If he comes into his own ranks, he has some sinister intention, or he wants to do harm to himself and others

Fengzhi will not be merciful because she stayed in her team for some time.

Outsiders and their own people, Fengzhi has always been very clear.

And the ancient style, he is not Fengzhi delimited to the scope of their own people.

With such a bad situation, Fengzhi paid more attention to the ancient style. Although the ancient style was a bit silly sometimes, he was not too slow to notice that Fengzhi was looking at him.

"Fengzhi..." The ancient wind looked at the Phoenix with a smile, "what do you mean by looking at me from time to time during this period of time? If it goes on like this, I will misunderstand whether you want to abandon Long Yan and go to my arms... "

As soon as the words were spoken, the ancient style received the fierce eyes from Long Yan.

Long Yan didn't feel much about the existence of the ancient style. He just had an unimportant person. But now, this man has the idea of Fengzhi

Although Gufeng's words sound like a joke, with intuition, Long Yan can hear some serious meaning from his words.

This means that antiquity is not a joke.

For all those who tried to separate himself from Feng Zhi, Long Yan would never have any good feeling. At this time, he had a murderous look in his eyes at the ancient style.

Feng to the first time to notice the unusual Longyan.

She first took a look at the ancient wind with a warning, then turned her head to look at Long Yan, holding Long Yan's hand and saying, "Long Yan, we don't have to be angry about such words. As I said long ago, no one can separate us from things."

After hearing Feng Zhi's words, Long Yan took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.

Feng Zhi is right. He is just an unimportant person. He doesn't have to worry about the ancient style.

He and Feng Zhi

Is destined to be together, and how can it be because of other people's words on life changes?

If so, the relationship between them is too fragile.

In order to understand this, Long Yan naturally would not keep up with the ancient style. After a cold look at the ancient style, he turned back and held on to Feng Zhi's hand.

All this, the ancient style is to see in the eye.

Looking at Fengzhi and Longyan, who have gone far ahead, the ancient style tugged at the corners of his mouth and drew a rather meaningful smile Still so firm... "

There are many beautiful things in this world.

Some people can't help smiling when they see these beautiful things.

And others, seeing the beautiful things, will only think about how to destroy the beautiful completely.

Gu Feng fixed a look at the two people in front of each other, and then closed the smile on his face, and slowly followed up.

The Fangshan where xianshizong is located is very far away from Fengzhi and others. Even if Fengzhi and others did not delay and fly at normal speed, it would take at least half a year to get to xianshizong.

The closer you are to xianshizong, the more familiar xianbao'er is to the surrounding environment.

To the familiar place, xianbao'er's expression is more and more lively. From time to time, she points to something around and says what she has done there, what she has encountered, and so on.

Listening to xianbao'er's introduction, people can't help but imagine all kinds of interesting scenes, which will not make people feel bored.

When Fangshan was finally in sight, half a year passed.

It's really about to arrive. Xianbao'er is not as relaxed as before. Every step forward and one step closer to Fangshan, the more nervous she looks.

I can't help it. This is the first time I take my favorite home. If I'm not nervous at all, it's strange.

Xianbao'er knows how much his parents feel about himself. According to the meaning of xianhelai and Chu Xuanji, not to mention that xianbao'er is only over 300 years old, even if xianbao'er is 30000 years old, they will only think that xianbao'er is still young, and will never think about who will take xianbao'er away.

Think of their parents to see when Feng will have what kind of reaction, xianbao'er can not help but some headache.

She felt that Feng's going to xianshizong this time would be very difficult.


Think about what Fengzhi said. If Fenglai wants to take xianhelai and Chu Xuanji's daughter away, she has to pay a price. She has to let xianhelai and Chu Xuanji get angry in their hearts. Xianbao'er is relaxed.

In fact, she knows that xianhelai and Chu Xuanji are a pair of extremely loving fairy lovers. As long as Fenglai is sincere to herself and she really likes Fenglai, xianhelai and Chu Xuanji will not oppose them.

In that case, what else to worry about?

Let's see Phoenix again.The first time he came to see his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, even if Feng Lai was calm, he did not feel any panic when facing so many enemies alone. However, with the approaching of xianshizong, he could not help feeling more nervous.

In the face of the enemy, he can be calm as before, but he thinks that what he is going to face is his future father-in-law, and the future father-in-law and his mother-in-law are likely to become a roadblock on his way to the beautiful woman. How can Fenglai not be nervous?

Seeing xianbao'er and Feng Lai's performance like this, Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing: "look at your tense appearance. If you let others see it, I'm afraid you will think that you are not going to see your parents, but going to have a big fight!"

Xianbao'er and Feng Lai looked at each other.

Isn't it equivalent to a big war?

As a matter of fact, Fenglai would rather have a big war than worry about it now.

In such tension and worry, xianbao'er finally led Feng Zhi and his party to the foot of Fangshan Mountain.

At first, Fangshan was just an ordinary mountain top, not even high. It became the gate of xianshizong. The founder of xianshizong used the magic power to lift a small mountain directly, and then the present Fangshan was created.

Because of congenital deficiency, the concentration of Xianqi on Fangshan Mountain is far less than that of other sects. However, I don't know whether it is because there are so many food products gathered in Fangshan, which is very suitable for the growth of various food materials.

Therefore, over time, the disciples of xianshizong planted all kinds of Xianzhi plants on Fangshan.

At the foot of Fangshan Mountain, at a glance, there is a piece of green that has been gathered together. People who have been to the countryside in the world will never doubt that these are vegetable fields.

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