Xianbao'er has never seen Xianhe and Chu Xuanji fight with others before, but because both of them are very powerful, even if they don't need Xianhe to help, Chu Xuanji can always win by great advantage.

Seeing such things more often, xianbao'er naturally has the feeling that his parents are invincible.

How can you imagine that today is just a divination for Fengzhi. In the past, it was a simple thing for Chu Xuanji, and even needed to pinch his fingers.

Today, when Chu Xuanji can take out the tortoise shell, she can already see the importance she attaches to Fengzhi.

But it was this divination that was supposed to be so simple that Chu Xuanji spat out blood and was obviously hurt?

Xianbao'er can't believe it.

Don't talk about xianbao'er. Even if the crane comes to his heart, he is shocked and confused.

The idea of asking Chu Xuanji to make a divination for Fengzhi's several people was that of the crane.

Since seeing the ancient wind, the crane always has a faint strange feeling in his heart. When he sees the Phoenix, he feels a kind of inexplicable surprise.

Because of this, he would like to ask Chu Xuanji to divine Fengzhi and his party.

Before Chu Xuanji's divination, xianhelai confirmed again and again that the strongest strength of Fengzhi's group was the later period of Tianxian. With their strength, Chu Xuanji would not have any pressure to make divination.

Crane is a heartache for his wife, but if it is not confirmed, how could he come up with such an idea?

However, the divination that he thought could not be more relaxed made Chu Xuanji hurt.

For a moment, the crane came to blame himself and was puzzled.

After a while, Chu Xuanji finally suppressed the injury, and her face was much whiter than before. She nodded at the crane and xianbao'er, and her voice was weak and she said, "don't worry, I'm ok."

The crane came and xianbao'er were relieved.

In fact, they also know that with Chu Xuanji's strength, they are unlikely to suffer any irreversible damage, but their concern is chaotic, and they can't stop worrying. Now that they have received a reply from Chu Xuanji, they naturally feel relaxed.

After rest assured, the crane has the time to ask Chu Xuanji the reason.

He first looks at Fengzhi and others, especially Fengzhi and Longyan. Then he looks back at Chu Xuanji and says, "Xuanji, what's going on?"

After a long time, Chu Xuanji's complicated eyes fell on Feng Zhi and Long Yan. After a long time, she said, "I'm sorry I've been bitten back... "

Reverse phagocytosis.

These two words surprised the crane.

For the people of Tianji sect, this is undoubtedly a terrible word.

From the name of Tianji sect, we can see what the people of this sect are good at. With their own strength and unpredictable secret methods, they can see the secrets of heaven.

This is Tianji Zong.

There is even a faint saying in the fairyland that Tao is a secret that no one in the fairyland does not know.

Naturally, such a statement is somewhat exaggerated, but we can also see from the side how accurate the divination of tianjizong is.

However, it is not without hindrance to pry into the mysteries of heaven.

Since the beginning of Tianji sect, the disciples of Tianji sect have naturally formed a rule. The more powerful and accurate the disciples are, the shorter their life span will be.

This is the price of prying into the sky.

However, even in this way, it can not block the fame of the people of Tianji sect in the fairyland.

The reason why the disciples of Tianji sect have some defects in life span is that they have been bitten back.

Of course, not every hexagram can make the disciples of Tianji sect be bitten back. Only when they calculate the people and things that are beyond their ability, they will be bitten back.


Chu Xuanji was shocked.

She looked at Feng Zhi and Long Yan from top to bottom, from left to right, and then from front to back. She was just a descendant of the two immortals.

Why do these two people make her suffer from the reverse?

Chu Xuanji couldn't understand it.

Although she is puzzled, Chu Xuanji is very clear that she can be bitten back, which has fully demonstrated the extraordinary features of Fengzhi and Longyan.

He went through all these carefully in his head. When the injury got better, Chu Xuanji laughed at Fengzhi and Longyan: "the fate of the two little friends is extremely expensive."

Only this sentence, more but no more.

Before, Chu Xuanji said a lot when commenting on some Hongyu practitioners. Now it's Fengzhi's turn and Long Yan's turn. Fenglai and his colleagues originally wanted to hear how Chu Xuanji would comment on them. How could they have thought that Chu Xuanji had just given such a sentence?

Feng Zhi and Long Yan look at each other.

When the crane came, he didn't want chu Xuanji to say anything more. He took a step forward and blocked Chu Xuanji behind him. Then he glanced at Fengzhi and Longyan: "it's getting late today. You may as well go back and have a rest. Let's talk about it tomorrow..."The host family all said so, Fengzhi and others who are guests of course will not say bad.

So, people went to rest with the people of xianshizong.

After they left, the crane came to change the calm and calm before, looking at Chu Xuanji's face with some tension and panic.

"Xuanji, you..."

Having known Chu Xuanji for so many thousands of years, Xianhe came to see Chu Xuanji only once.

Now, in the two they did not put in the heart of the younger generation, it is again experienced.

As the husband of Chu Xuanji, xianhelai knows what it means to the disciples of Tianji sect. It is because of this that he is so nervous.

Chu Xuanji held the crane's hand and comforted him: "don't worry. I didn't tell a lie. I'm really OK. Although I was bitten back this time, I didn't pay attention to the little guys at first, so I didn't pay much attention to them, so I didn't pay much attention to them, so I didn't get a lot of feedback..."

Speaking of this, Chu Xuanji is also a little lucky.

If not, how could she just vomit blood?

It has never been so simple.

Hearing Chu Xuanji say so, the crane comes with a sigh of relief.

"If you're OK." He said.

Then, in the end, he still had doubts. The crane came and said, "Xuanji, what's going on today? With your strength, you are just a divination to those two little guys. For you, you should be able to catch them. Why should you be attacked by the attack? "

The crane can't understand why.

In fact, Chu Xuanji is also puzzled.

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