The disciples of Shenyue League responded "yes".

Fengzhi, on the other hand, looked up at the huge cave at least ten feet high and about twenty feet wide on the hillside of this strange black stone mountain.

Then, it is the black wind cave.

From Fengzhi's point of view, the black wind cave seems to be a huge opening of the mountain. It is necessary to swallow the people who enter the cave at any time. In addition, the black vigorous wind blowing to the hole from time to time, as well as the shrill whistling sound that makes people can't help but shake their hearts. If their strength and courage are less, I'm afraid they dare not enter it.

Phoenix to this is to know why the black wind hole is a suitable place to practice.

Vigorous wind can enhance the strength of the immortal body. It can also exercise the mind and spirit. In addition, it also produces black wind stone. If you can really relax in this black wind tunnel, you will never lose your harvest.

This is especially true for the four Fengzhi people.

When Feng Zhi's four people observe the black wind tunnel, Yueli and others are ready to climb the mountain.

This strange mountain is called "Heifeng mountain" by the practitioners in this area, but it is not easy to climb this mountain. Although the location of Heifeng cave is not high, there will be vigorous wind blowing out of the whole Heifeng mountain at any time. No matter climbing by legs or flying in the sky, if the vigorous wind blows, one will be thrown down.

Every time the black wind cave is opened, there are many injured people swept down by the vigorous wind before entering the cave.

Yueli and Fengzhi are familiar with each other these days. For fear that Fengzhi's four people don't know the danger of mountain climbing, they sneak up to Fengzhi before the disciples of Shenyue League have begun to climb the mountain, and whispered: "Fengzhi, you must be careful when climbing. The vigorous wind is so fierce that it will hurt you, but you will be in trouble..."

Feng Zhi smiles and nods to the moon.

I have to say, this girl is really warm-hearted.

See Phoenix to know powerful, the moon from then also no longer say anything, and return to the God moon alliance of the disciples.

In such a short time, some people began to climb the mountain.

Feng to not in a hurry to start, but ready to observe a good time before action.

Facts have proved that Fengzhi's decision is right.

Among the climbers, several groups were disciples of the sect. Compared with the Shenyue League where Yueli was located, and compared with other scattered troops, these organized immortals were obviously more disciplined in their actions.


The end is not much better than others.

Feng noticed at the first time that all the people in the Shenyue League where Yueli was located were all women, so it was always not beautiful to climb directly on the mountain because they were all women.

However, not long after flying up, I saw a black wind blowing across the black mountain wall.

Does the wind have color?


The black wind is probably what Yueli said, the terrible vigorous wind in the black wind cave.

The vigorous wind came suddenly, as if it appeared in the sky above Yueli and other people. A senior sister of Yueli didn't pay attention to it for a moment, and directly bumped into the vigorous wind. She heard the sound of "Chi La". The snow-white dress and skirt had been cut by the vigorous wind. Not only that, but also a ferocious wound about half a foot long was added to Yueli's elder martial sister, which was bright red From the air to sprinkle, straight pain from the month from the elder martial sister almost an unstable stack down from the air, but also fortunately in the side of the month from the timely grasp of people.

At the same time, the teams of other sects also encountered such situations.

Before entering the black wind cave, some people have been injured. It is said that the vigorous wind outside the mountain is far less powerful than that in the black wind cave.

This shows the danger level in the black wind tunnel.

Feng Zhi stood down and looked at it for a while, but she could see some way out.

Although the vigorous wind outside the Heifeng mountain does not seem to have any rules, we can find some rules through careful observation. How often do they appear and how high they are distributed? Will they chase people


After summing up these rules, Feng Zhi and Long Yan said that it would be easier to climb the mountain. Then the four looked at each other and began to fly up the mountain.

In this process, the middle-aged woman who led the Shenyue League has been staring at Feng.

In fact, this middle-aged woman is also very optimistic about Fengzhi. If it is not with Fengzhi, there are three people named Longyan, and she knows that Fengzhi can't be separated from them. She wants to come forward and take Fengzhi as an apprentice.

Although she couldn't rob Feng Zhi as an apprentice, the middle-aged woman couldn't help but stare at Feng Zhi.

Facts have proved that the law summed up by Feng Zhi is very reliable.

Soon after the four men ascended into the air, a black vigorous wind came over.

Previously, I just watched by the side. Although I also felt that the vigorous wind was strong, my feeling was not so deep, but now I have experienced it personally. Only Fengzhi four people know how powerful it is.It is said that the vigorous wind should be invisible, but the vigorous wind of Heifeng mountain does not know what is going on. It not only has color, but also seems to have entity. At least when the vigorous wind blows, Fengzhi can obviously feel the sharp sound of the vigorous wind cutting the air. It is not only the strong vigorous wind, but also the abnormal movement of the air brought by the vigorous wind It hurts people.

Fortunately, because of the previous careful observation of Fengzhi, as early as the moment when the vigorous wind appeared, Fengzhi four people first stepped aside and continued to fly upward without stopping.

After several such experiences, Fengzhi four finally succeeded in standing in the black wind cave after about half an hour's Kung Fu.

Before they had a firm foothold, a vigorous wind came from the deep of the black wind cave.

Compared with the previous vigorous wind on the mountain, the vigorous wind in the black wind tunnel is undoubtedly much stronger. The black vigorous wind is like a sharp knife, which first leaves a wound on a person in front of him, and finally greets Fengzhi four people.

"Get out of the way!"

Feng Zhili drinks.

Without Feng Zhi's warning, the three men of Long Yan all saw the vigorous wind and quickly moved to one side. Feng Ming's movement was a little slower. Although he was not hurt, his clothes were cut by Gang Feng, and he was a little embarrassed.

Without being able to hurt Feng to the four people, the vigorous wind flew all the way to the hole of the black wind cave, and finally disappeared into the invisible.

At this time, Feng to four people just slightly relieved.

Fengming looked at her clothes with a hole in it: "hoo, it's ok..."

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