To enhance the strength, this is the top priority for Fengzhi four.

Previously, it was because there was no resources in hand. Now that Wu Liang and others have given generously, and there are so many good things in hand, it is of course necessary to consider the matter of closed door cultivation and improving strength.

After all, in the fairyland, strength is the most important thing.

As soon as Feng Zhi mentions this, the eyes of Long Yan's three people suddenly light up.

Although it is only three years since they came to the fairyland, they have been deeply aware of the importance of strength here.

For example, Wu Liang met this time.

This time, they met Wu Liang and others. Although they had the magic footwork that they had learned from the black wind cave, and the Phoenix to the far more powerful yuan Shen, they did not suffer any losses in the end, and they also took a lot of advantages from Wu Liang and others. However, if they had enough strength, they would not need to be so circuitous at all. They would just go up and beat people all over the ground Have you got your teeth?

Even, as long as their strength is enough, they don't need to worry about Wu Liang's father and mother, even if they kill people alive!

In short, everything depends on strength.

Fengzhi four people are now the strength of the middle stage of human immortality. With these resources in hand and enough time, it is natural to break through to the later stage of human immortality.

If they can break through to the early days of Dixian, then they will be able to initially establish a foothold in the fairyland. At least they will not be like this again. Their strength is almost at the bottom of the fairyland.

Feng Zhi held his chin in one hand, "so Now the question is, where do we go to find a place that is safe enough to be hidden and safe to practice... "

It's really important.

Practitioners can't be disturbed when they practice. Many immortals choose to practice in their own ancestral gate or their own cave. However, Fengzhi four talents have been to the fairyland for three years. They have neither joined the sect nor their own cave, so the place of cultivation needs to be considered by Haosheng.

To their present strength, if they casually find a place to close down, it is not only a lack of heart and eye, or to find their own way to death.

But before finding a safe enough place for the four of them to settle down, Feng Zhi would rather slow down.

After all, safety is the most important thing for them now.

After thinking for a long time, Fengzhi didn't come up with a reason.

She is a little accomplished in the array, but the array she can use in the lower bound is enough, but for the immortals in the fairyland, they can't protect their safety.


If you don't have an array, if you find the right place, how can you settle down?

Feng Zhi is also a little embarrassed.

After a long time, Fengzhi simply clapped his hands and pushed the matter back for a while. "Forget it. Let's put aside the practice for a while. It's said that there must be a way to get to the front of the mountain. Maybe we'll find an absolutely safe place before long."

That's the only way.

So, after a little rest, the four got up again and took a correct direction and went on.

The area of fairyland is countless times larger than that of Xuanwu and xulingjing. Because of this, every two cities in the fairyland are very far apart. Even if Fengzhi four people have been on a constant journey, it will take more than half a month for them to arrive at Wuyue City, which is the nearest area of Heifeng mountain, according to the news from Yueli.

It took more than half a month to get to the land at the speed of Feng Zhi Si. It shows how far the distance is.

According to Yueli, this city is also a big city in the eastern part of the fairyland. There are many fairies from the south to the north. Many fairies exchange things they need here, and the trade is very prosperous.

Feng to value, that is this point.

They still have the black wind stone from Wu Liang and others. It is the most important thing for them to replace the black wind stone with immortal stone or other cultivation resources in Wuyue city.

Of course, in Fengzhi's mind, they will always need to make their own immortal utensils in the future, so they also keep a part of heifengshi.

But even so, the amount of Heifeng stone that can be exchanged for immortal stone or other resources is still very considerable.

It's not surprising that the Heifeng cave is only opened once every 20 years. Although the Heifeng cave is not the only one producing the Heifeng cave, the production of the black wind tunnel also accounts for a large proportion. Fengzhi four people have almost all the Heifeng stones produced when the Heifeng cave is opened. Can this quantity be reduced?

Unlike the city in the virtual spirit realm, you don't need to pay immortal stones to enter the city. Moreover, the city is not the territory of any sect. If you really want to say, this city seems to be a gathering place for scattered repair, and there are not so many rules.

Of course, without rules, it means that it is not so safe.

After they arrived in the fairyland, it was the first time for them to come to such a lively place. After entering the city, they could be said to have a new look at everything.If you use a word to describe them, they are probably country bumpkin?

It was in this city of Wuyue that the four people really saw the colorful fairyland.


Feng Zhi took a deep breath.

In order to get a firm foothold in this land, they need more efforts.

After a long day's wandering in Wuyue City, Feng Zhicai said, "OK, now we should replace the black wind stone in our hands with the immortal stone."

On this day, they didn't wander in vain.

Although Wuyue city does not belong to any faction's territory, it can be regarded as a tangle of different forces in this city. It is probably because each force wants to put a foot in the city and is not convinced by each other, it has been a place of loose repair until now.

This is Feng Zhi's guess.

Although most of the immortals in Wuyue city are scattered, the city also has five internal organs.

The Danlou of danlingzong, which covers at least 40% of the pills produced in the fairyland, the ghost axe Pavilion set up by Wang Zong, the largest Xianlin auction house in every city in the fairyland

Wait, everything.

Fengzhi's four people are not strong enough. If they go to the fairs of free trade among fairies to sell such a large number of black wind stones, they will be easily robbed. Considering this, Fengzhi naturally tends to sell the Heifeng stones to ghost axe Pavilion.

Ghost axe Pavilion is the industry of qiwangzong, and qiwangzong is the most famous large number of refining utensils in the fairyland. It can be said that at least 40% of the immortal utensils in the fairyland are made by the disciples of the qiwangzong.

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