Chu Xuanji has the strength of the heavenly king, and she has always been very talented in exploring the secrets of heaven. In addition to the few supreme elders of Tianji sect, her strength is one of the best in Tianji sect.

After living for tens of thousands of years, Chu Xuanji has not been eaten back.

However, she was once reprimanded because her strength in divination was not enough to calculate the future life track of the person to be counted, or the person who was counted was involved in a great fortune. The way of heaven did not allow anyone to spy on the nature.


Fengzhi and Longyan, who are only more than 1000 years old in total, are the two younger generations. What kind of share do they have that can make the powerful emperor such as Chu Xuanji be attacked when they make calculations for them?

Ren chuxuanji couldn't understand what was going on.

The same is true of the crane.

"Xuanji," said the crane, frowning, hesitating, "will What kind of luck did those two younger generations really get involved in? That's why they are like this? "

Although the words are said in this way, the crane himself does not believe what he said.

From his point of view, Fengzhi and Longyan have the current strength at such an age. It can be said that Fengzhi and Longyan are gifted in heaven. However, there is no talent in the fairyland. To be exact, no one who can fly to the fairyland is not a genius.

How can he believe in such a situation?

You know, even if xianhelai and Chu Xuanji are the powerful ones under the emperors, they dare not say that they are in luck.

Thinking of this, the crane couldn't help shaking his head and joking, "it's really incredible. If such a small generation is really related to the atmosphere, I can't think of it except for the two people who will become emperors soon in the legend..."

Before he finished speaking, the crane was stunned.

He looks at Chu Xuanji and finds out that Chu Xuanji is also stunned.


In the near future when the fairyland was widely spread, the news that two more emperors would appear in the fairyland was originally spread from the supreme elder of Tianji sect. As a disciple of Tianji sect, Chu Xuanji knew it very well.

In fact, Chu Xuanji has been very concerned about this matter.

At the top of mountain mang last time, several large groups of families joined hands to open the mountain to recruit disciples, so as to spread the net widely and see if it is possible to receive the future emperor under his own door in advance.

Xianshizong received a lot of new disciples at the last Mang Mountain grand ceremony.

Since the cranes have arrived at Mang Mountain in person, they naturally have some thoughts in mind. What if the emperor in the future is a foodstuff, and they really enter the xianshizong?

Therefore, as soon as he led the new disciples back to xianshizong, Xianhe asked Chu Xuanji to make a divination for these new disciples.

If the future emperor is really among these new disciples, Chu Xuanji will not be able to see through him, but in the same way, it can also be pushed back. As long as there are some new disciples that Chu Xuanji can't see through, it's very likely that xianshizong will be taken to the treasure.

The results were, of course, disappointing.

With the help of Chu Xuanji's calculation, none of the new disciples of xianshizong had not been able to see through the track of the future at a glance.

Although some of these disciples have made great achievements in the future, they are not the future emperors in the legend.

This result obviously did not meet the expectations of the crane, but he was soon relieved.

Emperor, such a strong person, if it is so easy for them to find out with such a method, that would be strange.

The people of xianshizong will be disappointed, and so will the other major doors that want to jointly hold the Mang Mountain Festival.

If you think about it, what's more to be disappointed?

After such a long time, he came here to find out that among all the descendants he had met, the two emperors most in line with his expectations were Fengzhi and Longyan?


How could that be possible?

If Feng Zhi and Long Yan really got involved with the two emperors in the future, it would be too coincident.

But if not, how can we explain that such two descendants of Tianxian period can make Chu Xuanji suffer from the attack because of them?

For a moment, xianhelai and Chu Xuanji look at each other, wondering if they should believe this speculation.

After a long time, Chu Xuanji sighed.

"Today's young people are better than each other. Two of the six young people we see today can make me suffer from the attack. Although one can see through, they all feel strange. The other three can also be said to be the dragon and Phoenix among people, especially the Phoenix we see in our eyes, which has been passed on by the divine arrow and the immortal in the future There must be a place for him... "

The crane is not happy to hear it."What's wrong with that boy called Fenglai? Don't say that he only got the inheritance of the divine arrow emperor. Even if he got the inheritance of the emperor, he would not want to abduct our treasure!"

As a father who loves his daughter, the crane can't see Fenglai well.

Chu Xuanji was amused by Xianhe. "Bao'er will grow up one day, and it's not a bad thing that she has someone she likes. When you proposed to Tianji Zong, the elders of my school didn't embarrass you as much as you did when you were in trouble with Feng."

The crane came and snorted.

Can that be the same?

"Xianxuan came back and sighed Xuanji, the younger generation you mentioned who can see through but feel strange is the one named Gu Feng

Chu Xuanji nodded.

As a disciple of Tianji sect, Chu Xuanji has a very keen intuition. From the first sight of the ancient style, she faintly feels that there is a very contradictory feeling in the ancient style.

Later, he divined for the ancient style, and this contradictory feeling reached its peak.

With her own magic power, Chu Xuanji can clearly see the past and future of the ancient style. But strangely, the past and future that Chu Xuanji saw in her eyes did not give her a sense of seeing through everything as she used to do divination, but gave her an unreality of looking at the moon in the mist.

Although Chu Xuanji didn't find out where this strange feeling came from, there was no doubt that there was something strange about that ancient style.

None of the six young people is mediocre. No wonder Chu Xuanji can't help sighing.

When the crane came, he could not help frowning.

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