However, for Feng Zhi's move, Long Yan's three people all raise their hands and feet for approval.

They do not have enough strength to deal with donglaizong, which is not popular in the fairyland. They used such a circuitous way to make trouble for the people of donglaizong. When they have the strength in the future, they will settle the old feud with donglaizong.

Well, I just hope that donglaizong can last till then.

This is what Longyan thought.

But Wu Liang and others, after hearing the three words "donglaizong", resented their two eyes.

However, he was a disciple of a small sect who did not enter the stream. He even dared to humiliate them like this. It was really a bully!

Of course, no matter how much they hate, it will not help them in their present situation.

Feng Zhi looked at Wu Liang, who was in great distress, and said with a smile: "OK, now you should know that we dare to move you. Then, it's time for robbery. You stay outside, and I think you've got a lot of black wind stones from other people. It's just that we're a bit short of money recently, so please take care of all the black wind stones on your body Xiaojing has come out... "

Filial piety.

Hearing Feng Zhi's words, Wu Liang was almost mad with hatred.

But he is also helpless now. His strength is higher than that of Fengzhi. It's true that his speed is not fast enough. His attack can't hit Fengzhi's four people. He is also bruised by Fengzhi's advantage of speed.

Even if you want to turn away from face

I can't run!

Wu Liang wanted to cry without tears.

However, Wu Liang was not willing to let him hand over those black wind stones that he had worked so hard to get.

Wu Liang's strength in the fairyland can only be regarded as ordinary. In addition to relying on his father's and mother's reputation, there are few opportunities for him to acquire cultivation resources. The black wind cave opened in the past 20 years is one of the biggest opportunities.

Every 20 years, when the black wind cave is opened, Wu Liang will lead a group of his younger brothers to the black wind cave, in order to get the black wind stone from the hands of the immortals who enter the black wind cave to practice or hunt treasures.

Think about it, they only need to stay outside for three years, and then they can harvest a lot of black wind stones from others. Is there anything easier than this?

But in the past, those times, those alone, or the strength of the immortal, no matter how unwilling, for the sake of small life, can only swallow their own harvest in the black wind cave to Wu Liang and other people's hands, but let them succeed again and again.

This time, it hit the iron plate.

Of course, after all, who could have thought that the immortals in the middle of the four immortals could make them so advanced and backward?

These thoughts flashed through Wu Liang's mind. He glared at Feng Zhi with hatred. First, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and then said in a voice of hatred: "you don't want to kill your Master Wu if you have the ability, otherwise you will wait for the Revenge of Lord Wu!"

He was determined that Feng Zhi four did not dare to kill.

Wu Liang's father and mother are the strength of the big Luo Jinxian, which can be regarded as a great existence in the fairyland. If his father and mother had such strength, Wu Liang would not have been able to commit any mischief and survive in a good way.

Feng had already heard about Wu Liang's situation from Yueli. Naturally, he knew that he was a pure second generation of immortals, and had a pair of parents who were both in the power of Daluo Jinxian.

Da Luo Jinxian is a very remote word for Feng Zhi Si, who is still in the realm of human immortality.

Fengzhi also knows that they are absolutely not able to provoke the big Luo Jinxian.


This does not mean that Fengzhi is going to let Wu Liang go in vain.

With a slight eyebrow, Feng Zhi first looked Wu Liang up and down, and then said with malice: "yes, you're right. The parents who have you are all the parents of the golden immortal of the great Luo kingdom. We really dare not kill you, but I have no intention to kill you either..."

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Wu Liang's face is still some color.

However, after hearing the latter half sentence, he did not know why, but he had some bad premonition.

"Don't you know, sometimes, there are more ways to make people feel worse than death. The parents of Daluo Jinxian are really wonderful, but if you let the parents of Da Luo Jinxian see what kind of a good son you are, do you think they will feel very happy?"

My dear son

Hearing these words, Wu Liang subconsciously shivered.

He always felt that there was something hidden in Feng Zhi's words.

"You..." Wu Liang's face trembled with pain because of several more wounds on his body. He shook his voice and said, "what do you want to do?"

What do you do?

Feng to smile.

What she wants to do is very simple It's nothing, but just to let you talk about how much you miss your parents... "Then, Feng Zhi didn't say anything more. She even stepped back, her eyes closed tightly, and she mobilized all the God consciousness in the sea of knowledge.

Although Feng Zhi's strength is in the middle stage of talent and immortality, her divine consciousness has already been compared with that in the later stage of Dixian, and Wu Liang is only in the middle stage of Dixian.

The powerful divine consciousness moved in response to the voice, divided into tens of thousands of filaments, and then rushed toward Wu Liang together.

Wu Liang was stiff.

His strength in the middle of the Dixian period was not in vain. Although the strength of his divine consciousness was not as strong as that of Fengzhi, he had already noticed that it was wrong when Fengzhi's divine consciousness rushed over.

Despite the attack of Long Yan, Wu Liang mobilized his divine consciousness to form a net and surrounded himself.

In the end, it's the immortal. Compared with the practitioners of virtual spirit realm, they don't know where to go.

After all this, Wu Liang was relieved.

He thought, even if they didn't know what kind of bad luck they had taken, they had a unique advantage in speed, but they couldn't have their divine sense across a great realm, even stronger than themselves?

But it turns out that Feng Zhi's divine sense is really better than him.

Fengzhina was divided into wisps of divine consciousness. In a moment, a fine net was formed, and his pocket was facing Wu Liang. Before Wu Liang finished his breath, he felt that the protective shield formed by his divine consciousness could not block Fengzhi's divine consciousness at all after rippling.

The next moment

Wu Liang suddenly looked frightened.

Only because, he found that his hands and feet, and even his whole body suddenly did not listen.

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