you have acquired earlier. In this way, for the sake of your insight, I can let you go. If you have to be stubborn, then But don't blame me for being rude

Speaking of later, listening to Taoist Feng's words, he also became murderous.

The man who was the leader of the underworld sect saw a flash of anger in his eyes when he heard the speech. They had seen the light before, but before they could go there, the light had already disappeared.

Now there is such an old man who opens his mouth and asks them to hand over the treasure. Is it not that he deceives them that no one in the hell clan can't help it?

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