Fengzhi really wants to make trouble for Feng.

It's not always possible to have such a chance to watch the excitement. Taking advantage of such an opportunity, she certainly has to make it more beautiful, isn't it?


It seems to have been seen by Feng.

Since all have been seen by Feng, I want to know that he will not let himself see the excitement again. Feng Zhi then shook his head regretfully.

Feng came, so she couldn't help but turn her eyes at Feng.

They are brothers and sisters of a mother's compatriots. Do you have such a pit brother?

Speaking Kung Fu, he also made the next schedule, that is to set out for xianshizong to meet xianhelai and chuxuanji.

For such a decision, of course, Long Yan and others will not have any opinion, but it is the old style. After hearing Fengzhi's decision, their faces are slightly strange.

"Xianbao'er..." He murmured.

Xianbao'er was a little surprised when he heard the speech. He glanced at the ancient wind and said, "what can I do for you?"

Gu Feng blinked his eyes and said, "it's nothing. I just knew your full name just now. Before, I only heard Feng Zhibao's calling you, so now I just want to call you..."

In fact, there is still a sentence in his mind.

It turns out that it's an old acquaintance!

Of course, Fengzhi and others didn't know what Gufeng was thinking. After listening to Gufeng's words, they all gave him a blank look.

I've been with them for 20 years, but now I've got to know the full name of xianbao'er. Should they say that this person is stupid, stupid or stupid?

Practicing Hongyu could not help but make up a sentence: " Gufeng, come on, you call to see my full name

Listening to the ancient style, I can't help but feel angry.

He just put his attention on Feng Zhi. He has only been paying attention to Feng Zhi for the past 20 years. He didn't pay attention to other people. It's not really stupid!

In any case, in such a fight, Fengzhi and his party began to embark on the journey to xianshizong.

Xianshizong is one of several super sects in Xianjie, and its status can be imagined.

The so-called mountain is not high, and if there is an immortal, it is called Fangshan, where xianshizong is located.

Fangshan was originally an ordinary mountain, without the rich immortal spirit of those famous mountains and rivers, and without the abundant natural materials and treasures, it was really a very ordinary mountain.

When the founder of xianshizong traveled to Fangshan, he just got up with the idea of building a sect and inheriting what he had learned. Instead of looking for another place, he established the predecessor of xianshizong on the spot.


The predecessor of xianshizong changed its name to xianshizong under the leadership of a foodie master. Then, it emerged unexpectedly under a large group of peddlers, and gradually developed into one of the few super large gates in the fairyland.

It has to be said that the power of eating goods is extremely powerful.

What is the original intention of the disciples of xianshizong to practice hard

Then, they will tell you that the more delicious the food is, the stronger it will be. If you don't work hard, even if you encounter the best ingredients, it will be useless to take them down without the strength?

At that time, I can only watch the food materials slip away from my face. How much pain should it be for eating goods?

Well, it can only be said that the brain circuit of food is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Xianbao'er talked with Fengzhi and others about xianshizong all the way. A large group of people gathered together to make a lot of fun. In short, Fengzhi and others had no lack of jokes.

When xianbao'er brought the crane, once, in order to catch a dragon Zunyu, he stayed in the extreme cold of the far north for three years. When he came out, the whole man became a snowman and was almost caught as a monster. After that, everyone burst into laughter.

At the top of Mang Mountain, Fengzhi and others had seen the crane from afar.

At that time, the crane not only looked serious, but also looked at the fairyland. However, it was not consistent with the food that xianbao'er kept for three years in the extreme weather that even the immortal could easily freeze to death in order to catch a fish.


Xianbao'er is the real daughter of the crane. Naturally, what she says from her mouth can't be false.

Therefore, the world of food is really wonderful.

When the crowd finished laughing, Gu Feng couldn't help but put in a word: "my dear, if your father knew that you arranged him like this outside, even if he spoiled you, he would want to punish you severely!"

After hearing this, Feng couldn't help but feel strange.

Although it seems that there is nothing wrong with the ancient style, Feng Zhi always feels that this is a familiar feeling that people can't ignore in the past.

That's the tone of at least some familiar people.

But ancient style and xianbao'erAfter staying together for 20 years, Gu Feng only knew the full name of xianbao'er. Would such a person be familiar with the crane?

Not only Fengzhi, but also xianbao'er felt a little strange. She took a look at the ancient style and said, "Gufeng, do you know my father? How else can I be so sure of my dad's reaction? "

The ancient wind was stunned by his words.

After a while, he just laughed and shook his head: "are you kidding? Your father is a famous big man in the fairyland. I'm just a little Dixian. I haven't seen your father. How can I know your father? However, this time, you can see it when you go to xianshizong... "

Xianbao'er said "Oh", but he didn't say anything more.

Gu Feng's age is not much older than her. In the past, xianhelai and Chu Xuanji almost always take xianbao'er with them. If someone like Gufeng comes to see xianhelai and chuxuanji, xianbao'er has no reason not to know him.

Therefore, the ancient custom should be really do not know the crane to just.

Xianbao'er dispelled his doubts, but Feng did not.

She always felt that as time went on, Gu Feng seemed to have become a big mystery. When Feng Zhi felt that everything was normal, she would find that he had a knot that could not be solved.

If the ordinary people find such violations in Gu Feng's body, they may be curious about him. They just want to break the casserole and ask the truth, but Fengzhi is not the same.

Feng Zhi is not a person with strong curiosity. She always doesn't care much about the affairs of irrelevant people.

But now, although the ancient style can hardly be regarded as a companion, it only exchanges the message passed on by the God arrow emperor, and has no friendship with Fengzhi and others.

Therefore, in Feng Zhi's opinion, no matter what secret there is in Gu Feng's body, as long as he does not harm his own people, everything is easy to say.

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