From this we can see the influence of Qiwang Zong.

It is said that the most important thing for a disciple of Wang Zong to be a master of iron ware within 500 years is to have a basic knowledge of making tools.

In the words of the founder of the king of utensils, as an artificemaker, how can you not endure loneliness?

This is also true.

Refining utensils is a very boring thing, not to mention 500 years. A real master of refining utensils has refined a high-grade immortal utensil, let alone 500 years. It is not without suffering for thousands of years.

It is also because of the strict treatment of his disciples that he has gone out of the unknown number of famous masters of refining utensils, and has also gained the respect and yearning of countless immortals in the fairyland.

It's a matter of pride for many immortals to make friends with an artifact refiner from the king's family.

After all, there is no immortal who doesn't want to get a more elegant weapon. Sometimes, when the materials are not enough, they can only refine a poor weapon transition, and when they have collected all the materials, they will choose to hire an excellent weapon refiner to refine them.

At such a time, we can imagine how important an instrument refiner is from the king's family.

There are alchemists from the Danling sect who have the same status as the alchemists of the qiwangzong.

Danlingzong is also a very difficult sect. Every immortal in the sect is proficient in Dan Dao. It covers almost 40% of the Danlou produced in the fairyland, which is the industry of danlingzong.

In a word, the Dan master of the Danling sect and the weapon refiner of the Qiwang sect are generally recognized as the two categories of people who can not be provoked by the fairyland.

The ghost axe of Sizong Feng's Pavilion is the one that he wants now.

The king of utensils raised so many craftsmen and refined so many immortal utensils. Naturally, they wanted to sell them to the outside world. The ghost axe Pavilion took on such a function.

The fairies that can be placed in the counter of the ghost axe pavilion are all made by the craftsmen of the ware King clan. Because of this, the immortal wares in the ghost axe Pavilion can be said to be very popular. If the price of the fairies in the ghost axe Pavilion is too high, which is too high for most of the immortals, there would not be any immortal wares on the counter of the ghost axe Pavilion 。


Of course, it was bought as soon as it was taken out.

In addition to selling immortal utensils, ghost axe Pavilion also purchases refining materials.

In fact, Wang Zongzhi opened the ghost axe pavilion to every city in the fairyland, and the main purpose was to purchase refining materials.

As a sect that focuses on refining weapons for thousands of years, the consumption rate of all kinds of weapon refining materials is extremely terrible. If you had not sent a large number of refining materials to the king of weapons every day, how could the king of utensils have been able to support it?

It is for this reason that Fengzhi will find the ghost axe Pavilion.

Ghost axe Pavilion is on the most prosperous street in Wuyue City, where the industries of the major forces in the fairyland are gathered. It can be said that only by looking at the shops on both sides of the street, we can understand the distribution of the major forces in the fairyland.

Feng Zhi's four people don't have so much energy to understand these things now. They go straight to the ghost axe Pavilion.

The ghost axe Pavilion is a seven storey building. In addition to the hall on the first floor, it is said that the higher the level of the immortal utensils displayed, the higher the level. Even in the legend, the top floor of the ghost axe Pavilion still has artifacts only existing in the legend.


The weapons of fairyland can be roughly divided into several grades according to the order from inferior to superior.

The second, the second, the top, the best, and the last.

There are also legendary artifacts on top of them.

Feng didn't know if the artifact refiner of the Qiwang clan could refine the legendary artifact, but she didn't believe the rumors that there were artifact on the top floor of the ghost axe Pavilion.

Think about it, every city in the fairyland has a ghost axe Pavilion, and it is also a seven story building. If there are artifact in every ghost axe Pavilion, it seems that the artifact is too worthless

Will these messy thoughts completely shake off, Feng to four people stepped into the ghost axe Pavilion together.

On the first floor of the ghost axe Pavilion, there is no immortal ware to be sold. Instead, a number of counters are listed. Behind each counter, there is an old man in green clothes. These are the immortals who are responsible for identifying various materials for refining utensils.

Each refining material can be purchased by the ghost axe pavilion after being appraised and appraised by these immortals.

As soon as the four of Fengzhi stepped into the ghost axe Pavilion, there was a fairy in green clothes who was about 16 or 17 years old. The fairy was dressed in a bun with a golden bell on her hair. She looked very cute.

"Welcome to the ghost axe Pavilion. Do you want to buy immortal utensils or sell refining materials?" The female immortal smiles.

Feng to swept this female fairy one eye: "sell material."

The fairy nodded, "what kind of material is it? If the material is unknown, it needs to be specially identified. "

"Black wind stone." Phoenix to the road.Hear "black wind stone" three words, that female fairy eyes flash several Xu clear.

Heifeng cave was closed not long ago. It's normal to sell Heifeng stone at this time.

The female fairy then extremely courteously led Feng Zhi four people to the old man in front of one of the counters. "Mr. Xin, these guests want to sell black wind stone."

The old man, known as "Mr. Xin", kept a bunch of white goatee and nodded at Feng Zhi's four people when he heard the speech: "please also invite some guests to take out the Heifeng stone to be sold, and wait for me to identify it, and then set the price according to the appearance."

Feng to also not vague, a wave of the hand, a large number of black wind stone will appear on the counter.

These are about half of the amount of Heifeng stone they got, and the remaining half was saved by Fengzhi. Maybe they will use it in the future.

As for the female immortal who was responsible for guiding and the identification materials, Mr. Xin suddenly saw that Fengzhi took out so many black wind stones. They couldn't resist the shock in their hearts, and suddenly they were wide eyed.

It's not uncommon for them.

There are not many precious materials in the fairyland.

Even though both of them know that the black wind cave, which is opened every 20 years, has just been closed recently. There should be some immortals who will get the black wind stone from it. But how ever did an immortal get so many black wind stones at once?


The strength of Fengzhi four people is only in the middle stage of human immortals. With their strength, how can they get so many black wind stones in the black wind cave?

Of course, although there is such an idea in my heart, neither Mr. Xin nor the fairy lady has offered any advice.

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