Although the vigorous wind in Heifeng cave is strong, there is a kind of thing called Heifeng stone which is brought up from the deepest part of the cave occasionally. As long as you can resist the vigorous wind, you can get the black wind stone.

The black wind stone is extremely hard, and it is one of the materials for making inferior immortal utensils. Because most of the immortals can only get one inferior immortal tool, the demand for this Heifeng stone in the fairyland is huge, and it has always been in short supply.

As a result, when the black wind cave opens, there will always be a lot of immortals to find treasure in the black wind cave.

Heifeng cave is opened every 20 years and lasts for three years.

Over time, this nearby also formed a gathering place of immortals.

Later, most schools thought that the black wind cave was an excellent training place for disciples. At least, the vigorous wind in the black wind cave was an excellent sharpening stone for the immortals to exercise their immortal body strength. Under the celestial immortals, everyone who successfully came out of the black wind cave would have different degrees of strength growth, and the immortal body strength would increase at least one steps.

Therefore, it is not only the immortals who want to get the black wind stone from the black wind cave, but also the major gates. At this time, the elders of the clan will lead the descendants of the clan to come here.

God moon alliance is one of them.

Yueli and other young disciples were led here by the middle-aged woman.

Speaking of this, Yueli had a bitter face: "the elder martial sister who has been here before said that the dark wind tunnel is very terrible, and the vigorous wind is like ghosts crying and howling for a moment. Once it is blown by the vigorous wind, there will always be a wound on the body. There is also the black wind stone. Don't think it is so easy to take. In order to collect some black wind stones to exchange for immortal stones, there are not few people in these years I lost my life in the black wind cave, so you'd better not go in... "

After listening to these words, Feng not only didn't get scared, but also gradually had light in her eyes.

When they first arrived in the fairyland, they were worried that they did not have any cultivation resources. They knew such a place as Heifeng cave.

This black wind tunnel is not only very suitable for cultivation, but also can get blackwind stone from it. Isn't it a good place to go?

Feng as for is toward the moon away way: "the Moon leaves, thank you to say these with us, but we still decided to go to this black wind tunnel to have a look."

Month from a listen, slightly opened a pair of round eyes, for a long time do not know what to say.

She wanted to persuade Feng to, but only then came to the mouth. The middle-aged woman over there had a knife in her eye and said, "leave, don't you come here soon?"

From the month, so the head will shrink.

She looked back at the middle-aged woman, then turned her head at Feng and spat out her tongue. Before she went back, she regretted and said, "well, if only you were alone, you can join us in the alliance of God and moon..."

Shenyue League never takes male disciples.

After speaking, the month left quickly returned to the middle-aged woman's side.

The middle-aged woman looked at Feng again, but she didn't say anything.

And Fengzhi

At the sight of the middle-aged woman, she felt cold all over her body, as if she had been seen through by the middle-aged woman.

She couldn't help but feel awe in her heart.

The strength of the middle-aged woman is much stronger than that of the people they met before. They are the strength of the immortal. The middle-aged woman is so powerful than the Taoist priest. It can be said that they have already stepped on the level of the Dara Jinxian.

Even if you look at the whole fairyland, Dara Jinxian can be said to be the upper level of force.

Fortunately, Feng to this also did not want to make any bad idea in the month away from the body, so even if the middle-aged woman looked at like this, she can also be calm but look back.

After a few days, Feng Zhi and his party stayed here.

During this period, Yueli would often take advantage of the middle-aged women's inattention, and would come to Fengzhi to talk to him for a while, telling him about the local conditions and customs of fairyland, or giving Fengzhi a few fairy fruits and cups of xianniang, which could not be more enthusiastic.

Feng to also have no affectation of the moon from the good intentions.

It's a fact that they don't have these things now. As for Yueli, when she has the ability in the future, she will certainly give a good return to Yueli's kindness.

After a month or so, when Fengzhi got to know almost what she should know, this morning, the sun just came out from the East, and the middle-aged woman who had been sitting cross legged suddenly stood up.

Influenced by the middle-aged woman, the disciples of the moon alliance and other gods also followed.

From the month also directed at the Phoenix to make a look.

Feng to the heart of a move, immediately guess, probably is the black wind hole finally opened?

She also quickly called the three dragon Yan, to the side of the God moon alliance to rely on.

There are many people gathered here, but Fengzhi is also a little familiar with these people of Shenyue alliance. She does not want to seek the protection of Shenyue alliance, but just wants to follow them along the way.

The middle-aged woman, Yueming, who was the teacher of Yueli and others, just glanced at Feng slightly, without any displeasure.I think that's the default.

Feng Zhi was relieved.

At the next moment, Yueming directly calls out his own weapons, a long sword like a crescent moon. The long sword grows rapidly. Yueming jumps on himself first, and then with a wave of his hand, he takes Yueli and others up.

Then, the long knife will take the moon away and others howl away.

Feng to four people see the situation quickly follow.

It's true that the moon was not far away from the black wind cave where they had gathered before. The people just flew for less than a quarter of an hour, and a very lofty mountain appeared in front of the Phoenix.

This mountain is very strange. There are no plants growing on the whole mountain. Instead, it is composed of huge black rocks. If you look at it from a distance, you will feel depressed.

And with getting closer and closer to the mountain, Feng Zhi's ears also began to hear a very shrill whistling sound.

If Fengzhi is not wrong, this should be what Yueli said, the sound of the vigorous wind in the black wind cave.

At this time, Fengzhi also had some insight into why people did not choose to wait at the foot of the mountain. Instead, they chose a place that was still some distance away from the black wind cave. I think it has something to do with the depression of the mountain and the shrill roar of the vigorous wind.

If I wait here

I'm afraid no one can have a good rest.

Not only the Shenyue alliance and Fengzhi, but also the other immortals who had been waiting for the opening of the black wind cave all arrived here with their own supernatural powers.

Yueming is one of the earliest group, she took Yueli and others to stop at the foot of the mountain, "next, it depends on your own."

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