Long Yan's blue tendons in his forehead jumped fiercely.

Wu Liang's eyes, as long as he is not a fool, can see that he is making a wrong idea, and for Long Yan, this is exactly what he can't tolerate.

Cold hum a, Long Yan to Feng to the front of a block, will Wu Liang's eyes to completely isolated.

Wu Liang frowned.

Although the boy is no worse than the little girl, he is not good at it!

So he wrung his eyebrows and looked at Long Yan without a good voice: "where's that little white face? I'll give you Mr. Wu a flash. Don't hinder him from seeing fairies..."


In this regard, Long Yan Hui used these two words.

Although he didn't understand the deep meaning of the word "ha ha", Wu Liang could see from the thin lips that Long Yan slightly lifted back that this was absolutely not a good word, and he immediately became angry.

In his opinion, he can see such a low strength female immortal, that is the blessing of that fairy. Who is picky or even disdainful?

"Hum!" Wu Liang snorted coldly, "girl, Lord Wu thinks you are lucky. If you are wise, you should come and serve you well. In the future, you can not only eat hot food and drink spicy food, but also the material for cultivation. You don't have to worry about it any more. If you don't know your appearance Hum

As he spoke, Wu Liang still turned his neck to Feng, who was blocked by Long Yan.

In his mind, such a low-level female immortal like Fengzhi can hardly walk in the fairyland. Now it's hard to find someone willing to cover her and provide training resources. It's hard to be happy to bloom and run over with a smile?

But unexpectedly, Fengzhi did not like what he imagined. Instead, he took Longyan's arm and put his head out of the back of Longyan with a smile on his face Mr. Black mouse, I'm sorry, I already have a husband. You'd better go back wherever you come from... "

With these words, in order to be angry with Wu Liang, Feng Zhi also specially stood on tiptoe to kiss on the cheek of Long Yan.

Wu Liang

Wu Liang was furious immediately after he was speechless.

I think he finally fell in love with a female immortal, and wanted to be a double immortal companion with her. He was still a master, and he was so stimulated in front of him to scatter dog food to him?

Auntie can bear it, uncle can't bear it!

"Good, good, good..." Wu Liang was so angry that his face trembled. "Since you don't eat or drink wine, don't blame you for your ruthlessness!"

With a wave of his hand, Wu Liang said, "give me all the black wind stones they have got in the past three years. Bring me all the black wind stones they have got in the past three years."

Take it?

It's robbery.

Fengzhi not only didn't worry, but also stood up from behind Longyan with a smile, "heifengshi, we have a lot here, but if you want to rob, it depends on whether you have that ability..."

Wu Liang and his younger brothers did not take Fengzhi's words seriously.

Feng to the strength of the four people, they can see clearly at a glance, the most real is the human immortal mid-term, they so many people, if can't do anything to get four people immortal, that is really a big joke!


They turned out to be a joke.

Seeing Wu Liang's younger brothers rushing towards him, Feng Zhi four people not only have no fear, but also smile and look at each other.

The next moment, Wu Liang and his younger brothers suddenly felt a flower in front of them.

What about the people?

Wu Liang and others thought that it was the ghost. Otherwise, how could four living people disappear in a blink of an eye?

Just being puzzled, I heard the laughter of Feng Ming coming from behind, "where do you look? We're here..."

As soon as Wu Liang and others looked back, they saw Feng Zhi four standing just behind them.

"How could it be?" Wu Liang and others stare with surprise.

It's not surprising that they were so shocked. It's just because the speed of Fengzhi's four people is not in line with their strength. Even if they are outstanding in the same strength, how can they be so fast that they can't see the shadow clearly?

Feng Ming heard the music.

Why not?

With such a speed, they have been practicing day and night in the past three years, and their wounds have never been broken. How can ordinary people tolerate the crazy rain like vigorous wind in the dark wind tunnel after 5000 meters?

If not experienced these, how can the strength grow without any reason?

Of course, they are short of speed in other situations, but now they are short of speed.

It's not a joke to say that only fast but not broken.Taking advantage of the speed, Feng to four people simply did not let Wu Liang and others touch a corner of their clothes, just like teasing a cat and a dog, playing with Wu Liang and others.

Their strength is not comparable to that of Wu Liang and others, but they are all immortals. Even if there is a difference between Renxian and Dixian, the attack of Fengzhi four is not completely ignored by Wu Liang and others.

You can't kill them at once. How many more blows?

Therefore, at the end of the day, Feng Zhi's four people were undamaged, but Wu Liang and others suffered from wounds one after another, not to mention how embarrassed they were.

I don't know how long after that, Feng Zhi retreats to one side and looks at Long Yan's three people playing. She says in a cold voice, "what's the matter? Are you sober now?"

Wu Liang had become a bloody man by this time.

Even if the attack of Feng Zhi and others does not cause much damage, it is enough to make him suffer heavy damage.

Hearing this, Wu Liang was very angry and glared at Fengzhi: "little ladies, you don't want to know who I am. If you dare to move me today, my parents will never let you go!"

Feng is very happy.

Have arrived at such a situation, unexpectedly still did not forget to carry father and mother's name to frighten people, this Wu Liang also has this achievement.

She held her chest in her hands. "Since you are so demanding, wouldn't it be too impersonal if I didn't meet your demands? Well, today I will not only move you, but also move you twice A lot of times! You may ask your parents to come to us. I'm not afraid. You know, we are all disciples of donglaizong. If you are brave enough, let your parents find donglaizong for you

Long Yan three people couldn't help but draw a little from the corner of their mouth.

Feng Zhi can never forget to dig a hole for donglaizong at any time. After they came to the fairyland, this is the first pit she dug for donglaizong?

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