It's time to find out which chicken made the egg?

In the same way, the ghost axe Pavilion collects all kinds of weapon refining materials, but they never ask the guests who come to visit them. Whether they steal or rob them, as long as they get them, it's their ability. When things enter their doors, they never get taken back.

If so, why should they ask?

After a while, Mr. Xin and the fairy returned to normal.

On the counter, Mr. Xin put out his hand and stroked on a large number of black wind stones. Each piece of black wind stone had more light of different colors. According to the different colors of light, these black wind stones spontaneously divided into several piles.

There was a smile on Mr. Xin's face.

"The black wind stones brought out by several guests are of good quality. Most of them are top-grade, and few are inferior and medium grade..."

Ghost axe Pavilion never has too many materials for refining utensils, especially for those with good quality. He will be happy to identify so many high-quality Heifeng stones from Mr. Xin's hands.

Now it's time to calculate the price.

The top grade Heifeng stone is a piece of 50 immortal stones, the middle grade is 30, and the lower grade is only 15.

Fengzhi four people took out a large number of black wind stones, and finally successfully changed to 100000 pieces of fairy stones.

Only in such a moment, Feng to feel his purse seems to drum up again.


Thinking of what she learned from Yue Li's mouth, the price of any lower grade immortal tool in the ghost axe Pavilion is at least 100000 lower grade immortal stones, and even those good fairies are settled with top-grade or even top-grade immortal stones, and her upstart mentality disappears.

It's still a long way to go to earn immortal stones.

Feng Zhi sighed.

When Fengzhi took out a large number of black wind stones for Mr. Xin's identification, a man about 30 years old who had just stepped into the ghost axe Pavilion noticed the situation of Feng Zhi's several people. His eyes, which were very lively, immediately turned several times.

Then, the male immortal stopped his steps and only looked at Feng to a line.

In a hurry, the man with the immortal's axe left the heaven and earth in a hurry.

For this point, Feng Zhi, who has been happy for making immortal stones, did not notice.

She didn't notice, but the fairy who was in charge of guiding them did.

Seeing the appearance of the man who left in a hurry, the female fairy frowned slightly and hesitated for a moment. She could not help but whisper to remind Fengzhi: "this guest, after leaving our ghost axe Pavilion, we'd better be more careful..."

That's all she can say.

As a ghost axe Pavilion person, the female immortal is sure that no one dares to seek her trouble. Otherwise, she would not even dare to mention this point.

Feng to slightly a Leng.

Later, she found that she was a little overwhelmed.

Think about it. With the strength of the four of them, it would have been very high-profile to take out so many black wind stones. But those who saw the previous scene, as long as they had some evil intentions, would regard them as some fat sheep.

For fat sheep

There's no need to think about what those people will do.

I was robbed by Wu Liang's leader. I didn't expect that half a month later, I was targeted again in Wuyue city.

Feng couldn't help thinking, is it really the accident prone constitution?

After throwing away all these things, Fengzhi put all the fairy stones in the bag into his own space, returned the bag to the fairy, and said thanks to the good-natured fairy to remind them. Then he walked out of the ghost axe Pavilion again.

Even if they know that there are people who are hostile to them, they can't hide in the ghost axe Pavilion all the time?

Fortunately, Fengzhi four people have the speed that ordinary immortals can't reach.


A group of people who were staring at them outside found that Fengzhi four people had left the ghost axe Pavilion, and were trying to rush out to surround them and clean up the four fat sheep. They suddenly found that the fat sheep in their eyes suddenly

Run away?

Looking at the empty ghost axe Pavilion, a group of immortals who live by robbery look at the ignorant force.

Can a duck fly to its beak?

One of the leader of the people back to God, biting teeth, "dare to run! Hurry to check for Laozi, and when we find out where they are, sooner or later, we will have to let them spit out all that they have eaten! "

Listen to his words, just like Fengzhi four people sell black wind stone to get fairy stone, are their general.

After hearing this, a group of immortals followed the promise, and then spread out to check Feng to the four people's foothold.

Although these immortals who survived by means of incorruptible means are not very strong. Most of them are concentrated in the later period of human immortality to the early stage of Dixian. However, they can be said to be the local villains in the city of Wuyue. It really doesn't take much effort to find out the newly arrived Fengzhi four people.Of course, the four Fengzhi people who have left now do not know.

"Compared with the Xuanwu land and the virtual spirit realm, there is no safe place in this fairyland..." Feng Ming muttered.

How long have they been in Wuyue City, they have been watched.

Feng to smell speech smile.

In her opinion, Xuanwu and xulingjing are not safe places, but when they are in Xuanwu and xulingjing, they are always the existence that others dare not provoke. Naturally, they can not feel these dangers.

And now

They are just a group of people with the lowest strength in the fairyland. Who can be bullied if others don't bully them?

Relying on the advantage of speed, he left the ghost axe Pavilion, and Feng Zhi four people went to the south of Wuyue city.

The reason why she went here is that Fengzhi heard about it after entering the city. If she wanted to find a safe place to practice in seclusion, she might find it in the south of the city.

There is no hidden place in the south of Wuyue City, but there is a large area here belonging to a sect called wanzhenzong.

Wanzhenzong is also a major sect in the whole fairyland. As its name implies, it is famous for its array. Although its strength is not comparable to that of Danling sect and Qiwang sect, few people dare to provoke it.

The property of wanzhenzong in Wuyue city is a seemingly ordinary house in the south of the city.

These houses are provided for the reclusive use of immortals in need.

Wan array clan is good at array, especially its defensive array. It can be said that it is the most troublesome defensive array among all the defensive arrays in the fairyland. Every house in the south of the city is protected by the defensive array of Wan array sect.

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