For such a person, the man naturally will not have any good face, and do not want to explain with him in detail.

In the man's opinion, although his own strength is weaker than that of the Taoist priest Fengfeng, he is on the verge of breakthrough. Maybe he will break through to the realm of celestial beings. How can he be afraid of the old immortal who is older than himself? I don't know how much, but his strength is only better than himself?

With a man's age and strength, he has always been called a genius. However, if he is a genius, he is always very proud, and so is the man.

Therefore, to listen to the wind Taoist put down the cruel words, the man is not put in the heart at all.

With one move, he had a folding fan with white jade as bone. The folding fan looked like ordinary things, and did not know what the fan was made of. There was a faint halo of flowing light, which made people know that it was made of precious materials.

The most eye-catching thing is that there are two beautiful beauties on both sides of the fan. With the man gently shaking the folding fan, the beauty on the fan seems to have come to life.

The man's folding fan obviously has a long history. At least when Taoist Feng saw this folding fan, he changed his previous indifference to the people of the netherworld sect, but had more prudence in his eyes.

"Qiao Yu, the son of the jade fan of the di Ming clan?" Listen to the wind Taoist see the way.

Qiao Yu, the son of Yufan.

This name in the eastern part of the fairyland is also very famous.

Qiaomingyu has been promoted to the top of the world for two thousand years.

You know, it has been tens of thousands of years since Taoist priest Fengfeng ascended, and now he is just staying at the level of celestial beings.

It can be seen that Qiao Yu is really capable.

In particular, Qiao Yu's name became more and more well-known after he defeated an old powerful man at the level of celestial immortals with the strength of Dixian. The jade fan with beautiful women in his hand became his symbol. In addition, he was also very beautiful, so he was called "Yufan childe".

Naturally, Taoist Fengfeng had paid attention to such a potential descendant, so when he only saw the jade fan in Qiao Yu's hand, he immediately revealed Qiao Yu's identity.

Qiao Yu guessed who he was when he heard Taoist Feng. His eyes, which were slightly upward, could not help smiling.

As a younger generation, being able to be remembered as a character by the elder who listened to the wind Taoist can show that he is extraordinary. Qiao Yu is not a modest person, so why not be complacent?

The folding fan in the hand gently shakes, and the breeze makes a wisp of long hair in front of Qiao Yu's forehead flutter gently, looking at the extraordinary elegance.

At least, the two female disciples of the di Ming sect were obsessed with Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu's eyes picked up again, and with a smile, she looked at the Taoist priest listening to the wind: "but the elder of the wolf tooth sect listening to the wind?"

It's no surprise that Taoist Feng is not a nobody, and Qiao Yu recognizes it.

With such a greeting from both sides, the previous tense atmosphere was much eased.


Don't think that if the atmosphere is relaxed, it means that the two sides will not start again. In the fairyland, there are more things like smiling in the first second and stabbing directly in the next second.

Feng to listen to the wind behind the Taoist, facing the Phoenix and Feng Ming made a look, "look good."

Fenglai and Fengming naturally nodded.

In the fairyland, they are all new to the fairyland. Of course, it is a good opportunity to have a good understanding of the way people in the fairyland do things.

However, Taoist Feng was recognized by Qiao Yu, but he didn't have a good face on his face. He nodded with a smile, "I've heard that Yufan, the son of the earth Ming clan, is a wonderful genius. Today I see him, he is worthy of his reputation..."

No matter what Taoist Feng thought in his heart, he always said it openly, so Qiao Yu also modestly said: "the younger generation is not talented, it is the elder's fallacious praise."

Hearing this, Taoist Feng suddenly gave a cold hum: "young master Yufan, it's too modest. You alone can take those treasures into your pocket in a short time. What is this not a genius?"

He bit the word "treasure" very clearly. While speaking, he was still staring at Qiao Yu with a pair of eyes, trying to see something from Qiao Yu's expression.

Taoist Feng was very greedy for the "treasure" Qiao Yu got.

In the fairyland, the struggle for cultivation resources is extremely fierce. Even the well-known senior immortal such as Taoist Feng tried his best to obtain all kinds of treasures beneficial to his cultivation.

The previous shining light must mean that something good has come out. No matter it is an immortal tool or any other treasure, as long as you get it, you can use it for yourself or exchange it for something else.In particular, the two people who followed Taoist Feng are his disciples. There is no need to worry that they will tell the master about their treasure

Under such circumstances, it would be strange for Taoist Fengfeng to give up just because of Qiao Yu's good voice, which seems to be a treasure at hand.

However, Qiao Yu was stunned when she heard that Taoist Feng was talking about something "treasure".

As soon as we met, Taoist Fengfeng told them to hand over the so-called treasure. I thought that he wanted to find fault and took the treasure as an excuse. But now it seems that Taoist Fengfeng really thought they had got the treasure?

If there is a barrage, Qiao Yu's brain will surely float a big "injustice" word.

Of course, he had seen that treasure before, but it was too short to appear. Even if he was close to him, he had no time to start and then disappeared.

At first, Qiao Yu was depressed enough. When the treasure was born, they could be so close to each other. What a chance it was that he didn't even see the shadow of the treasure. Could he not be depressed?

Now the Taoist Feng still opens his mouth and shut up. It is because he has got the treasure. This doesn't make Qiao Yu feel more depressed.

Qiao Yu's success in this area depends on his strength rather than his good temper. Therefore, he takes back the smile on his face and does not hold back the tone in his heart any more. He opens the jade fan in his hand with a "Hua" sound, "master, it's unreasonable to say that I didn't get any treasure, so I got it. Is it difficult for him to rob him

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