Xianshizong, which can be called a big Mac in the fairyland, is so grounded. It's really touching.

Looking at the patches of vegetable fields, there are various kinds of Xianzhi that can be made into vegetables. Xianbao'er looks proud. "Sister Fengzhi, you can see that this is the Xianzhi planted by our xianshizong. All these Xianzhi can be used for cooking, and the dishes are very delicious. It is rare to see so many immortal plants in other places..."

Speaking of this, xianbao'er suddenly remembered something. Then he took out a plant of Xianzhi from his storage space, and then threw down Fengzhi and others. He ran straight to one of the vegetable fields and found an open space to plant the plant.

Feng Zhi has a close look.

Well, isn't this the Qiwei grass that xianbao'er picked when he met the ancient wind?

It's been 20 years. I didn't expect that xianbao'er still kept one of the seven herbs, and she planted it back to xianshizong

Perhaps, this is due to some kind of mentality of "I plant a plant of Qiwei grass, and I will harvest a lot of Qiwei grass in the coming year"?

When Feng Zhi and others were surprised, xianbao'er had already planted Qiwei grass, and gathered some immortal Qi to sprinkle it on the newly transplanted Qiwei grass. Seeing that the Qiwei grass survived well, she returned to the public again.

Noticing the surprise of the crowd, xianbao'er was a little embarrassed This is the common feature of the disciples of Xianshi sect. When I go out, if I find any immortal plants that are not or very few in the sect, they will keep one and wait for them to be planted in the sect when they come back. This is how the immortal plants in the mountains come from. Qiwei grass is not common, and it is really delicious to make seasonings. So I only kept one last time... "

So they looked at the fairy plants all over the mountains and fields. They were speechless.

Eating goods is really a strange group.

If you think about it, xianshizong's food is like this. No wonder xiankelai will open restaurants all over the fairyland.

After planting qiweicao, xianbao'er did not delay any more, and led Feng Zhi and his party up the mountain.

It seems that they knew that xianbao'er was coming back. On the way up the mountain, the people met the disciples of xianshizong. They were either practicing or working in the vegetable field on the mountain. When they saw xianbao'er, they would greet xianbao'er with a smile. There was no accident.

He noticed that Fengzhi and others who arrived at Fangshan with xianbao'er. Although the disciples of xianshizong were curious, none of them asked much.

One of them, a senior sister who was very close to xianbao'er, looked at Fengzhi and others, especially focused on Longyan, Fenglai, Fengming and Gufeng for a while, and finally landed on Fenglai with great accuracy.

Pulling xianbao'er aside, the man lowered his voice and said, "my dear, you're too much of a jerk, so you can take the person back directly. What if the patriarch and his wife get angry?"

Although the voice is low, but Feng to a few people where can't hear.

The eyes of the group then fell on Feng Lai's body.

Feng Zhi glanced at xianbao'er, who was talking in a low voice, and said, "Fenglai, it seems that your future father-in-law and mother-in-law are not very satisfied with you..."

When the Phoenix came, it turned white.

What about brother and sister love?

After a pause, Feng Lai was about to speak when she was interrupted by a sudden voice.

"Where are you from? Nonsense? What future father-in-law and mother-in-law, dare to talk nonsense again, I can't spare you! "

This sudden sound is like thunder on the ground. It rings in the ears of Fengzhi and makes them feel buzzing in their ears. For a moment, they even feel as if they are deaf.

From this, we can see the horror of the sound.

At the moment of hearing this voice, Feng Zhi had a clear understanding in his heart.

Here comes the crane.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Fengzhi saw two more figures in front of her and her party. One of them was the crane who had seen from afar in Mang Mountain last time, and the other one

It was a beautiful woman who looked very young. It was not surprising that there was no real ugly girl in the fairyland. What attracted Feng's attention was the temperament of the woman. The ethereal feeling was more like an immortal than anyone Feng had ever seen in the fairyland.


Maybe it's Chu Xuanji, Xianbao's mother.

From xianbao'er, Fengzhi also has a general understanding of Chu Xuanji.

Chu Xuanji comes from the famous Tianji sect in the fairyland. Just hearing the name of Tianji sect, you can guess what the sect is good at. After Fengzhi came to the fairyland, he had heard about Tianji sect. It was said that it was a sect full of door god operators. Whenever something big happened in the fairyland, the news always came from Tianji sect at the beginning, and the later things happened The development of tianjizong will always confirm the accuracy of the news of tianjizong.

The legend that there will be two more emperors in the fairyland in recent years, which was hotly discussed by the immortal people in the fairyland, was first divined by an elder of Tianji sect.From this, we can see the status of Xianzong.

Chu Xuanji comes from Tianji school. It's really normal that he has such an immortal spirit.

Xianhelai and Chu Xuanji are also worthy of being a famous couple of immortals in the fairyland. Even though both of them were angry at this time, they were still closely related to each other from the beginning to the end. Even if there was no more intimate action, people could see the deep friendship between them.

The appearance of such a pair of gods and fairies should have been very eye-catching.

However, xianhelai and Chu Xuanji can't give people the feeling of pleasing their eyes at all, because they are all angry and obviously angry.

As for why they are angry

Do you need to ask?

When the crane comes, he stares at Feng Zhi: "girl, I don't care about you because you are young and ignorant. But if you talk nonsense again, don't blame me for not being a guest to you..."

He couldn't finish his words, because Chu Xuanji glanced at him and said, "what do you do to a girl like that?"

As xianbao'er said, Chu Xuanji's favorite is a pretty girl, and Fengzhi is undoubtedly like this. It's not surprising that Chu Xuanji will favor her.

Seeing the crane shut up, Chu Xuanji followed him and said, "little girl, you look good-looking, so I have to be more tolerant of you, but that doesn't mean you can talk nonsense, OK?"

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