After a long time, seeing that Fengzhi and Longyan are no longer sticky at last, the ancient style is a little curious: "Fengzhi, have you ever dealt with that incompetent Si hao?"

Si Hao is the only son of the southern emperor. Even if he does not become a success again, he is only the son of emperor, which is not seen by ordinary people.

Xianbao'er has contacted Si Hao because she has a pair of heavenly Father and mother.

What about Fengzhi?

It's no wonder antiquity is curious.

Feng Zhi didn't hide it, so she simply told her story in the shooting moon sect I don't know which tendon that Si Hao is wrong. I don't know what's interesting, ah

A word of "ah" expresses the anger of Feng Zhi's heart incisively and vividly.

The ancient wind smelt speech to blink an eye, "perhaps, he still really thinks you are interesting?"

Feng Zhi rolled her eyes in the ancient style.

After kissing Fengzhi just now, Long Yan, who has been holding on to Fengzhi's waist, also looks at the ancient style with a slight squint. It is obvious that he is very dissatisfied with this saying.

The ancient style looks like a flash of eyes.

Fengzhi and Longyan, when they depend on each other like this, it should be a beautiful picture in the eyes of anyone. The harmony and tacit understanding between them make it easy for people to feel that no one can get involved in them.

How beautiful

The ancient custom in the heart so secretly praise.

But the more beautiful things are, the more enjoyable they are when they are destroyed, aren't they?

About Si Hao's topic, it is also to stop like this.

For the next half a year, Fengzhi and his party did not make any stops, and spent most of the day on the road.

As people get closer to the Chatian gorge, it is obvious that the surrounding environment is becoming more and more desolate, and there is no sign of the immortal spirit rising in other places.

Among them, the only one who has ever been to the cleft sky gorge is the ancient style. Therefore, he is also the one who introduces the surrounding environment to them. "Originally, there was an endless wasteland where many powerful immortal beasts lived. Later, huge stones fell from the sky, and then there was the Shatian gorge. Those immortal beasts were almost killed and injured, so they were able to survive and became frightened birds The fastest speed to move out of here, so the busy wasteland in the past has really become deserted... "

That's what people see today.

In the sight of Fengzhi and others, there is a wild grass that seems to be invisible and almost half a person high. Because no one has ever set foot in it all the year round, these weeds grow very luxuriantly. When a few people get into those weeds, it's really impossible for people to find them out.

"It's a good place to play hide and seek." Feng Zhi said with emotion.

The others tried to resist the urge to roll their eyes.

When they talk about the cleft sky gorge and the wasteland, only Fengzhi can associate with hide and seek under such circumstances.

Gu Feng's mouth slightly puffed, and finally decided to ignore Feng Zhi's words directly. He continued: "although there seems to be only these weeds in this wasteland, in fact, there are many hidden dangers. Take these weeds as an example. It's no harm to look at them. But if anyone really steps into them rashly, they may become a pile of white bones in an instant."

Feng to smell the speech and nodded: "well, how terrible, this piece of wasteland can eat people!"

ancient wind has been unable to make complaints about it.

Once again, he ignored Feng Zhi's words and said to himself, "fortunately, all the things in this wasteland can only be hidden in the weeds, and can't be lifted up. Otherwise, our strength is stronger than that above the wasteland, and we are really sending vegetables to the things below."

Feng raised her eyebrows.

This time, without waiting for Phoenix to speak, the ancient wind went on: "after entering the wasteland for about 5000 Li, we arrived at the Shatian gorge. The danger in the Chatian gorge is much more terrible than that in the wilderness. Although we have chosen this place to train ourselves, we must definitely protect our own lives. It is very rare to wait for others to rescue us if something happens in the ravine Actually... "

At this point, the ancient wind shrugged.

His meaning is very obvious, after entering the Chatian gorge, we can only seek more happiness from ourselves.

When people heard the speech, they all felt thoughtful, and they had a clearer understanding of the danger degree in the rift valley.

This is undoubtedly extremely important.

The distance of five thousand miles is not long for Fengzhi and others. When the ancient wind knows what they know, they know about the Shatian gorge, and the Shatian gorge is almost in sight.

At first glance, Feng Zhi and others were stunned.

It's because of shock.

I've heard from xianbao'er and Gufeng for a long time. However, they can only have a superficial impression from their mouths, which can't really be understood.But now, Feng to several people really understand what is called shock.

As far as you can see, there is a huge crack, just like a natural moat, lying in the middle of the wasteland. The dark crack is like a huge mouth suddenly opened on the earth, which makes people feel a heavy pressure and even fear from it.

The name of the Chatian gorge is indeed worthy of its reputation.

"Here..." Phoenix to a low sigh, "is the crack day Canyon ah!"

The ancient wind nodded beside him, "yes, this is the rift valley. How about it? Is it worthy of its reputation?"

Everyone could not help nodding.

Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu used to know the place, but they have never been here. Now they really see it with their own eyes, and they can't help feeling shocked.

In the shock of the crowd, they are getting closer and closer to the rift valley.

As the distance gets closer, people feel more and more pressure in their hearts. When they get close to the Chatian gorge, they feel that they are not stable before they land on the ground.

It's like

There's a suction down there, sucking them down.

Aware of this, Feng Zhi and others on the face of the vigilance can not help but more.

The Chatian gorge is really full of danger everywhere. They have roughly felt this before they formally enter the canyon.

Against the suction coming from below, the crowd carefully landed outside the Chatian gorge.

Looking down from the top, you can only see the darkness below. Thinking that you and others are going to enter the canyon in a short time, people can't help but have a kind of illusion that they are waiting for someone else. This is the illusion that they have been swallowed up by the canyon.

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